The Expository Word

Phil 2:9-11, Name That is Above Every Name

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 41

This message originally delivered on May 26, 1991.

Kimber Kauffman:

Philippians chapter two and follow along as they read, verses five through 11. Especially noting verses nine through 11, which we'll be studying today. Philippians two, five, your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who being in very nature, God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. But at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God, the Father, let us pray, would you, our heavenly Father, help us now, as we spend these moments, studying these verses, make us open and receptive to the word, May the light of the word shine into the darkest crevices where we needed the most, may you cause us to have understanding, we are thankful for your word, as some have already praised you this morning. We are thankful that your Word gives us direction, and we're thankful that it's alive, and that it pierces like a sword to the innermost parts of our being. And we desire father just not to be religious, but to have your work done from the inside out in our lives. And so help us as we study, that we could be salt and light, as we live this week, to those around us, and become more and more the people that you want us to be in Jesus name, amen. Two times my life had been to the race in 1971, I went to the race, and skip church. And 1987, it was a rainout. And it was rained out in the rain and it rained on the head the next Saturday, if you can remember. And so someone gave us tickets, I got to go in that particular day, I sat about 100 yards past the finish line and the main grandstand. And I'll have Saturday, it was absolutely beautiful. It was one of those days where you could just see for miles who was crispy, clear, it was just a beautiful, beautiful day. And I'll never forget standing on that grandstand. And watching as that pace lap comes around that you know, after the start for a while, you can't tell the difference between who's in first, second or third, unless you're watching all the time, you don't really know who's doing what is sort of confusing, but I remember everybody standing to their feet. And here comes the pace card carrying around all these powerful engines pulling behind it, and then you watch it go around another time and you see the role 11 Guys, you know, last and then you think now this time, he's gonna pull it to the pits, and there's an excitement and there's all and everybody's like that. Do you know what? You compare that excitement of the greatest spectacle in racing, the biggest one day a sporting event in the world, to verses nine through 11. And it really pales into insignificance. Because here you don't have four or 500,000 people. But you have the entire human race, plus all of the creative angels that have ever existed. Throw in some mountains and some hills and some trees that suddenly can talk. And you've got everything and all of creation that has ever existed, praising and crying out that Jesus Christ is the Lord. You see, in verse nine, it says this, Therefore now let's just stop before we go any farther and consider that, therefore refers back to chapter two, verses six through eight. So look back to verses six through eight. But before we read those, let me say this to you, six for eight, six through eight refers back to the verse five, which says, Let this attitude be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. But before we get to that, you got to get back to chapter two verses one through four. And that says, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, verse two, and don't do anything selfishly. And what I'm saying is, we are going to have to use our minds to understand the study, we just don't jump in and totally disrelated This passage to everything else. But the whole thing here is this. How to get along with other people, how to learn to be like Christ and attitude and an action. And don't be selfish. For instance, be like minded, be unified. Verse two, don't be selfish esteem others better than yourself. Verse three, look out for others and their interests. Verse four, you can stop and say, yeah, yeah, fine. Give me all that stuff. Tell me I'm supposed to be this. I'm supposed to that I'm supposed to be this. But where do I find the strength? Give me something definite that I'm supposed to do? Or are you ready? Here's what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to have the same mindset that Jesus had. Look at Verse five, that's the answer to verses two, three and four. have the same mindset that Jesus had. You can say, oh, yeah, great. You're all cliche. I mean, have the same mindset that Jesus had. Great. What mindset am I supposed to have? Well, here you're supposed to think about some things. Now. This is what really amazes me. The Bible gives these type have answers. This is an epistle to give an instruction as to how to get along with your husband, how to get along with your wife, how to get along with people at church, how to get along with people you work with how to be unified and get along with you. And so many people are dis unified, especially with Christians. You know, why? When's the last time when you start to have a fight with your spouse, that you said, Hi, I better sit down and consider who Jesus was before he came to Earth. And then I better consider who he became when he came to Earth. And then I better consider the depths of humiliation to which he went when he came to earth. You know what, if you would do that you would have the attitude that Christ had, because verse five says, had the attitude. Verse six says this, consider who he was before he came to earth, He was God. And he didn't try to grasp on to the equality that he had with God, the Father, in verse seven says, Here's what he became when he came to earth. He made Himself nothing. He emptied Himself, He took on the very nature of a servant being found in human likeness. He humbled himself, he lowered himself. And Verse eight says, here's the depths of humiliation to which he went to. He being found in appearance as a man humbled Himself. Remember, nobody could have humbled him, he humbled himself, and he became obedient to death. He had one purpose on his mind, his mind was like this, if you're supposed to have the mind of Christ, here's the mind of Christ, no matter what I will obey the will of the Father, no matter what, even if it means I die, even if it means I die by crucifixion, no matter what matters is not my will, but his will, that matters, I will focus on that. He had to even suffer as a human. The Bible says the book of Hebrews from a human perspective, Jesus had to mature. You see, from a divine perspective, he didn't. But from a human perspective, he was 100%. Man, he had to mature, the only way to mature is through suffering. And so by his suffering, he matured. And as we think about this humiliation, the fact that he became sin, it's then Corinthians 521 says, he's a noodle sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God and him. One thing that was so unbelievable is this, God, the Son, realizing what doing is across meant, it didn't just mean nails in his hands, and then he was going to become sin, holy, pure Son of God, all the sins of the history of the world who are put upon him. But you know what else? It also meant something else. It's, that's it's really almost sinful for me to run past it that quickly. But it also meant suffering and excruciating death, death by crucifixion. But here it is. He lowers himself, he is lonely, he is humble and he is obedient, literally, humble, obedient, have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, what is it? Loneliness? What else? humbleness? What else? obedience to the will of God no matter what. And guess what, you have those three things you're gonna get along with people. The Bible says only by pride comes contention. If you're lowering yourself, and realizing that you do esteem others better than yourself and not demanding your rights, I'm on my way. If you humble yourself and say, Look, I better think about what Jesus did. He went from God all the way to dying as a death as a criminal. I'm starting off as a rebellious senator, how much farther down should I go? In other words, we need to lower so So I realized the world isn't going to teach you this. But I will tell you, there's a wonderful freedom. It has brought renewal and joy in my heart, to realize I'm not supposed to be demanding my ways and saying, I deserve this. And I deserve that. And if you don't meet my needs, I'm gonna be mad. And I hate this. We live in a war ourselves, humble ourselves. And not only that, have a mindset that says this, no matter what I will be the word of God. No matter what, no excuses, no rationalizations. No pretending that somehow it's okay to do part of it. But I will be committed to doing the will of God. Now if you've got that. Now let's look again at verse nine. Therefore, God, hi highly exalted Him, or God exalted him to the highest place because of Jesus's obedience, because of his humility, because of his loneliness. He is now on the highest seat of the universe, highly exalted, super exalted to the highest place to raise someone to the loftiest height. The adverb highly is actually the preposition of fixed to the verb. He's highly exalted is the earth tense that means this from the time of His resurrection, to the time of his ascension, there He is exalted on the throne of the universe. And not only that, but notice he is given a name that is above every name, He has given the name exalted, of exalted supremacy, he has been bestowed or granted graciously as a favor, a name that is above every imagine is the sin bear this one that they mocked, the one that they're hurled insults, they spit on it at all that he's now is the one that's in the seat of the universe. first. Do you know what your meaning of your name is? Kim means chief or ruler. That's what Kim means. I don't know, I was talking to a man yesterday named Doug. I said, What is your name mean? And I think he said it was something like this one who swims in a dirty river, you say so we're not exactly sure what all these names mean, nowadays, all right. But in those days, in the Bible's time, the fact that elicited a name occurs more than 1000 times in the Bible, and that attests to his theological importance. For instance, naval in First Samuel 25, he was a fool you remember. And he was married to Abigail who David later married after he died. And he was such a fool. The people that worked with him were a fool his wife was, well everyone sort of says your navel, he's a fool just like his name. And it's a descriptive of who you are. giving a name to anyone or anything was tantamount to owning or controlling it, and changing the name signifying promotion to a higher status to this day. In Orthodox Judaism, a dying person's name is sometimes officially changed, and hope that a new name will bring health a new life and demotion of a name to a lower status, or bloody out or cutting off the name of a person or thing meant destroying that person. Often in the Bible, God calls himself by his name to reveal what he is like, because the name reveals the real you think of this belief in Jesus name is the same as believing in Jesus Himself, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. prayer in Jesus name, therefore, is not some mystical reliance on a traditional formula. But praying in accord with Jesus's character, his mind his purpose, he is just like his name, a name that means Savior, a name that is above every other name. So listen, because of his obedience because of his lowliness. Because of this, God has exalted him to the highest place in the universe, and given them a name that is above every name. That's the result clause. That's just point one, verse 9.2. Now choose me that's the that's the main clause point to his verses 1011, the result clause, and look what it says, the result of God giving him this name, and, and giving them a name that is above every name and exalted to the highest place is this, verse 10, that, in order that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth? In other words, because he has this place, there is a day coming, when at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, isn't this interesting? The thought of bowing, or bending the knees, you know what that means? It implies a sincere act of reverence, respects the mission, and worship. In fact, the definition of bow is to yield or to submit to one as an authority. In Romans, chapter 14, he says this, who are you to judge someone else's servant? Don't you know that to his own mastery rises and falls, for every one of us, let's give account of himself before God. And then he gives us quote, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. The point is get your nose out of other Christians, businesses, you have no right to be judging them, because you're gonna give an answer of yourself, you're gonna bend the knee before God one day. To bend the knee, I want you to imagine your mind one day, everyone will bend the knee, everybody straightened himself to just see the illustration. If it's so perfect, Satan himself, the words will come out of his mouth and adoration and worship, of course in sorrow, but that Jesus is the Lord and ruler and sovereign of the universe, the one who is all powerful. You see, it's God's desire that all would willingly worship Jesus as Lord has the highest rank and authority over their lives. One day all will but for most, it will be too late. We say Jesus is our Lord Jesus said to me, this, or Jesus says to us, why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say? You see, Lordship and obedience is totally tied in. If Jesus is our Lord, my friends, he asked us to do something, we say how when, and do it as best as we possibly can with the best we possibly can. If he says how high jump and we say, Hi, do you want us to jump? If Jesus is our Lord, we desire to obey Him. In fact, it says in the next part of verse 10, look at in heaven, on earth, under the earth, every knee will bow. And the idea here is very interesting, all at once. Everyone in heaven, that is all the angels in heaven and all of the people that have died and gone to heaven, we will all want to proclaim He is Lord, how about this everyone on Earth, those that are still alive on earth. And thirdly, all those under the earth is talking about those in hell. Everybody all at once, at one time will bend down and give honor and glory that Jesus Christ is the Lord. Universal acknowledgement. In fact, you were to read Romans chapter eight, verses 19 through 22. And you see that all Creation awaits. For the sons of God to be revealed and put This redemption is finally take place. And then you tie it in with Psalm 148. And here with the Psalm 148 says it says the mountains, cry out the seas, clap their hands, the whales speak out everything in all creation, I want you to get this picture in your mind, there's a day coming. When God wins the day coming when it is all settled. Everybody all wants in heaven earth under the earth, it's gonna, it's gonna make 400,000 People eating apples 500 and awesome. Little tiny Pee Pee Wee cars going around the track seem totally insignificant. In comparison, as everyone is gonna give praise and worship to God, you want to get a little picture of this, go with me to Revelation, the fifth chapter, I want you to see something, go read the Revelation chapter five. And you'll start to get an amazing picture of what's going to happen on that day. First off, I want you to see what's going to happen for those that love the Lord and those that regularly bend the knee to his authority. says in verse 11 of chapter five, and then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels, numbering 1000s upon 1000s, and 10,000 times 10,000 They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders and a loud voice they saying Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise, I get this verse 13. Then I heard every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and on the sea, and all that is in them singing to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb. We praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever. And the four living creatures said Amen. And the elders fell down and worshipped. Now my friends, go over to the sixth chapter. And let's look at the other side, starting with verse 15. says this, then the kings of the earth, and the princes, and the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they call to the mountains into the rocks fall on us, hiatus from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of the wrath is come and who can stand here it is, all of those that have rejected Jesus lordship rejected his rule said, I will go my own way in defiance. There's a day coming, when it would be the most humiliating the most disgusting, the the absolutely the worst scenario you could ever picture or painting, anything you could ever imagine, would be this, that you have to stand before the Holy Son of God, who is Lord of the universe. Having lived a life in total rebellion, and disregard to his law. And they say anything happened to don't let us have to face that day. Absolutely universal acknowledgement, even by creation. You remember what Jesus said, when the people were praising him? And they said, You should shut their mouths. They shouldn't be praising you. He said, hey, if they didn't praise me, though, what would cry out? The rocks would cry out. There is something in this world that is so affected by this world, as you say, it's so affected by sin. There is such perversion, we are so absolutely. There's something so evil about evil, rebellion against God has so cursed everything, that there is just a surging longing, volcano desire from all of creation, to burst forth into praise, when finally sin has been conquered forever. And notice what else it says in verse 11. Back to Philippians. Two it says this and every tongue will confess. At the same time that the knees bow, everyone falls on their knees, the tongue starts to confess. Blessed it is the person that now in this life falls on their knees, and confesses with their mouth, that Jesus Christ is Lord. The word confess means to acknowledge or to confess openly. It's used in Matthew three, six, that people confessing their sins while being baptized by John the Baptist and the Jordan River, they publicly would confess what they had done against God. And so here either in joyful faith or in resentment and despair, every tongue confess is the Jesus Christ is Lord. The way it's worded in the Greek is this the word order emphasizes Lord is actually Lord Jesus Christ is the way it said in the Greek, his sovereign deity, Lord, His humanity, Jesus Christ, His redemptive office, everyone is confessing he is the one of the sovereign God that we worship and rule. And notice it says this to the glory of God the Father, ultimately and finally God's glory will prevail. He wins all through the scriptures. We can see he's been working eventually all comes out, you realize, I hate to pick on certain individuals and God have mercy on them. I mean that but one day, Phil Donahue, will bow down and be confessing with all of his heart that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day Madalyn Murray O'Hair J Fonda just name a few that we know in our country, but all of the enemies of God as well as all the saints who will be worshipping Him, and giving them adoration and praise, the others will fall down. And they will see without any excuse that they have suppressed the truth, they will realize there that they are guilty, the whole world was guilty. No one's gonna be saying you didn't give me a fair shake. No one's gonna be saying, hey, it wasn't right, everyone will be acknowledging that he's the Lord. The friends, we have dealt with the text. I want to spend the next couple of minutes now, applying it to our lives. Now listen to this. If you're not living for a cause, higher than yourself, you won't be motivated to have hope and endurance to go on the battle. People that are living for themselves. People that are their own Lord are people that cannot live the Christian life? The world says in a tidal wave. It says this. exalt yourself. demand your rights. Do your own thing. Have this attitude which was in Christ Jesus think this over and over is what the text says there in verse five. And what does that be lowly? esteem others first, no matter what the costs, submit to God's will. And you know what, here's the point. Now listen, friends, here's the point. All will be rewarded by God one day. The Bible says, Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men. As you struggle against sin. Think about Jesus. That bill for the joy set before him what's the joy set before him the fact that he would be given the highest place that for the joy set before him he endured the cross? Hebrews to nine to 10. First Peter want to love it all says this. He is sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow the Old Testament prophets understood, he would suffer and there would be glory. You are to consider him here to consider him as the example who he was before he came to earth what he did when he came to earth, the depths of relation to which you went and then also this, his exalted place now that he's obeyed. And the point I want you to see is this, the same principle applies to you. This is exciting. This is absolutely something you want to know some bottom line principle of faith. You want to know what it's like to live by faith. That means this, you seek now a life of loneliness, even if obedience means hardship, even if it means like you're missing out on all the fun, you know, we in the first service, we had a missionary family here visiting, and I got a letter A couple weeks ago from another missionary family, the guy highly trained, professional, beautiful home, all kinds of material possessions. He feels committed that God has called him to go to Africa as a missionary. He wrote me in his letter about the sacrifices they've made not bragging about it very humbly writing this letter, you know, he said, he said, Kim, we sold our house and all of our earthly possessions. In one day at a garage sale. We sold their house, not at a garage sale, they sold their house and they sold all the earthly possessions in one day at a garage sale. As I read that, thinking of this scripture, I want you to notice nothing the world looks at those people and they go this loser Africa, people run around with bones in their nose, no TV. And we're sitting around thinking as to how am I gonna be able to get that third VCR with that automatic control so that when I am passing down the hallway, I'll still be able to watch the show. Here's the point. Obedience, loneliness, commitment to the will of God, no matter what it means, no matter what suffering takes place. Listen. All of that when you do that here means glory. Their God highly exalted Him because of His obedience in the same principle is true for you. Jesus said, everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted. What he's talking about, will be exalted when we live humble lives now. Romans 818, I reckon, the King James says, the sufferings of this present world are not worth comparing with the glories that will follow. Do you want to know if you're going to be a loser for obeying God's seeking a lowly life and doing all that we can to serve Him? Let me tell you something, friends. You can't even compare the sufferings to the glories that will follow. My friends. Do you realize the kind of suffering is the man who wrote that went through? The apostle Paul, if we had 1/10 of what he went through, we would all be crying out in agony and wanting to offer he's given to us every week. He says, You can't even compare the glory in heaven and suffering for Jesus is so much better. The disciples are beat. And they leave rejoicing that they've been counted worthy to suffer for Christ. What do you think they're talking about? You think that every time they got hit, it was just a beautiful feeling of tickling. No, they were hitting they said, all it means glory. They're suffering here means glory there, it's worth it. But these ones to six and seven says, the unspeakable riches that he is preparing for us in heaven. Turn with me to second Corinthians 417. I want you to see stuff that you can't miss. And second Corinthians 417. And as you're turning, I want to read you something from First John three. I'll be right over there with you in a second you stand there and can now that you got it and don't just be looking there. Listen to me, okay. Dear friends, now we are the children of God and we will be and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him. for we shall see Him as He is. Every goodness. Now one day you're gonna see Jesus as He is. Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure. One thing that you're supposed to regularly run through your mind is this. Jesus is our example humbled Himself lowered himself died, a terrible death suffered, but he's exalted forever. So my life is this, I will lower myself, I will obey no matter what. And one thing is this, I will be encouraged because God will not forget my words, not even a cup of water, given his name will be forgotten. Put an encouraging thing, what a purpose in life. Now, back I had to go to second Corinthians four. You're over there. Are you obediently over there? Wait for me to get there. So in Corinthians chapter four, I want you to see something. Look down to verse 16. To get this, this absolutely will rejoice your heart if you let it sink in a second here. Look at this. Therefore, verse 16, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. What do you mean? What do you mean? How come you're not losing heart? Well, outwardly, we're wasting away. What's that? We're getting beaten. We're starving at times. We're in shipwrecks. We're 40 lashes save one five times, being accused of terrible things suffering problems. He says, outwardly we're wasting away, but inwardly we're being restored. Okay, Paul, what's the key? What's the key? Because everybody in this room, you know what I'm talking about? When you feel just the opposite. You feel in America outwardly? We've got it. But inwardly we're wasting away in the shallowness. What was it the turn Paul around? Look at verse 17, for our light, and momentary troubles, are achieving for us, and eternal glory that far outweighs them all. All suffering has a purpose, every trouble that you are in, if you stop right there and think about this, whatever it is, physical suffering, suffering against reputation, financial trouble, what trouble that you just have when missionaries, you read missionary stories? What did they do? They went to great extents to get the gospel out the places where I've never been, and what all their kids die of some terrible disease while they're over there. That didn't seem right, Lord, what are you doing, hey, the glory that those children and that missionary will get in heaven, you can't even compare it, you won't even be able to admit. And as I gave the illustration this morning, I'll take my daughter, and I will cause her suffering and affliction for three or four minutes total, by the time this thing has gone on her bottom, so that when she's 20 3040, and 50 years old, she will be a respectful person that can enjoy life much more because she's learned discipline. Now I'm saying all this with a lot of hope in my heart, that that's what's going to happen. Okay. But the point is, how much more will God during the 70 to 80 years or so that we might live? Put us through trouble so that it's going to do a work and I still will far outweigh them all. By the way, when Paul says in verse 17, our light and momentary troubles, do you realize what he's talking about? He's talking about unbelievable suffering. Beatings, people making resolutions, they weren't gonna eat until Paul was dead. Hatred, trouble shipwrecks, every type of thing. Hey, it's just like momentary, it's like, it's like dealing with about a. It's like Mike Tyson fighting 74th ranked lightweight. Oh, they're just little trouble compared to what it's going to be in the future. So good. What can we do as a team? So we fix our eyes, not on what is seen for what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Now one more thing I want to show you. Tying this in with First Peter, chapter three, where it says this when he was suffered, now get this here he is. Here's Jesus. And there he is sitting in the tree sitting down not sitting in the courtroom spitting on his face. I told you in the last week you got to get al George's class on scourging everybody ought to get that tape and listen to it. I've listened to it a couple times this week, went through the scourging, the beating, the terrible humiliation that he went through. And the Bible says this when he was reviled, He revealed Not again. He took it now you revile me. If the holy spirit isn't in control of me what happens? You also get reviled. I reveal back. But when he was reviled, he'd run out again. But what did he do? He committed himself to his faithful who, to the faithful Creator. He commits himself to God. He says, Lord, He said, Father, not Lord, He says, Father, this is what's best. So we commit himself in the middle of that suffering you will do with this, this is Jesus example. So what do we do when we suffer whatever kind of suffering, you're going through whatever kind of troubles come, they're like momentary in comparison. And we just say this, Lord, have your own way. I'm the potter, you're the clay. Do what you want to do. Work in my life. I'll take this trouble. I'll take this suffering, because it's best. So this principle of Jesus loneliness, humility, and doing what's best for others can be applied to our own life. Listen, self sacrifice for the cause. We read a little story, John Howard, voluntarily making a voyage on a plague ship, and taking up his abode in a plague hospital, and with full expectation of death, but in the hope that by carefully noting the peculiarities of the disease, and leaving papers on the subject, he might provide the physicians of Europe with materials which would perhaps enable them somewhat to stay off the ravages of the awful destroyer is in his grand self forgetfulness, the type of a glorious band whom God has strengthened. Many humble man and woman who simply through the impulse of Christian love, have an imminent risk to their own lives cared for their brother, and by nursing them in infectious diseases, bringing them aid and other circumstances of peril. Many such never heard other half a mile from home, will be honored by the master in that day, with a smile of special tender love, as he says to them in as much as you did on to one of the least of these my brother and you did it unto me. Some of you are thinking though, well, that's great, but what plague is there in America that I can go serve in? But you know, there's something else you can do. Do you know when you practice, love, as it's taught in Romans 14 and 15, when there's a Christian as Paul said, if if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh, or eat no meat. While the world standard list I make my brother to offend, I'll get this here in regard to what might seem comparatively trifling, was real self sacrifice for love's sake, the working of the same mind which was also in Christ Jesus. Similarly, my brother and let ours be the love which seek if not our own, if there be anything in your daily life or mind calculated to lead others astray. If by some sacrifice of personal ease, or likey, we can alleviate any distress of others remove any stumbling block out of their way or gain any true good for them. Let us not hesitate to follow the dictator of the royal law of love. Our natural selfishness will often struggle vigorously with the impulses of conscious yet if our souls that all prosper and be in health, one thought will tell in the controversy with ever fuller power. If my Savior died for me, surely I may, in some small measure die daily in self denial for my brothers. Peter said this to the Lord one day and I close with this. He said, Lord, we have left all to follow you know what the Lord said. He said, Peter, nobody who has left home, relatives, family comfort, no matter what you left, I assure you, you will receive back some in this life but in particularly in eternal life. 100 times more. Let's watch out that the God of materialism and greed and comfort doesn't eat us up. But that we remember this passage that he will highly exalt the law he you highly exalted the Lord will exalt than to reward us in eternity. For obedience and loneliness now, let's pray Thank you Heavenly Father for the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Would you help us to follow that example? It is absolutely beyond what we're capable of doing. Unless your spirit strengthens us, and we determined with all of our heart and strength to obey teach this principle keep this message active in our hearts and lives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.