The Expository Word

Phil 2:1-4, Do Nothing... Look!

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 36

In this message Kimber mentions an earlier S.T.T.A. skit, which is a drama group illustrating a point from the message, and it stands for Something To Think About.  This message originally delivered on May 5, 1991pm.

Kimber Kauffman:

Philippians chapter two. I don't know if I've ever done this before, I can remember doing it before, but it's continuing on from the text from this morning, Sunday morning, Sunday night, maybe we have some time in my life. I'm like, I don't recall Philippians. And the second chapter, we read it this morning, we had STCA, do a skit about it this morning. And let's again read it the four verses of the second chapter. If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. But in humility, consider others better than yourself. Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others. The thesis of these four verses is this. Paul says, make my joy complete by being like minded. The burden of his heart was that Christians would get along. It is very interesting if you'll study the New Testament to see how many times Christians don't get along. Do you remember the disciples, the disciples were constantly bickering and fighting not constantly, but all regularly and they were with Christ. Often you see them doing that, you turn to the book of Galatians. And when it gives you the works of the flesh, what's right there, strife and the hatred, those types of things. And when you look here, in the book of Philippians, you see that there's this gigantic theme around unity, because Paul was concerned that Satan would get involved in the church, and he would dis unify the church, separations, factions, trouble, and the key to good interpersonal relationships, the goal that the basis of it all is verse one, and that is this. Is there any encouragement from being united with Christ? While Sure there is? Is the pope Catholic? Remember? Is there any comfort from his love? Well, yes. Is there any fellowship with the Spirit? Of course, is there any tenderness and compassion? Is there any affection and mercy? In other words, then if there is, if this is the basis, then make my joy complete, be like minded. And I will say again, because I'll tell you something, it is absolutely I must force it upon you, I will do everything from a human standpoint that you see this, you will not be able to get along and good interpersonal relationships with your husband, with your wife, with your neighbors with those that you work with. I tell you come to grips with verse one. And that is this that's the basis for all good relationships. And that is this you understand the gospel message. And the gospel message is not some foggy thing. Yes, Jesus died for me. I mean, that's not to party. You understand that a little bit. But it's extremely clear. My sin is what put Jesus on the cross. His love is what paid the price for my sin. Here, I'm Yeah, united with Christ and have an exalted standing of total righteousness before God, understanding the wonderful news of salvation, that you're no longer under condemnation, but that you are at peace with God is the basis for everything, just to show you're in Philippians got one book to Colossians. Now, in one service this morning, I referred to this but go to the third chapter of Colossians. And look with me to the 15th verse. And it says, this course is chapter three, and we just went over one book, it says this. Look, look what he says in the third chapter, starting with verse five, okay, look at this, clip to death. therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature, you see, the Christian is still going to be struggling. You have to put it to death, sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these things. The wrath of God is coming. Verse seven, you used to walk in these ways in the wife you once lived, but now you must rid yourselves of all such things is this anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language from your lips don't lie to one another. Again, all these practices of dis unification, all these practices of not getting along. And then he says, verse 12, therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, what is that? There's all these relationships and how to get along, bear with each other, forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another, forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all of these virtues put on love which binds them all together in perfect unity. Do you get the point here? He's still stressing get along, be unified. But now look at this. Let verse 15. Let the peace of Christ umpire in your hearts rule in your hearts, since as members of One body, you were called to peace and be thankful the basis for how to put anger out of your life. And how to have good relationships is that you allow the peace that you have with God through Christ, to rule in your interpersonal relationships. All the terms here are in the plural. He's talking about the church getting along. And it's important that we understand that you are not going to be able to get along if we really aren't sinners, I know you're saying Here he goes again, when you shut the guy up, he won't stop talking like this. But it's true. We are not going to be able to get along with each other until we come to the grips of what real righteousness is. Do you know why, my friends? Because what is the gospel message? The Gospel message is righteousness? What is righteousness? I always give you this definition you should know by now what is it right relationships? What is ultimate righteousness, this way, vertical relationship with God, what then is the basis for all horizontal relationships, a proper vertical relationship with God. And that comes from emphasized and understanding the gospel message. Well, now let's go back to Philippians. And realize, this is what Paul's talking about here. He says this, the basis for how you are to get along is things such as being united with Christ, being comforted from his love, fellowship with a spirit of tenderness and compassion. And then he says, this is the goal of unity verse to make my joy complete by being like mine. And here's the goal, having the same love being one in spirit and purpose. You know, one thing I say again, I know I've said it many times, but I must say it again, I don't want this church to become a boring church. Gee, what a boring churches. A boring church is a church where everybody has got to vote the same way, everybody has got to dress the same way. Everybody has got to do all the same things and do not do all the same things. And make sure that everyone agrees on every issue exactly the same way. That's exactly what we don't want. Because we want this the issue that holds us together, the person that leads us, the one that's leading the charge, the leader of the Calvary that we're behind is Jesus, he is so far out in front, that we may all have little differences of how we exactly accomplish all of these coldest to do some of the stronger some areas and other summer I was emphasizing one thing over another. But the point is this, we're following Jesus and we love him. And that is the goal. So anyway, the goal is this. Remember, being like minded having the same love being one in spirit. Remember what that means one soul, and you remember what it says and purpose the way that the Version translates it purpose, it means this well, actually, the one thing minding or thinking constantly on the one thing, Christ is not divided. We are We are one sold, we are committed to one thing now that brings us up to where we are. That was a quick review that here we are now verse three, and that is this how Okay, so if the basis of it all is the cross is the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and understanding who we are in Christ, if the goal is verse two, that we have the same love being one in spirit and purpose, then how can we practically do it? Well, here you go, you're ready, the practical application, look with the diverse three, the practical application of the Unified life three a do nothing out of selfish ambition and vain conceit. You know, you find something very interesting, the word nothing. If you study that, carefully, you will find that it means nothing. Okay? That's exactly what it means. Do nothing. As you approach life. If you really want to be able to get along with other people, guess what it is? Listen. Guess what's the one thing you can do to have a good peaceful marriage? Guess what it is? You want to have a good peaceful marriage? Anybody here for that? Anybody here for joining us? Yes, I see that hand. Okay, you're right. And he was among married people said that. Okay. If you want to have a good marriage, then do this. Don't do anything in that marriage out of selfish ambition. Once you start having selfish ambition and thinking of yourself first, that's when you get problems. Do you know why two people have trouble when they get married. Because one is selfish, the other selfish here too selfish people and somebody's got to rule. So the trouble starts very simple. The practical application of a unified lifestyle in church at work and marriages, this Do nothing out of selfish ambition. I was trying to think as I was meditating on this this week, how I could do it. And I thought, maybe bring a mannequin up here or something, but bring a corpse in. Because if you are absolutely dead to yourself, then you would not respond. Good illustration. First off, you're dead spiritually in the grace of God has got to awaken you. You can take a guy that's been a Buddha Hall like all his life, and what do you do you take his favorite bottle of vodka and rub it right in front of his nose? Come on, Charlie, he's dead. There is no response. You say, you being dead in your trespasses. But let's take it to this Christian level. Don't do anything out of selfish ambition. Listen, you're dead to yourself. Christ is really in your life. Listen, you know what I'm saying this, I'm afraid of this. I'm afraid there are people right here hearing me say this, and you're even doing one of these good points. But you know what's gonna happen, you aren't going to practice it and it's going to lead to a real mess in your life. Because all of a sudden down the road, you start having trouble. It seems like the arena for trouble that I have been involved in recently is that of marriage. And as I've counseled people, all of a sudden, is they say this, they are no longer interested in what God says they are interested in pleasing themselves. They've done it the other way, all they can, it just doesn't work. They're gonna do it their way. If you want to get along with people, the first step is this. Remember who Christ is and who you are the great themes of salvation. Remember, the goal is that you are the one and sole purpose and spirit. Even though that doesn't mean you do everything exactly the same way. Or remember this the first step don't do anything. In selfish ambition. You know what that means? Rivalries. It actually means this a party spirit. Now I say a party spirit doesn't mean like, Hey, let's go party. That's not what I mean. I mean, like the Democratic Party, or the Republican party, a party spirit, a faction feuding from self will, it comes from get this the word selfish ambition comes from the word AirFloss, where we get the word hireling. It means this, a guy is hired by his boss, and he goes out and in while on a mission for his boss, but for his employer, guess what he does, he tries to get a group of his boss's employees together to side with him to turn against his boss. That's exactly what the word means. In other words, instead of pulling with all of your mind to help the cause of Christ, you're really there, maybe pulling a little bit because maybe you love Christ, because this was written to Christians, but you've got your own agenda, and you want to do it your way. And you want to make sure that everybody else does it your way. And the idea is that you're really not pulling for the entire cause of Christ, but you're pulling for your particular party branch of the cause of Christ. I will tell you, I don't know. But denominations. After a while, it seems like all of them start to rot. And you know, something that scares the living daylights out of me. Because pretty soon we're standing up for our little protective corner of the market. And that's all that matters instead of the entire cause of Christ. We must be careful. This has been with the church. From the beginning, you remember Second Corinthians 1220, we looked at this morning, some of you looked at it somebody who didn't. Paul said, I'm afraid that when I come and find you, you're going to be all split up and divisive. I'm afraid you're not gonna be getting along and there's gonna be hatred and divisive. Well, that's the word the same word is used in synchrony is 1220. It's also used in Hebrews, or excuse me, James, chapter three, I want you to go to James three, and see this with me, because this is the same word as found here, a selfish ambition in James chapter three. And starting with verse 13. James chapter three and starting with verse 13. While you're turning there, may I remind you of Third John nine, the Optra thiese, who loves to be first? When I come out, I'll confirm to the face for John said, Okay, notice this attitude, please get this everybody. Hey, listen. Let God's word be God's Word over your life right now, if it involves your marriage, if it involves work, if it involves some neighbor, if you know somebody in this church that you're not getting along with, listen to what it says. Verse 13, of Chapter Three of James, who is wise and understanding among you, let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that come from wisdom. But if you harbor Biddy bitter Enver, she's, but if you harbor bitter envy, and selfish ambition, same word, write their same word selfish ambition, in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth that please get this if you've got selfish ambition in your life. Don't you boast about it? I'll tell you why. Because if you do, you're denying the very truth of God's loving word. And not only that, please get verse 15 Such wisdom does not come down from heaven, but as earthly unspiritual of the devil, man that all the sobers up for where you have envy and selfish ambition, there it is, again, there you find disorder and every evil practice. You can be sure of this. This whole attitude is that I've got to find myself it's a latitude that i i cannot cooperate for the unit, the cause of the unit and just think of what I'm saying. The man who says this a man I gotta be me. I can't worry about my wife and kids. That guy you know what it is, he is controlled by the devil. Just mark it down. It says so right there. This has not come from above the person Under thinks the individual is more important than the unit is a person that does not have his mind in God's word. Because just study every time you see somebody filled with the Holy Spirit in the Bible, what do you see? unification? What do you see in Ephesians? The fruit of the Spirit? What is it, that you speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs? And the whole idea of that a god being in control of your life is that you aren't full of selfish ambition, but you show me somebody who in their marriage at work at church, whatever it is, yeah, they're not doing it my way. I'm gonna show you somebody that's being controlled by the of all my friends. That's pretty serious. We've got to be very careful about it. But it says this selfish ambition now we're back to Philippians chapter two. I hope you're with me. Philippians chapter two. Selfish ambition and vain conceit. Again, vain conceit. You know what that is. It's just basically you could mark it down in your bibles if you want to put a being a Pharisee. It's the idea of being a balloon. Wow, look how big that blue is. Pretty impressive. Just take one little pin. Pop, bang, got nothing to it, except from saliva we from blowing up the inside of it. Right? There's nothing left. That's what the word means. It means actually, it's two different Greek words guess what it means empty. Glory. Empty. Glory. One man said this. Vainglory is the disease selfish ambition is the symptom. Do you want to have peace in your life? Do you want to have unification? Do you want to get along with other Christians? Don't do anything. Not one thing out of selfish ambition. Don't do anything for Vainglory. Notice three, verse three V. But in humility, consider others better than yourself. Now interesting. Here it is. Get this don't do anything by selfish ambition. Don't do anything for vainglory, but in strong contrast to that, that's how you'd read it in the Greek but in strong contrast to the the vain conceit and strong contrast the selfish ambition here is what you need to put into your life. Humility, guess what the word there is? The word for humility is this the mind humbled is very much a word of the mind. You purposely think with your mind about yourself in a lowly way. It actually could be translated lowliness of mind or a modest opinion of oneself. One has said this, the grace that when you know you have it, you have lost it. So you don't know if you're humble. Because once you say you're humble, you're no longer humble. HG moles. Bishop mole said this revealed religion now revealed religion is good. By the way. That means Biblical Christianity. That's his way of saying that revealed religion bases its mighty positive morality on the profound negative of the surrender and dethronement have self before redeeming Lord, who has had pity on perfectly unworthy objects. The world's poor spirited and the Lord's poor in spirit are phrases of very different tones. This is the person that is by the way, there is no way you can sane humility. You can't fake it. You can't pretend to be human and not be truly humble. You make a decision of your mind that you will view yourself in memory of verse one. You have Wilde and verse one. What is it? Well, you were the great sinner that God has loved. You are the one that was alienated from God and under his wrath, and now you are united with Christ. You are the one that fellowships now with the Holy Spirit. Now, please get this data. Never practice selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, get what it says. Consider others better than yourself. Now listen, the word consider in your Bible is actually the word are you ready for this? Esteem is actually the word self esteem. Well, this is what the Bible teaches others esteem. And the point here is this. Don't be selfish. Don't be full of selfish Pharisee gratitudes but instead, keep your mind humble, think lowly of yourself, and instead esteem others better than yourself. A Steaming is a word that means this to be chief or to lead to interesting. That's what the word is steaming. Is it other words to regard or to consider if all of a sudden I would say, and now the chief of the United States Armed Forces is going to walk in here, everybody you know, President Bush would walk in here any the Chief, Chief commanding officer, whatever he would come in, or it's the chief, and as he would come up here, we would all stand or do whatever he would. The idea is this, you leave before your mind this thought other people are of surpassing value over you. If there is anything that is contrary that's being taught today is that this you demand your rights, you get your way you make sure you assert yourself. And it's not biblical. That's wrong, you're gonna be frustrated, because you won't run your life on the gasoline of God's word, you'll be running it on the humanism of man. It's so clear. This passage is brought joy to my heart to see this again, is the very word for esteem. You see, there is so much on self esteem, but look carefully, you just let the text speak to you. What does it say? It says this lower or humbly view yourself, and have a high opinion of others. And the word better is translated is the word which actually means this, above and to hold as two words put together above and to hold. You see that? In other words, you think of other people and I put them above and I hold them they're above me, is what the concept is. In fact, the word better is translated in three, eight and four, seven. Let's go to three, eight. Look what it says. It says, in three, eight. What is more, I consider everything lost to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. He's nowhere there. It's translated surpassing other words better than definitely above yourself, okay? To get this for seven. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds, there's the word transcends, what is that? Above, above your mind all the way up here? Now, let me make a couple of comments, though, to balance this out. Do we mean then, that God loves other people better than you? Do we mean it somehow God has gifted other people better than you are somehow you're not as forgiving as somebody else. No. But it does mean this. The natural view that we're going to take is this selfish ambition. Listen, you don't have to work at it. My little kids don't have to work at it. Nobody has to work at it, you will just naturally be full of selfish ambition in vain conceit. But that's why you got to choose to leave before your mind that you will esteem regard let the cheek rule your mind. This thought that others are better than you. That's what this text is saying. I translated like this, my own translation was sort of fun and working through this. Do nothing according to a party spirit or outward appearance, but in sharp contrast in lowliness, lead or keep before your mind that you highly regard one other as surpassing yourself that's his Christianity. This is what Jesus Christ did. This is the concept of a truth that God has called us to the once the hell this is practically applied, even in everyday life, well, everyday life is verse four. And we're almost done. This is about the end here. Look. It says each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others now I don't like the new international translation. Actually, I'm gonna read it to you directly from the Greek if you just took it straight out of the text and says this not your own things each looking at but also the other things each. That's what it would say not your own things looking at not your own things ah looking at but also the other things ah and you know what the word for look here that's the key word the verse for you know what the word look is it's the word where we get scope not the mouthwash but scope and it's the idea get this to keep your eye fixed on the subject it means this to view attentively it means a watcher don't again to 317 Look over to 317 and here's the way it's used again. It says join with others in following my example brothers and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you take note of them that's one of these take note Gration six one don't turn there it says this you know when you're attempted you what your spiritual go and confront the person that's or try to help the person that's that's sending. And it says this, but watch yourselves you know what that means? Turn the scope on yourself. When you go to try to exempt talk to somebody who's in sin. You turn the scope on your own life. That's what it means. How about this synchronous 14? So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen. It's the idea fix it's translated, fix your eyes. It's in Corinthians 418 and also Romans 1617 Watch out for those who cause division. If you understand what this is saying, the Bible says the key to unity is this, that you do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but each one is steams the other person better than themselves. And get this Oh get this because it is so great. Scope out other Christians with a fixed arm. You know, there's those those F 18 pilots those F 16 pilots. And also they're looking for that mag in the gun when they press the button got to flex they got that lot laser beam. Now they've gotta I guess they tell me least in the movies they do. All right. It gets what that's what it means you get that laser beam. But guess what it is? That laser beam is not constantly on yourself. The laser beam is constantly on others. This is so familiar. Jesus teaches this, He that his chief among you, let them be the servant. Right? Fixing ourself on other people, there is something that is encouraging when you know other people are looking out for you, isn't it? Man, I challenge you to do something. Go out to the restaurant or just sit at home with your wife and just stop and look at her. Just look at her with a kind loving expression. And keep your eyes on the you know what you guys probably don't even do that I imagine. But the fact is, though, when when we're being watched, or something we're like, Well, the point here is this when it says things when the scripture says things, it actually means interest, you know that don't you the interest of others. So put your scope is fixed, like a laser beam and F to 16 on others. And in please get this it's very emphatic. It says not on your own things, but on the things of others not on your own interest. But in contrast to always looking out for yourself, which will everybody does. You look out for others. I say it again, he that refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Don't get duped into the philosophy of the world that I've got to take care of number one, you start taking an interest in other people, how many times you think of me think with me about a godly person that you know, and I'm gonna tell you something about them. It's a quality that I don't have it. I wish I had more. But you show me a godly person. And I'll show you somebody that when you talk to them, you feel like you're the only one in the whole world that matters. Right? So this is a call then to widen our scope. Let's go back over this. Let me say this. Is this is fun. This is what you can do on a Sunday night. What is the basis then of unity? Who can tell me the basis? Let's see how good you are with me tonight. The cross looking back to the cross. That's right, getting focusing on the cause which by the way, that's with all the storms being united with Christ comes through the cross come from from his love come through the cross. Okay. Okay. What's the golden of unity? Rob said verse one, where do we go next? Verse two. And that is this. Let's read it. It says this. Let's read together. I've can't do it together. We have too many we can't we're not unified in our versions. Okay. So is this having the same law of being one in spirit and purpose? That means this one sold and having the one thing on the mind? Christ, right? That's gonna be the goal, and not getting sidetracked. Then what is the practical steps to do that? Well, first off, look at verse three, we do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. But in contrast to that, in humility, we consider others better than ourselves. But listen, friends, if you would just take verses, one through four, memorize them, meditate on them, work on him, ask God to write them upon the tables of your heart and ascribe them in your mind, it should transform the way you live. And then look at this, each of us should look to your own interest, but also to the interest of the you know what it would have been like, let me close by this, because look at verse five, have this attitude, which was in Christ Jesus. Now, let me tell you, what would have been like to have been around Jesus Christ. Can you imagine what it would have been like? The kind words the careful attention to things that I've said it again and again and again. And I That's one thing about, you know, having this pastor is I gotta keep telling you stuff like this, because it's all I know. Christ goes back into the garden of Gethsemane. And he sees Peter, James and John on a night of crisis, and he knew it was the night he was about to become sin. And he comes back and he looks at them, and he says, wake up, guys. You shouldn't be praying. Well, they don't. So guess what finally happens. He says this Peter, could you not have prayed with me this one hour? And you think if you study that text, he's about to give it to him. He says, Peter, you need to pray, lest you enter into temptation. Even when the Son of Man was about to become sin, he still thought of Peter and what was best for him. gracious, loving people are few and far between people that actually scope could have fixed on other people and think about them and focus on them and minister to them. But tell you what would happen to this church? If we would do that? You know, what the attitude usually is it was just was sharing His attitude was this morning. I don't mean for real, but when she was faking, all right up here in SCTA, you know, that person that will hide your lines go Sherry, but wasn't they didn't talk to me. Well, I'm not going to talk to them. And they did this and that's the way I'm going to be. Hey, remember, love your enemies. She's supposed to love your enemies. How much more your wife or husband right? Okay. We haven't done this for a while. Let's take one or two minutes of q&a over what we talked about today. q&a