The Expository Word

Phil 2 JSC, Use What He Has Given Us

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 53

This message originally delivered July 7, 1991am.

Kimber Kauffman:

You know, verse by verse study of Philippians, we've gotten sidetracked because we started contemplating from verse 16 of chapter two of Philippians, the Bema Seat judgment, Paul said, his whole desire was at the Philippians would grow so that he would not have run or labored in vain. The stay there, and we'll get to Hebrews 11 in just a minute, but only to say this and I pounded it out again and again. But it is absolutely essential that you hear this, the you know, friends that all theology is practical. As soon as you use the word theology or doctrine, a lot of people automatically go impractical, as if, as if your theology does not relate to everyday living. In fact, I would say this. Theology is not good sound theology unless it affects your life. It's got to have an impact upon our life. Just to sit around in some ivory tower experience, and to talk about and theorize about something really doesn't help us if and every day living, it doesn't cause us to be more like Christ. I went to school with friends, when they loved to contemplate some of these deep truths. The only thing is, they lived like the devil. But they love to sit around and make fun of Christians who are so simple minded and believe something inferior to them. I'll tell you something, we may God save us from such an attitude. But you know, if there was ever a place where theology should affect our lives, you know where it is, is when it comes to understanding the judgment, when it comes to understanding the fact that it's the point of the man wants to die. And after that the judgment, do you know that the fact that we have to stand before God and give an answer of our lives should have a major impact upon the way we live? It should have impacted the way you came to church this morning, it should impact the way you treat your wife, it should impact the way you treat people you work with. It should influence every single thing you do. In fact, let me say this to you. I believe in my study of the New Testament that the greatest motivation in Paul's life was the Bema Seat judgment. I think it was more of a motivation than even his love for Christ. I think it was more of a mortification more of a motivation than his fear of God. I think, as you study and you're just list verse by verse, how many times does Paul refer to what motivated him? You know what it was the fact that he would have to give an answer one day before God that motivated him. Now, I say that because you know, what is the one of the most unmotivated thoughts in all of Christendom this day? It's the fact that you're gonna stand and give account of your life before God. People sort of go, it's something so distasteful. And it's like, oh, let's don't really bring that up, please. My friends. Do you know that Jesus talked about the fact that your life should be lived in light of the fact that you're going to have in a given account to him one day, he talks about it over and over and over and over? I can't even get over how many times he talks about it. It's amazing when you consider in light of the New Testament, and yet, most people think this Oh, the judgments that has to do for the last going to hell? What are you going to give us a hellfire and brimstone message? Well, first off, there's nothing wrong with that, because Jesus gave those messages and the prophets gave those messages and everybody that that was called by God to preach gave those messages. But my point is no, I'm saying this. Yes, there is something to be feared. Yes, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Yes, there is messages of repent. In John the Baptist said, Repent, and Jesus said, Repent. But you know what else friends, there's also a motivational message for Christians. It is should help us live. The Christian life, as we've gotten turned on to this, there has been an evolutionary process in my life concerning this. But I want to tell you this week, as I've just focused on the Bema Seat, I have felt as though I have never read the Bible before. As I opened it up, I see things that have absolutely I've wondered, Where have I been all my life? How come I've never heard people teach on this? How come I haven't seen this I can. I haven't taught on this like I should have. And I say it now at the beginning. And we must understand this because it's important. Listen carefully. salvation from God, is by grace, through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and not by any works that we have done. We you know, we're talking about the fact that the gospel messages it has nothing to do with your works. It has to do with what Christ has done for you. But please consider this. And that is this The Scripture talks about the great judgments, one for believers, one for non believers, Marty, could I have the middle Lights, please? Now let's just go over this quickly. Two great judgments, one for Christians, one for non Christians. Look here. The Christians it has to do with heaven. The non Christians they're gonna go to hell. This one you could call the Bema. This one will call the great white whale here it is Bheema, a great white throne. And what happens is appointed in the man wants to die. And after that the judgment is You're you die. And you're either gonna go up depending on what you have done with Jesus Christ in your life, to stand before God to give account of your life with the works that you have done in the body as a Christian, or if you don't have Christ, you stand before God, your ultimate destination is hell. Now, this is a very basic breakdown of what we're talking about today. But let me just take it another step further. In clarification, if we had to break this down a little bit farther, we could say this one judgment is called the Great White Throne Judgment. Revelation 20 talks about this. The other is the beam of judgment. It's in the Greek because I want to be in the English. And there are some references there referring to the Bema judgment. Notice again, one is for believers, the other is for unbelievers. And notice something else. And this is important, the purpose, the Bema judgment, it has to do with rewards or loss of rewards. The Great White Throne Judgment has to do with degrees of punishment in hell. Now, we talked about this last week, and again, the destiny, heaven or hell, and the means the book of remembrance, or the book of works. Now, before we go, even any farther, I want to review something to you last week, we considered the Great White Throne Judgment as we sort of took the sidetrack and, and by the way, we'll be at least another week on the Bema Seat, possibly two more weeks, I usually don't do this, if you know, we're usually we stay right with the text. But this has been absolutely captivating to me. And hopefully, it's going to be tremendously the same for you. Notice next, the revelation 2011 through 50. And this is quick review from last week it was based on works, it will be based on works and notice the criterion for judgment, what is the criterion as unbelievers stand before a holy God? What will be the criterion of judgment as to as to the degrees of punishment in hell? You know that a lot of people didn't even know that there were degrees of punishment. Hell may say, one of the degrees the punishment isn't sin, sin and Hell the same for everybody. Jesus clearly says things different than that. For instance, one is this, the amount of truth known and rejected the amount of truth that is known and rejected. Jesus says things like this, Woe unto you, corzan and Bethsaida. For if the miracles done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have remained until this day, he says it would have been much more bearable, excuse me, it's going to be much more bearable on the Day of Judgment, for tired sadhana will be for you. Why? Because so much light has been given to you. The same thing in Romans chapter one, as we suppress the truth and hide the truth. And we said, if you remember from last week, it would be much better to go to hell from some country in which the gospel has never been preached, that it wouldn't be to go to health and United States of America with all the rejection of life that that must take place when you live in this country. Notice something else, the kinds of sin you commit. The scripture says there are different sins that are more repulsive to God than others. Now, a lot of people didn't know that either. But yet that is clearly taught in the scriptures. Let me give you an illustration of what I'm talking about. In Matthew chapter 12. He talks to the Pharisees, and he says, Oh, he just tears into the Pharisees, in fact it so I don't just butchered up. I'm going to read it to you real quickly. Matthew chapter 12, verses 38 through 40. He says this, he says excuse me, that's Mark chapter 12, verses 38 to 40. He says the same thing in Matthew two but wrong passage, we read to you quickly, Mark 1238 through 40. He says this to them. As he taught Jesus said, Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes to be greeted in the marketplace to have the most important seats in the synagogues, the places of honor banquets, they devour widows, houses and for a show make lengthy prayers that gets what he says after all that listen, such men will be punished most severely, most severely. So one sin that actually is condemned as one of the worst sins is this being a Pharisee having an external outward religion condemning everybody else, the Pharisee Uncle, you know, it says in Matthew 21, that would be better to be a harlot on the day of judgment than it would be to be a Pharisee and interesting about this Ephesians five Colossians three talks about sexual sins, talks about idolatry, talks about these times, and it says, Let no one deceive you with empty words, because of these things, the wrath of God is coming. Something else causing little children to sin. He's it'd be better for a millstone to be hung about your neck than for you to cause one of these little ones to sin. What's he talking about? Man? There's something severe about causing a child to sin. We better wake up and realize that the illustration is this. I told you last week I ran a traffic light accidentally complete innocence with a pure heart if you can remember. I actually I stopped at the light for about 20 seconds. My buddy went like this, I thought he meant the light changed. I went through the light, please stop me just like that $55 ticket. And we're gonna have a special offerings. I think I said in the past, take care of that. But you know what there was yet in the last week or the week that happened, actually was two weeks ago, there was a man arrested in Annapolis or sexually molesting his daughter to such a degree that she died. Two year old daughter. Now, what if the police came to the door and gave that man a $55? Ticket? We would say unjust, unfair. What if they took me for running the stoplight and gave me three life sentences. Hopefully, you'd come down and try to help me out. See, so we see also that the kinds of sins you commit should be rewarded accordingly. And then lastly, this, the number of sins one commits, and that is this Bible clearly teaches us by the way that the Romans two, five, you're storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath. And the word storing up there means you're putting into an account, you're putting into a bank account, all that will take place on those days. So that's a quick review of the Great White Throne Judgment. But let's now consider that's for unbelievers. That's for people that have never repented of their sins and trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior. But now let's do something else. Let's focus upon the Bema judgment, the judgment for believers. Now, actually, the Greek word Bhima, when it refers to the judgment of believers, is found in Second Corinthians 510. For we must all give account of ourselves before the judgment seat of Christ for the things done in the body, whether they be good or bad. And Romans 1410 Why do you judge your brother, we must all give account of ourselves before God of the judgment seat of Christ. Those two places actually, in the Greek language, it says Bema Seat of Christ actually the beam it means judgment seat of Christ, but many other places, many other places, is it implied, in fact, I want you to know something is implied so many places that this is the part I felt like a kid in a candy shop for the first time. And I turned the pages of the Scripture, I'm absolutely astonished at how much the Bible talks about the way the Bema Seat should influence our lives. And one of the greatest goals I have for you, my friends, is this not to beat you down? Always preaching on judgment. Oh, man. And once you sit there and you just sort of leave, oh, you know, life so terrible. I'm gonna have to have this terrible judgment one day? No, Paul is motivated by it. Do you think if the God who loves you while you are an enemy of his, the God, who? Who who reconciled you to himself when you were at MIT with him, then he's going to bring you up as his dearly beloved child on the day of judgment, and blew and whistle and knock you down and say, you're no good and make it some terrible thing? No. But at the same time, there should be a fear in our hearts that we will give an answer and find out really who we were bottom line, really what our ministry was worth, really what our life was like, Really, if God was pleased, well, we'll find out on that day. So there's that fine balance between understanding his love and understanding his fear. But what I want you to see is this, do you know that the Bema judgment is so foundational to your life that it is the very basis of your faith? Did you know that? Look at Hebrews 11 Six, Hebrews 11, six, the famous verse that we quote, when we said what is the definition of faith, we always call it verse one. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. And then we get to verse six years, one of the most popular verses, and yet in the middle of it is the Bema Seat, look here. And without faith, it's impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists. And that get this He rewards those who earnestly seeking that, you know, what, I always thought in my life that had to do with present day life. You know, it goes like, Hey, if you seek God with all your heart and devotions, he's gonna reward you and bless your life. And you know what that is true. I'm not saying that is not the case. But I want you to know that the context of Hebrews 11. And the whole setting of Hebrews is this. Don't let go of your faith. Hang on, keep encouraging one another. Don't give up because there's great day coming in which you will be glad you did. I did every word is all in light of an illuminating pointing towards the BBC. By the way. It's used as a verb, he rewards those who earnestly seek Him in verse six, but go back to chapter 10. And look at verse 35. And here's the same word reward used in a different way. The noun uses liquid it says, Do not throw away your confidence. It will be richly rewarded. Now get this. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what was promised. For just a very little while he was coming will come and will not delay. What's he talking about? That's the Bema Seat. Don't give up, live in light of the Bema Seat, live in light of the fact that you're going to give account of yourself as a believer for the works done in the body. It should be the very basis of your faith, in fact, to divine to the Define faith. It's like this, I believe that he will reward those who diligently seek Him who apprehended by faith, who keep seeking who live a life now saying, You know what the things of this world will pass away, even though they're worried and nice and comfortable. I gotta seek a city whose builder and maker is God, I gotta look out farther than just this. In fact, go to the Romans chapter and go to the 26th verse. And here's Moses's example. And here's the same word again, we closed with this last week. But please get this. It says, He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ of greater value than the treasures of Egypt. What did he do? He made a conscious choice based on what based on his understanding of the Bema Seat, he said this, yeah, the pleasures of Pharaoh's court, the glories of living life, and you as the king of Egypt, all the beautiful women, all of the luxuries, all the things that I could possibly have. But he said this, he regarded that disgrace for Christ has greater value than that, because he was looking ahead to his what his reward, he looked into his reward, the very basis of our faith should be that we will give account of ourselves before God and will be rewarded for self denial for making choices of value system, putting the word of God ahead of the world of realizing that pay day is not out. You know what I'm gonna get into this in a minute my conclusion in particular, but you know, one of the greatest heresies in the Church of Jesus Christ today, you know what it is friends that payday is now they listen, you want to market you listen to any teacher that tells you you do this, and God's gonna give you all this now. My friends, there's two things wrong with that. Number one, he's already given us His Son. If somebody gave you a billion dollars tax free, wouldn't you feel a little weird about going back up and ask him to borrow the car, his car. He's given us His Son, for our sense. But the second thing is this. People are trying to tell you this, you give money and you're gonna get back right now. And you know what, there is some truth there. But I will challenge you right now the over whelming promise is this. At the Bema you will be richly rewarded for the way you give your money, or you sacrifice for some cause. And what's going to happen is God's gonna bless you, I listen, you turn on channel 40, you know, send this money to God, here's God's address, and it's got that guy's name on it. In my my friends, the point here is this on that day, second, Timothy four six says, On that day, I fought the good fight, I finished the course on that day, there's a day coming. When God rewards you, there's a day coming when you receive the crown, there's the emphasis is this we're not always gonna get it. You read Hebrews chapter 11. You know what it says a lot of them die without getting what they thought they were gonna get. But they kept looking forward to the promise. And now they got it because this world wasn't even worthy of them. What a way to live. This thing is so exciting to think about this, Hey, everything I do every decision I make every person I talked to all that I do in my life. It's the privilege to be able to lay up rewards in heaven, foundational to our faith. Now, not only is the foundational faith, but I want you to see something else which shows you how foundational is go to Matthew and then in the sixth chapter. Turn over to Matthew chapter six. You talked about a purpose to live, we talked about a reason to be alive. It is exciting to consider the biblical view of life from this perspective. Look what he says Jesus is talking here in Matthew chapter six and starting with verse 19. He says this, do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also you know, listen, friends, the Bible commands you in verse 20, to lay up treasures in heaven. It's a command. We are commanded to live lives laying up treasures in heaven. But secondly, I want you to notice something which is a little shocking. The Bible commands you to lay up treasures in heaven for yourself. That's what it says, lay up treasures in heaven for yourself. There is this attitude today in Christian circles that has been so unbiblical and I'm telling you here's the most guilty guy I had it for years, that pious sort of attitude that says, well I just serve the Lord because I love him and I don't expect anything in return. My friends great I love the Lord to and you love the Lord and we ought to serve Him because we love him. But you know, that the motivation and Philippians 216 of Paul wanting the Philippians, to grow into a unified and to get along and to further the cause of Christ was that on the day of Christ, he would not have run or labored in vain. And you know, that there is a tremendous honor, if we were to give an award to somebody, it's the giver of the award, it's an honor for him to give that award. In other words, it brings glory to God, you have fought the good fight, you have kept the faith Well done, my good and faithful servant God rejoices in that we always think of, well, I can't wait to hear those words. That would be nice. But the fact is, for his sake, in other words, for His glory, that's why it's so wonderful. And the thing that is so amazing that I want you to understand is this we're commanded to lay up treasures for ourselves make decisions. They don't like this, Hey, I desire rewards on that day. What the Bible is saying here is this the way you live here now does one, you either lay up treasures for yourself in heaven, or you're storing up wrath against the day of wrath. Something amazingly struck me this week, I looked up the word in Matthew 619, for store up or lay up, guess what it is? It's the exact same Greek word as Romans two five, which says you're storing up wrath against the day of wrath. You know what it means this? Listen, unbelievers, by the way, they live forsaking God and keeping them out of their life and not doing anything to bits, living selfishly, and what can I do? What are my plans for today, my plan for today is to do what I want to do when I want to do it, how I want to do it. And guess what happens? The Bible says, It's like putting into a bank account every day. You're putting up money, it's rising, it's rising, it's rising, and what is it wrath, the wrath of God is building and building and building on the Day of Judgment. There'll be so fearful and terrible, the standing for a holy God with your sins not paid for. That's what Romans say, a revelation six talks about me the mountains fall on us anything but hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne. But for the believer, get this for the believer every day, as you do biblical things and think biblically and act biblically and say, God, help me and as you struggle when you get back up, and as you fight the good fight of faith, guess what happens? You're laying up in a bank account, storing up exact same word treasures in heaven. is absolutely amazing. It is absolutely. In fact, while we're on this, flip over real quick, the first Timothy chapter six, I want to show you something. First Timothy, in the sixth chapter, and here is the same Greek word found again, about storing up putting into the bank. And look what it says in First Timothy, chapter six. He says, starting in verse 17, to please get this first Timothy six and starting with verse 17. He says, command to those who are rich in this present world, you get the emphasis there, this present world now the here and now. Not to be arrogant, not to put their hope and wealth, which is so uncertain that comes and goes so quickly, that Psalm 49 says it flies away like it has wings. We could ask Donald Trump if that's somewhat true. Get this, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment, command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous and willing to share and get this if you're if you if you do good, if you're rich in good deeds, if you're generous and willing to share get this in this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age. So they may take hold of the life that is truly life, same word. Same word, as you do good as you share your wealth as you do those kinds of things. My friends, guess what happens? You're laying up treasures for yourself in the coming age. It'd be like, be a Christian, that had fame and fortune. And this life it was selfish with your possessions and die. And as you stand and start eternity, your everything is reversed. The first had been made last and the last had been made first, which is what that passage is talking about. But how much for us that have been blessed with the riches of America to be able to share and to give away in the sacrifice and not go for the greed of all the materialistic ways. Listen, how great will it be to stand before God he'll say well done. You shared your wealth. Here are more here's more for you. Did you know this random Americans spend 30% of their income on luxury items. 40 years ago we spent 10% on luxury items 477% increase since 1970. On spending on recreation. The last 17 years giving an evangelical churches has gone down steadily Almost half of all charitable giving in the United States come from households making under $30,000 a year. We've just got this thing all backwards. We've got the real life who's going to be getting these things real life is giving away willing to share being willing to do good for others. So if you were to say to me, Pastor, how can I, practically speaking lay up treasures in heaven? How can I know? Well, listen, do good. Share your well. sacrifice for others. By the way, you see that we're not too far off Philippians what's Philippians? About? Unity? Esteeming others better than yourself? Not being selfish. Remember, by the throat? Well, we came out of chapter two. And there it is, again, sheer giveaway, in fact, didn't even see more. How can you lay up treasures in heaven? By the way, there is so much I want to just tell you, there is no way a one or two messages can cover all of this. That's how much the New Testament talks about it. I'm amazed, go to just but we're going to try and just start on it today. All right, so go over to Luke 14. I want you to see this over to Luke in the 14 chapter. Luke chapter 14. Now, this is amazing to me. You're ready. The 14th chapter it says in the first verse, one Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a, I'm reading from the NIV. Now prominent Pharisee, please get this prominent Pharisee that's key word there. Okay. Now, he goes to the house and he talks okay. And then he does a he'll he does a little healing there. Okay. Not to make it an important but I'm trying to move down here to get to the text, right? Look at verse seven. When he noticed how the guest pick the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable, when someone invites you to a wedding feast do not take the place of honor for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you give this man your seat, then humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you're invited, take the lowest place so that when your host comes He will say to you friend, move up to a better place, then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests and to get this for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted my friends, what's he talking about? Know what he's talking about? He's talking about the BMC judgment. Now you say it PMRC written into this, you're getting little ridiculous. Now, can you read everything being that you're seeing beam everywhere? No, no, no, this is here. This is right here. I'll show you how we know that. Look at verse 12. Then Jesus said to his hosts, when you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers, your relatives or your neighbors. If you do, they may get this get this now they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind and you will be blessed up get please get this the last verse 14, although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. What they're talking about the Bina at the judgment you'll be repaid person. Do you want to lay up treasures in heaven, then get this be rich and good works. Be generous and willing to share. Don't seek prominent places in societal situations lower yourself, put yourself back let others bring you a blood God exalt you in due time, seek the lowest place or the least what is Philippians talking about the same thing, the same thing. Listen, do nice things. sacrifice for those who cannot repay you. Go out of your way to help the lame the cripple the blind the poor, go out of your way to get to listen. Not just financially now not just financially. Yes, yes financially, but not just financially. How about this? How do you talk to after church? Remember how it was in school? Everyone made fun of the person that was sort of down and out. You always want to seek friends with the cheerleaders or this person or that person with me it was the cheerleaders nominee my friend. Would you say what is it? We the whole attitude of life ought to be this give myself to those people who need me give myself to those people who are done out not to those people hey, if I talked to this guy and work the right deal, I bet you my business will really boom Hey, I'm gonna check and work this outward you know, such as the join me I'll be friends them I'll get in the right circles and then bang, bang, bang up a football go. No, the Scripture says this. You want to lay up treasures in heaven. Do good to those who can't repay you. And here's this the think of this, you get a cup of water in his name. And he'll remember it. If he's gonna remember a cup of water in his name. He's gonna remember when you go out of your way to love invite over and minister to people Although we're down and out, that I'll tell you what excites me at the same time, it just rebukes me. James chapter two is so true for all of us. Where we, you know, say to the to the rich, I got a place for you right here. How you doing, buddy? Good friend and we said, hey, man, get lost. I'm busy over here. I got some real ministry. We've got to be careful here, friends. So listen, that's one way you can lay up treasures in heaven, and you want to see something else. You got to go back to Matthew six, go back right where we were back to Matthew six. You can see this in Matthew six. This is again, amazing. Look what he says in Matthew chapter six. Here's how you by the way, remember what we just read in Matthew 619. It says this laying out for yourselves treasures on earth. Remember that? Okay, let's go back to verse one. Now, go back to verse one. It says this. Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. Wait, what's the Bema he saw what the Bema here Why do you think Matthew 619 20 says love for yourselves treasures in heaven the way you read your story though? Here's one way don't do acts of righteousness in particularly hear the way you give. Don't do it so everyone knows about it. Do it in secret. Please get this look at verse two. So when you give to the needy do not announce it with trumpets as the hypocrites do in the synagogues on the streets to be honored by men. I tell you the truth they have their reward fool you know the old story. Here's poor old Rob Hall's. We all know Rob's hurtin you know, Hey, Rob here. I know you've had some trouble without anything. I want you to give this everybody you see this? Here you go, you know, I wanted to see it. Or, you know, here comes the offering. Here comes the offering plate you know how this now I'm making fun of something. But you know what, you all know that we like to let people in on that stuff. We like to let people know. Yeah. Well, the $17,000 offering you know, I was there that Sunday when it came in the building fund. So make your giving secret because look at the last verse it says this verse for verse four last verse of that section, it says this, so that you're giving may be in secret, then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. So give secretly, you want to have treasures for yourself and heaven good so that the only person that knows about it is God about this verse five and forward about prayer. And when you pray, do I be like the hypocrites they love to pray standing in the synagogues in the street quarters as seen by men, I tell you the truth they have received the reward and full. Well, when you go into your room, close the door, pray to your Father who is unseen and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you beat him up. You know, we've all done this. I told you about my friend who named his bed the word he would say I spent four hours in the word this afternoon. You know the people. We all do this about prayer. What you don't know I've just been praying. You know, we talked about that we've dropped a little secret about our prayer cards, our list this has and make ourselves look as if we're really hey, here's what it means. Give pray. And one last thing when you fast. Look at verse 16. When you fast do not look songbirds, the hypocrites do. They disfigured their faces to show men their fasting. I tell you the truth they have received the reward and fold. You know when it comes to prayer when it comes to giving when it comes to fasting, you know what it says they receive the reward for you know what your reward is? If you do the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life, fasting, prayer and giving if you do those kinds of things, in order for men, guess what, there is some reward in it. And that is this, people will think you're pretty cool. And that's it. You've lost it in heaven. We're going to talk in the next couple of weeks about what there's like 12 verses I have found about what you do to lose your reward. Here's one of them right here. You've lost your reward at the Bema by being so pious in front of other people. So here's the point that listen, it's very interesting, how we're talking positively here today. How can you lay up well, give pray and fast and don't let anybody know about it. Now, that is there's something very interesting I want you to see here. We'll go over to chapter five, in Matthew five right there and look down with me to verse 14. And it says this because this is an important distinction that needs to be made. Verse 14, and Matthew five, you are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on a stand and it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way. Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven. Now look at verse 16 says this let your light shine before men let people see your good works now go to chapter six and verse one. And look what it says. It says this, be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by them. Now all of us could do it this wait a minute, once he said it, chapter five, verse 16, says, Don't let your light shine before men, chapter six, verse one, he says, Don't let anyone said, here's the difference. The quality of life that the Beatitudes call for is the kind of life that shows forth Christ and is to be revealed to the world. For instance, being poor in spirit, being a peacemaker, being meek, doing righteousness and hungry and thirsty for it. Those are the type of things that the Beatitudes talk about that are to be seen by the world. But what is to not be seen by the world and not to be shown off in any way or the Christian disciplines? I have found I've wondered, often it why is it that I have found when I've really had a hot time and devotions for a period of time that when I've shared that with people, I've always lost it. There are things that you don't talk about. And one of them is be careful. I mean, you got to share in principle, and it things what's going on in our giving in our private life things. But we've got to be so careful lest we lose the reward. So I want you to see that. Now, I'm going to close we've basically just done two things so far. Now we're ready to close. Number one, we've said this, we've said that the Bema is foundational to our faith and our whole Christian life. Number two, we've said how can we lay up some treasures in heaven? Well be rich, be willing to share. Don't be rich, be the rich and good works, be willing to share and take the lowest place and societal situations do nice things for those who can't repay you do your Christian disciplines in secret. These are just some there's much more these are just some. But well, let me ask you this, we consider last week the criterion of judgment for the Great White Throne. Let's consider now just just to introduce it just to get a taste in our mouth, the two basic principles for the criterion of judgment, the Bema Seat, they are found first in Matthew 25, verses 14 through 32. And you can turn there if you'd like. And the other place is First Corinthians chapter three, verses 10 through 13. Now there are two things here I want you to get. Without taking the time to read the passage in Matthew 25. If you turn there starting with verse 14, he's the parable of the talents. He gives one man five talents, one man two talents and one man one talent, he comes back after a long journey. And the man with five talents has five more talents, the man with it gives them back and he says well done good and faithful servant. And he takes the man with two talents who gives back to more, he says, Well done, he's against the same combination to the man that gave that five than the guy that gave back to becomes the man that had one. And who hit it out of fear. And said, I know you're a hard man harvesting where you have not sown, which shows you a wrong view of God, that somehow the Bema Seat is going to be intolerable. Is is a wrong perspective there for sure. But anyway, I want you to the whole picture is this. What don't you think you should have told the story like this now? Not that I need to correct Jesus? But if I did, I would say here's one place you made a mistake. You know, I'm being facetious, okay. It's a Jesus, you shouldn't have the story go like this. The guy with the five talents blows it. And the guy with the two talents and the one talent, you know, that's the thing. But why did Jesus tell us that the guy with the one talent blows it? I'm gonna tell you why. Because of this, the criterion for judgment, the Bema Seat will not be based on what you excuse me, it will be based on the faithful use of what you have been given, not on the amount of what you've been given. And the clearest way to illustrate that is to show the guy that has the one has been the wicked man, because we will all take pity on that guy who say, Oh, this poor guy didn't have much. The fact is, nobody can say they can't be used of God. Nobody can say, Well, what I have is an important. In fact, it's even right in here in a church newsletter. I read it this morning. I love this church newsletter. It says if you think you're too small to do a big thing, try doing small things. The big way was that and the fact here is this. It's not. You've heard it all your life. God is not looking for ability but for availability. You know, that's true. Is was this to us what he's given us? You will not get this. I am so glad to know this. You will not be judged by comparison with others. But with what you did with what you had. I'm so glad he's not gonna say all right, it's time for judgment. Right the preachers of the 1990s John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll Charles Stanley James candy Kim coffin, will you please take the stand? Now what do you see? Are these five who did the best? How are you? Oh, no. You see, it'd be terrible, but that's why the Scripture is clear the beam each man will give a cow I have him self to God, you will be judged for what you have done with what God has given you, not with how successful your life has been, such as this gets to the last point. And the last point is this First Corinthians chapter three. Real quickly, this is the famous passage, I want you to show you one phrase out of this. And remember, we're going to continue this study now, in the weeks ahead, but first Corinthians chapter three, he's talking about the Bema. He talks about the gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is because the day will bring it to light, it will be revealed with fire and get this look at the last part of verse 13. It'll be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. Number one, you won't be judged upon how much you've been given will be judged by what you've done with what you have been given. Number two, the criterion for judgment, the Bema Seat will be quality, not quantity. He's not gonna stand up and say hi, all the people with churches over 500 Are you gonna get this reward? No, because it's not quantity, its quality. And listen, that's important. Understand. Jesus said this. I love this story. In my chapter 12, Jesus is there he goes into the synagogue, and he purposely sits across the place where people are giving money. And he sits there and he watches and his disciples are all sitting there. Just imagine now I picture Jesus sitting there, the disciples are sitting around, and he's watching, and he's watching intently. What's happening? Here comes some rich people. Here come some more retrieval. All of a sudden, here comes the little old lady with the two mites. And she walks up. And she throws in however she does it for point and he goes Hey, fellas. Skinner? Did you see that? Did you see what happened? I want you to know, she has given more than anyone else. What do you mean to give more to that poor lady? She gave all that she had? Aren't you glad? Friends? Aren't you glad the judgment is based upon the quality of life, not the quantity that you have. We've got to remember when we stand before Him, that that is going to be the case. Listen. I talked to a man this week, the new a man that ministered to the Cree Indians in Canada for 30 years. After 30 long years of faithful ministry, he had his first convert. I know of places in South America, where people leave 30 people to Christ a week. But you know what? The Judgment will not be based upon quantity, but upon quality. It's not that the guy that lived 30 to Christ, he's gonna get less judgment. I'm just saying, God knows the field. God knows the heart, and the test will be quality. I heard a story of a missionary in Africa who was a faithful, hardworking translator. And every year he got totally embarrassed. You know why he had to turn in his status reports. And I said this, how many people have you led to Christ? How many people have you baptized? How many people have you done all this? And all I can tell you is this friends. You cannot put on paper? What the Bema Seat will really be about because we don't know. It's a matter. We do know this. It's a matter of quality. I said earlier all theology that's bad tells you that the Pay Day is now no there's a pay day coming in. You know what the Bible says things like this, are you suffering? Well consider this. I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that shall follow. Don't you love that? You cleanse. my accountability partner and I met this week for breakfast. This little men's group that we have going we have candles Mark made an amazing statement. In light of all this. Bible says this The I have not seen, neither has the ear heard, neither has entered the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him. Heaven is so fantastic. I had such a boring view of Heaven most of my life. Think of this, the I have not seen the angels must think there's these people that are loving the world and really into this world. They are so sick. That's what they must be thinking. Because heaven is so fantastic. The light waves we can only see a certain spectrum of light waves. Can you imagine being in heaven, the AI is not seen. You cannot imagine how beautiful heaven is. It could be a whole other spectrum of vision and sight that we can't even begin to imagine. Well this year have not heard you know, I can blow dog whistle and the dogs would come running but none of you would even hear it. I imagined music that takes a full spectrum bigger than we've ever even known in our life. And the beauty of it. Maybe there could be a musician or how about this neither has entered into the heart of man. He ought you ought to leave here this morning after you go to Sunday school. You got to leave here this morning. So fired up that you Have a God that as you've trusted Christ, though you've not seen him, you love him. And you live by faith in that Christ as you just go out and just love Him and obey Him and just say, I want to put you first just lead my life take control of me. And whatever I do, I just want to do for you and follow the scriptures make your decisions, in light of that. There is an eternity with incredible undescribable beauty and rewards and a life of existence that is so much superior, that we're going to look back now and say, Why were we ever even tempted in this stupid life? I tell you, this thing has got me on fire. It is God has just been describing this in my heart. I'm excited about living. I'm excited about considering what we're supposed to be doing with our lives. In light of all that the Scripture says about the Bema let's pray. Heavenly Father, we are so thankful to you for the love that you've shown us and your son Christ. And we are thankful father that we know that why we are here we've been created by you. And we're going a place we're going ultimately to heaven. We're going to the Day of Judgment when we find out what we really were like I pray that you would motivate Christians in this church as a result of what's been said that changed their life so that they put Christ where he needs to be so that there would be a decision making and and a giving of effort, time and money to those things which will lay up treasures in heaven. Start with me father. pray this in Jesus name.