The Expository Word

Phil 2 JSC, Motivation

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 57

Kimber begins this message by reading from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.  This message originally delivered July 21, 1991am.

Kimber Kauffman:

We looked at this passage in the last several weeks, from a couple different perspectives. Read it follow along as I read it now. Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run, I'm sorry, First Corinthians nine, starting with verse 24, might help you if I tell you the verse. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize, Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. Now please get this. They do it to get a crown that will not last. But we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore, I do not want like a man running aimlessly. I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I preach to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. When I was in second grade, my sister was in sixth grade. And we went to a public school in Indianapolis. And they had as they did every year of candy selling contests. And if you sold so many bars of candy or boxes of candy, I can't remember, you got some awards. And they would show you under the first day. The way that introduce it is they would pass out the sheets of paper and they would show you all the different awards. There was the all school award and they all school awards for the person that sold the most candy in the entire school was a clock radio. Well, back then, right after electricity was invented, that's when I was a kid, it was a big deal to have a clock radio. Then they had the second grade prize. And the second grade prize I'll never forget it was a white plate in a plastic case a white transistor radio with a couple of neat dials on it in a black leather case is about this big. That was the second grade price. And I remember looking at that and going home, and my sister and I made some plans. She says Jim, you listen to me, we'll get those awards. That's what she said. And you know, something, she was right, she won the clock radio for the whole school. She also won the sixth grade award, whatever that was, but I got that little black transistor radio. And I want to tell you something, I'm not sure what we were trying to raise money for anymore. Back then it was something to do with the school. But I want to tell you something, I did not work so hard, and give up a lot of things that I used to like to do after school in order to sell candy. And because I love the school. Now I like my school. But that's not the reason that I did it. I had one thing in my mind. And that is this. I wanted to get that little transistor radio in the black case. And I got it. But you know, that is things that perish because it were that thing is, I don't know years ago and crushed away someplace in the trash probably. But you see, it is so important to understand as we are doing the study if you're with us for the first time, we are doing a study on what the Scripture says about rewards of what the Scripture says about the Bema. Now we'll consider this. Wilbur Smith said this, the whole subject of rewards for the believer is one I am afraid, rarely thought of by the ordinary Christian or even the average student of the scriptures. But it is both a joyous and solemn theme. You should serve as a potent incentive for holiness of life. Now please get that it should be a potent incentive for holiness of life. It is both joyous as we talked about in some ways as last week as we consider loss of reward it solemn. And then through the history of the church, many people have talked about this subject of reward, that the way we live now is going to impact all of eternity. Now, let me remind you quickly by this way of review, that the great judgment, really, you can say has two aspects to it one for believers, one for non believers, after you die, there is the Bema Seat for believers and it has to do with reward or loss of reward. There is the great white throne judgment for unbelievers it has to do with degrees of punishment held to two quick comments that need to be made. Kevin will not be the same for everyone. And hell will not be the same for everyone. And the Scripture clearly teaches those two things which we have often forgotten during this day. And when it comes to the aspect of judgment, people don't want to hear about it or think about it today. The world says God doesn't know what I'm doing. But the word says he does know everything. He can't know what everybody is thinking. The scripture says opposite. The world says you can't remember everything we say not according to the Word of God. He remembers every word it will be a towel for every word. He couldn't be concerned with all the little things that happen. Oh, he is. God doesn't keep track of the things I do. Yes he does in the scriptures. God couldn't us possibly care about the details of who I am. Oh no, quite contraire in the Scriptures. He is extremely involved in our lives now. Having He said that I want to tell you this story last Sunday, after the first or second service, I can't remember which lady in our church gave me a book that she had purchased while on vacation. She was on vacation before we started the series. And she said, I think you'd be interested in it. She talked to me on the phone, I said, You got to give me that book. And you know what the title of the book is? It's entitled going for the gold. In fact, isn't it interesting. In his book going for the gold liquid, it says reward and loss at the judgment of believers going for the goal by Joe wall. Now, in this book, here's what he says in the introduction that listen to this, this is amazing. He says, some years ago when I was passionate Church in Houston, Texas, I delivered a preaching series on the subject of heavenly rewards in the judgment seat of Christ. My original plan had been to preach a short series of three to four messages. But as I prepared my messages, my plans began to change. I was confronted in a new way with passages that shed light on the subject of rewards and was struck a new by how many references and allusions there are in the New Testament to rewards and the judgment seat of Christ. My four week series expanded the five months take heart was this, my interest in the biblical teaching and the judgment seat of Christ is more than academic. This doctrine has had a profound impact on my life in a number of ways. It has become a framework for making decisions. It has served and continues to serve as a purifying truth in my life. And it is a continual basis for encouragement in the face of unfair criticism. He goes on to say about a man taught in the Bible, he was just a teenager, still in high school. And he said, under his instruction, I first heard what the Bible had to say about the judgment seat of Christ, and began to understand that every thought, every word, every dean, and every motive will one day be evaluated by Jesus. So while still in high school, I began making life decisions based on the awareness that someday I would have to give account of my life to Jesus. Over time, this truth touched every area of my life, where I should go to school, what I should study what I should seek to accomplish in life, I found myself sorting through my habits, my decisions, my activities, trying to see myself and my wife just as Christ might when I stand before Him on that great day. Now to get this, please listen, as I continue to study my Bible, I became convinced that the reality of Christ judgment seat is good, this an essential doctrine that should inspire godly living. Not only did this great doctrine affect my decision making in my daily walk, it also provided great encouragement on a nun on numerous occasions. To think of this, the subject today's message is motivation. I came to see that Christ will not only judge my shortcomings, he will also vindicate me, where others have wrongly accused me or convicted me. If no one else comprehends what I am doing or what motivates Jesus does. And one day, he will make known the truth about my life, both reproving me and rewarding me accordingly. One last paragraph was When one accepts leadership responsibilities, the ministry as in any business or profession, criticism, and unfair accusations come with the territory. Even in hard times, when difficult decisions have to be made. There are still those who are quick to judge your wisdom and even your motives. During those times. One major biblical truth can provide reassurance and encouragement and that is this the biblical teaching that Jesus will someday set the record straight if the judges praise God for that. Think about this. If we so many times we look at the idea of judgment. And we've been so long because we thought that, oh, I'm a believer, God will never judge me. No, no, no, he will judge us. He says the believers He that has done wrong will be either don't do it wrong will have to be repaid to the wrong he has done. He shall suffer loss, it says in first Corinthians three, yet he himself will be saved. So the beam of judgment is not a matter of losing your reward, it's a matter of the extent of your reward that you will receive. But you know, there was a survey done of Christian high school students. They said, What do you think of when you What would you say to God, if you stood before him at the beam and judgment after they explained what the beam of judgment was? And you know what they said across the board? They said this almost unanimously, they said this? Well, you know, I'd have to Lord, I'm not really living the way that I should. But I know that you have forgiven me and then I'll never be held accountable for what I have done nothing wrong. You know, if you hear that, intuitively, you know that there's something missing an answer like that. And yet, many adult Christians would have to answer that the same way I'm afraid. Now, we will be held responsible and the Bema Seat needs to be remembered that it is both now listen to this. It is both as we have put up here on the board, a subject that should give us some tremendous incentive for living but it also is something that is joyous as we think about all the wrongs being made right, but also solemn in that we are better be careful the way we live our lives. Every day, every decision, everything that we do is going to be brought up one day. And so we better be very, very careful. Now there's lots of Christians these days that don't want to hear about that part of it. All they want is this tickle my ears tell me how I sins are forgiven, and there's no more responsibility. I'm saved by grace. I don't have to do anything anymore. No, my friends, Christians have done some very stupid, very mean very bad things. And what the Scripture says about the judgment is this. Live your life in such a way with this realization, Jesus constantly pounds this out live your life, realizing that the way you live now is an investment in eternity. Boy, if something ought to shake us up and get us away from inauthentic Christianity, and from external type of Christianity, you ought to do this. Because the way you live is an investment. Now, let me tell you something, we love to talk about investments in our society, don't we? We have people in our church and all they do is talk about investments. And that's their job. And there's nothing wrong with that. We have other people sell insurance when they want. Hey, make sure you're ready for retirement. Make sure you take care of your kids. Listen to this investment opportunity that one man wrote about deer art. I don't know if you'd be interested in the following but I thought I would mention it to you because it could be a real sleeper as regards to making a lot of money with very little investment. So I'm pretty good. Listen, this, by the way will have sign up if anybody's interested in this will sign you up right after service. Listen, a group of us are considering investing in a large cat farm, you're Bogota, Colombia and South America. It is our desire to start rather small with about 1 million cats. Each cat averages about 12 Kittens each year. skins can be sold for 20 cents for white ones and 40 cents for black ones. This will give us 12 million cat skins per year to sell at an average price of around 32 cents, giving us annual revenues of approximately 3 million a year. This averages out to a gross profit of $10,000 a day excluding Sundays and holidays. In Bogota, a good scanner can skin about 50 Cats per day at a wage of only 350 a day. It will take only 663 men to operate the ranch so the net profit would be over $8,200 per day. The cats would be fed on rats exclusively. Rats multiply four times as fast as cats. We anticipate starting a rat ranch adjacent to our cat farm. If we start with a million rats, we will have four rats that the each cat each day. I thought you'd be laughing a lot harder at this point. The rats in turn will be fed on the carcasses of the cats we skin. This will give each rat a quarter of a cat per day. You can see by this that the business is a clean operation self supporting and really automatic throughout the cats will eat the rats and the rats will eat the cat and we will get all the skins. Eventually it is our hope to cross cats with snakes, because the resulting mutation would skin itself twice a year. This would save the labor cost of skinning as well as give us two skins for each cat. If the above program is not of interest to you, I would be one of the first to understand your hesitancy. Now think about that we have portfolios investment opportunities, are you planning for the future making sure that you're ready. But guess what Jesus said this plan farther than just your retirement. He says plan for eternity. live beyond just investing your life for something to Here and Now In the Quick the quick turnover that live in light of eternity. Now, let me ask you something that you turn to Matthew chapter 19. As you turn to Matthew 19, I have a question for you. Especially for those businessmen and women that are here in our church. If someone came to you and said, I will give you 100% return on your money guaranteed. Would you do it? What if someone came and said this? You know, we're talking about 15% 15%? Deal? That's great. They talked about how about this 100%? Or for example, this one if someone said look at the highest authority in the entire world guarantees your money at 1,000% You will get 1,000% back on your money. Would you do it? You're glad to shake your hands though you weren't even shaking your head. You guys must really be suckers. 1,000% Let me How about this? How about this? What if someone said the highest authority in all the world? The one who can never break his promise? guarantees your money at 10,000% 10,000% Would you do it? Well, look what happens here. Matthew chapter 19. And look to verse 27. This is right after the rich young ruler, turned back, the rich young ruler turn back because he had great possessions he went away sorrowful. Look what happened starting in verse 28. Excuse me starting in verse 27. Jesus answered him or she's been Peter answered him verse 27. We have left everything to follow you. What then will there be for us to hear as someone that has left all to follow Christ given up their occupation, they gave up their job, they gave up their homes, they gave up their families, they gave up everything to follow Christ. Now look what happens. Jesus said to them, verse 28, I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will sit on the 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel, and everyone to get this everyone who has left houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or children, or fields, for my sake, will receive 100 times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first in this life will be last than and many who are last in this life will be first, then you know, 100 times as much as figured out it's 10,000% 10,000% interest on your investment. Now, I will tell you something that on a motivated, you ought to be motivated for how you live now as regards how it's going to affect eternity. Can you imagine this 10,000% Return on what you do? By a God who absolutely will not forget even a cup of water given us his name. Tell you that Oh, to encourage us, or inspired us. But I want to ask you this question. If the motivation for serving God, one of the major motivations taught in the Scripture, if I can prove it to you was to be that you are to serve in order to get a reward. I didn't say it was the only motivation, but it was one of the major motivations in the scriptures. I mean, I said that, would you somehow feel that that was wrong? Would you somehow feel that sense? Somehow? It's easy, obvious. Chris is also going to wait a minute. That just doesn't quite make sense? No, that's not right. Because that would be selfish to do it that way. Well, we'll talk about that in a minute. But I will tell you something. If Satan is going to attack on an area, he is going to attack in the area of motivation, especially biblical motivation. Because if he can get his unmotivated from a biblical perspective, the No wonder there's going to be such apathy. Let me ask you, parents, what is one of the greatest challenges of your life? That is to motivate your kids to get them to do what you want them to do? Right? How do you do that? Let me ask you a question. Parents, if you took away punishment and rewards from your family upbringing right now, and you can no longer use it? How would it affect your kids? I'm gonna tell you, if you're good parents, it would drastically affect your kids. Because our children are to be motivated according to the Scriptures by the rod and plus by praise and reward. And so you already have a big effect upon us, but tell you something. What is so great about life is having motivation. We read the life of the apostle Paul, and we say, Man, Nick, I


was so motivated, how can he do it?

Kimber Kauffman:

I will tell you, we just read about it. They do it to get an incorruptible ground, I do it to get it. They get it to get a corruptible crown, I do it to get an incorruptible crown. Paul was motivated by the fact that getting the reward, he says at the end of his life, I fought a good fight. I kept the faith I finished the course. Henceforth, I can't wait. There's a crown of righteousness awaiting me. excited about it. I had a baseball coach, that I'm telling you, I am affected. The man was not a Christian. I'm still affected to this day. But the things that I learned from him, here is what makes a good coach. And they say, well, he is a player's coach. What? He's a motivator. I'm telling you. This guy looked at me one day, and he said to me this during practice one day, by the way, we had we had all star practice. He was the all star coach. The the other players from the other coaches said, you know, it's like we've never even been to practice before when you were just dying. And you know, he said to me one day, he was hitting ground balls taking infield and I was screwing up and I was throwing the ball wrong. I was trying but when he goes, Tim, come here.


I love this guy.

Kimber Kauffman:

I said on every word. He said he said to be at his house at seven o'clock. I was there at 630 innovate I just wanted to be around him. He says Kim it's a good thing you can hit the ball I'll never forget it. As we said the reason he said that is because how bad I was doing pickup playing third base. I'll tell you you know what I did? I ate dust and ate dirt the rest of that practice every foul ball I ran across the parking lot get zero back then I used to be able to get the ball I did everything I possibly could to police him because of a motivator. I'm gonna tell you something. What a motivator Jesus Christ is one a person to live for. What a person to be inspired by. Am I so know what's wrong with Christianity today? What is wrong with I'm gonna tell you apathy lukewarmness lack of motivation. Why is go to a pastors conference and listen to him talk. You know what they tell you? The pastor says we are burned out from trying to get people to do work of Christ. No one wants to do it. Everybody will tell you 10% of the people do all the work of Christ in the church. Well listen, what is missing? In America? Is this an understanding of eternal rewards that should lead to a motive you know what the church is used? You know what the church is used most Bible teaching church and you know what they've used as a motive for Christians, guilt and fear. guilt and fear has been the main motivation. And I'm gonna tell you, what happens is this, you just get a steady diet of guilt and pyramid, there's not much to be motivated out about anymore. You're sort of beaten down constantly. It's like a it's like a kid that all they would do is get yelled at and spank and told how bad they are. And they never get any praise or encouragement or any hope.


What happens that? Yeah,

Kimber Kauffman:

there's sort of walking around like this. We've got Christians just like that. Because our focus has been so much on than there are some Christians and say this No, no, the only reason we ever do anything is because we love God. Let me tell you something that is the most noble of all goals. But if you take away the biblical balance, that a desire for reward at the Bema is to be a part of it, then you're also going to have a wrong motivation. Let me ask you this. How do people motivate you at work? Come on, tell me how do they motivate you work? Don't actually tell me, let me tell you, Okay, money, bonuses, incentive programs, recognition, right? You get a vacation? What does that make? You do? Hey, we're gonna give you a 15% Raise, because we appreciate what you do here. Yeah. One of the hardest working men I know, just told me recently, that he, one of the one of the keys to his hard working continual hard working is this He rewards himself. Alright, I'm going to do this for these many days. And on this day, at this time, if I've accomplished what I wanted, I'm taking that break for a couple of days, I'm going to get to go do this. I have found it in my life. If I say alright, I'm going to be in the office. If I'm going to study from here to there and at this hour, that's when I'm going to go take this break and get to go play tennis or get through to some of you those those hours you want to make the most of because you think hey, it's good. There's gonna be a reward here. Why did people stop serving God? Listen, why did people stop serving God? Bottom line, they don't think it's worth it. That's a true Christian, stop serving God because they don't think it's worth it. I missing out on something. The psalmist in Psalm 73 are referred to all the time he says this man i in vain I've kept my heart pure in vain. I've washed my hands. If it doesn't make sense, the wicked are being prospered their blessing and look at me. And you know what turned them around the very opposite of what I'm saying. What turn them around was not the ultimate reward. But to realize this, the severe punishment coming upon the unbeliever, then it turned his whole perspective around he was forever changed the same idea, eternity change them around. Don't be weary in well doing in due season you shall reap if you think not, the Scripture says, Don't give up. This ought to be something that the ones that you shall reap a reward. You will be blessed by God. Don't give up. People stop serving God. I had a brother friend of mine tell me that just this week, he says, I've tried to witness to some of my friends, neighbors, relatives, and they look at me and they say,


Look, man, what has God done for you? Look at your problems. Look at your trouble.

Kimber Kauffman:

You know what they're saying? There's a Christ isn't worth it. Life isn't worth it. It doesn't pay to serve God. That's one of the greatest questions that Satan us from the beginning and he still use it. God knows that you're going to be better off if you eat of that tree. So don't eat of that tree. In other words, it's not worth serving God, he's somehow bad. That's the lie of the devil that is so permeated the church, and it's so permeated Christianity. It's caused such such wickedness, it does pay to serve God, there's a wonderful day of joy coming for those that faithfully endure by faith to live for Him, you shall receive 100 To listen, can you imagine? When I say 10,000% return? It doesn't even make sense friends. I mean, it's greater than that. Why? Because it's the 10,000% return in heaven, where their streets of gold where the I have not seen either the or hurt either going into the heart of man the things which God prepared for them love him? How much greater is it going to be on that day? You see the great majority of time God doesn't reward a president active obedience adequately enough to keep us going. Because we are to live by faith. And if you study Hebrews 11 the Bema is the focus of a city whose builder maker is God. Moses did it so that he will be rewarded one day, that ought to be a part of our hearts and lives that we will give an answer to God for how we live. I'll tell you it makes a difference in my life. It should make a difference in the way you make decisions. I hear people today and they say this all the time. Listen, oh, I'm just gonna I'm just going to you know, get a go ahead and divorce this person cuz I'm just too unhappy with them. If God wants me to be happy, I'm telling you, you're gonna get When answered the Beamer and you better make sure you were in God's Will when that thing happens. All this rationalization also starts to go out the window. Listen to what John Calvin said, as to how motivated him, it is my happiness to have served him who never fails to reward his service to the full extent of his promise. Ha, why, why did John Calvin accomplish so much for God? Listen, me even at this point, the sermon many of you might be going now I know Wait a minute, there's still just something not quite right pastor. You see, I would think this, it's got to be selfish. For me to do something to get a reward. If I do something just to get a reward, somehow that's selfish. Let me tell you. If what you did this week you did to get a reward. You know what God calls it? Obedience. Moses chose rather to suffer friction with the people of God and enjoy the pleasures in preseason. Why? Because he was looking ahead to his reward. How much clearer can that be? You're doing it because God says rewards are good. Listen to this. Let me illustrate to you like this. You got a son, your father, you say to your son, all right, sonny boy. You bring home all A's and B's on your report card. And if you bring home all A's and B's on your report card, I'm gonna take you to that special thought fishing. I know how much you love the fish. And so sonny boy comes home. And you know what? Sonny? Boy comes home all excited dad, I got all A's and B's I get to go fishing, and the father will tend to hear so selfish. Does that make sense? It's not selfish, to do something to get a reward. Because the reward is this. It means it's God's pleasure to give it to you. You say, Praise God. For this, we've got to remember that God does not use a less than perfect reason to reach a perfect end. And it is important for us to understand that if God says the reward should help motivate you, then my friends it is good to seek the reward. Because it's going to bring pleasure. It was hard. So let's get down to some brass tacks now listen to this. How often would you miss church? Yeah. Every time you can you receive the $1,000. Shot family, family of six $6,000 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. $6,000 You got the door. But now listen to that. Also, you receive the $250 bonus if you sang with all your heart that day, when you came. In other words, if you saying praise Him Praise can't wait to see that baseball. Alright know to enter for the dollar bonus. Of course, if you got 1000 become and you probably wouldn't care about the two or $3 Bonus. What happens about this? What happens if you got an additional$200 for taking notes of the sermon? If they were at least somehow in line with the pastor's notes? How often would it change your life? My friends, listen, the fact that rewards ought to change our life that because joy now look at this. This is amazing to me. How does God motivate? Let's consider from a biblical perspective. How does God motivate now, this is so much material that we're not going to be able to just take our Bibles look at each of these passages, but you can write them down. You can ask for this from my secretary. And you can see now let's consider how God motivates in the whole Bible. First off, let's consider in the Old Testament how God motivates. Okay, first off, I want you to consider this. He motivates by fear of punishment. Turn to Deuteronomy 28, would you but if you turn to Genesis two, I want you to consider something no doubt Deuteronomy 22 I want you to go but as you're going there consider Genesis two right at the beginning, before sin entered the world to get this before Senator the world God motivated by fear of punishment. He says, if you eat of this tree, this day, you shall surely die. You'll die. What is that? That's a threat. You eat of the tree, you're gonna die. That's a threat, fear of punishment. Let me tell you something. You know that people are more afraid of AIDS today than they are of God. They are. There's a change of people you know, they're gonna be so careful about how they have sex, who they have sex with all of these things. You know why? Because we're afraid of AIDS but we're not afraid of God. Not to be a fear of Governor heart that causes us to change. I heard women say this weekend study of this. He says, Look, you always been told all your life the fear of God is something reverential or he goes, that is true. But if you really study it, you'll find it means this you're scared to death to sin against the Holy God. That's the fear of God. So in Genesis two he says, You're gonna die now in Deuteronomy chapter 28. I want you to see something else. Deuteronomy 28 Look at verse 58. It says this In Deuteronomy 28 Old Testament use, it says, If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name, the Lord your God, what will happen? The Lord will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses. Now, you think this is one place in the Old Testament? Those of you that have read the Old Testament, no, this is more than one place. This is all through the Old Testament. Alright, stay right there in Deuteronomy 28. So what is fear of punishment, but notice something else, hope of reward. Exodus 20 says, Honor your father and mother, that you may have length of days. The New Testament Oh, that's the New Testament New Testament says the same thing. Joshua one eight, you'll be successful. God bless Minos this, Deuteronomy 28. Go back in that same chapter to the second verse. Hope a reward. Verse one of Deuteronomy 28. If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all those commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany if you will obey the Lord to God, you'll be blessed in the city and blessed in the country, the fruit of your womb will be blessed the crops of your land, the other of your livestock, the calves of your herds, the lands of your thoughts, your basket, your need, and Trump will be blessed you'll be blessed when you come in and bless when you go out. Blessed, blessed blessed is a blessing, All right, hope of reward. Love of God Deuteronomy 11 One Go Go back to the 11th chapter. Just look at verse one. You can look at these other verses later. When it says Love the Lord your God and keep His requirements is decrees as laws as commands always. All the way through the love of God, but we get many other places that use just a couple these are just scratching the surface. Many other great places on this Alright, let's go though to meek and lowly loving Christ. Surely the meek and lowly loving Christ is not going to threaten anybody with fear of punishment is he? That's typically a concept understood today. No, listen, the fear of punishment. Yes. Look at the Matthew seven passage. Look what it says. I'll tell you it to you. You can look at it if you want. It says this many she'll say to me at that day, Lord, Lord, have we not done this and done that and done this and cast out demons and done miracles you name he's gonna say depart from me ye that work iniquity, I never knew you. What is that? That's a warning during the sermon of the mount to watch out for authentic Christianity, a threat of punishment. What does he say later on? You go to the 11th chapter. You know what he says? Jesus says, Woe unto you corzan. Wallander, you Bethsaida for if the work is done in you had been done an entire inside and they would have repented long ago. What is that? A threat? He says, he says, such men that are Pharisee of Pharisees, hypocrites shall be punished most severely. What is that, from our loving Lord, a threat of punishment. But also he gives a hope of reward. This Matthew 1929 passages where he tells Peter you shall receive 100 times more. In Matthew 16, he says, When the Son of Man comes back, you'll have his reward with him to give each man a coin as he has done in Matthew 1617 to 20. You know what it says? laying it out for yourselves treasures in heaven and earth where moth and rust have crept away for yourselves treasures in heaven. And also, love of God, if you love me, you will keep My commandments. My friends, here's what I'm saying is this on all of these? Here's what we have heard. We have heard God's gonna get you if you don't obey. And we've heard Oh, just do things because you love. But very few evangelical Christians during this day and age in our churches heard anything about the hope of reward. And my point is we're out of balance. So I'm trying to straighten that balance up a little bit. We've got to understand there is a tremendous hope that we have. How about the apostles in the New Testament? fear of punishment? Passage, I quote all the time, a Feagins five he says this, let no one deceive you with empty words where because of these things, the wrath of God is coming upon the children of disobedience. What is it talking about? blatant sin, watch out don't want anyone to see you God will the deeds done in the body whether they be good or bad? You're storing up wrath against the day of wrath. There's definitely the apostles teach fear of punishment, but they also teach hope of reward. Many other places Galatians six, nine, Be not deceived. God is not mocked. What's your answer with that? You also read that verse eight, I believe seven and eight. And then he says, Don't lose hope. Don't be weary and deuces you shall reap if you think not. In Love of God, the love of Christ constrains us. God motivates us by telling us the watch out if we disobey Him, you know, I find it so interesting how we throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is such a just a quick thing. There's such a emphasis today about hellfire and brimstone preaching and watching Alia let's just say that that is honest, good, biblical way to motivate And people say, Oh, I just came to Christ because of fear of hell. Okay.


That's what a crisis points. That's all right.

Kimber Kauffman:

Let's just be balanced and all this so we don't throw anything out. And one last thing, I want you to see what that does mean I'm closing the sermon, I just mean one last thing as far as overheads go. And that is this. Let's consider as far as motivation, all the things the New Testament talks about when it comes to rewards, look at this. treasure in heaven. And one one description is a treasure in heaven, where moth and rust does not corrupt and thieves can't break through and steal something you can never ever lose. Once you've gotten it, inheritance, the New Testament talks continually about this great inheritance. Now, we like that in our circles today, don't worry, you get the you get the notification, that Uncle so and so died, and you're gonna get the inheritance, Rest. Rest is this the full benefit and pleasure of your inheritance and heaven. The book of Hebrews talks about that over and over about entering the rest. It's a description of heaven, it's a description of reward, see to it that you don't have a sinful unbelieving heart to turn away from living God, make sure that you keep on so that you enter the rest it says, how about this rule and dominion? Now, think with me a second on that one ruined dominion is a term of one of the rewards in the New Testament she was talking about. You take charge of 10 cities, you take charge of five cities. What do you have authority and rule that's going to be something about the rewards is going to be as you've lived now, that's why he says this, the last person now the little widow, no one respected her, she may have greater authority in Heaven. How about this divine and public commendation? You know, what? Do you ever think about it, that it's going to be a public commendation, when you get a reward? He's not going to call you over to the side and say, Hey, come here. I don't really want to see this. But here are some rewards. You know, here's a couple of crowns for incorruptible. Here's some stuff in your pocket full of heavenly jewels, you know, don't tell me but so you know what it says? It says Luke 12, eight, he will commend you before all of the heavenly hosts of the angels Majan, the heavenly host of the angels. Here's a special award. Matthew 2521, well done, good and faithful servant. About this, what a passage. The reason I have much circled there. I don't know if you can even tell I've got a circle. But it's because that's not right. It's rich, a rich, royal welcome to Bible says in Second Peter 111. If you continually to progressing your sanctification, that there'll be an abundant entrance and a rich royal welcome for you. By the way, it also talks about the Gospels. If you give your money in such a way that it blesses other people that when you go to heaven, you'll be richly welcomed by those that you give your money to. Are you ready for this one? You talk about rewards, this one shocks you? Are you ready? Would you believe me if I told you this, the New Testament teaches that if you are faithful now, that Jesus Christ Himself is going to come and serve you in heaven. That's what it says in Luke 1237. It talks about if the master comes home and finds his servant faithfully working the master puts on the apron takes off your shoes washes your feet and ministers to you. That'd be hard to take when. But as you're gonna say, I am so in love with what you've done, thankfully for your faithfulness. And Jesus actually served you I'm telling you something. That would be something never Peter didn't like that. Now you're not going to touch me. How about this? rejoicing? Rejoicing, wonderful privilege of rejoicing? We're not going to get those awards and and you know how they have it, they come up there. Well, I thank you for this and I'd like to thank my producer and my director. And I'd like to thank all those that worked with me and especially you know, my wife, I'm tell you something, and then you sort of walk off here on quietly class, it's gonna be, it's not gonna sound to Baptist. All right, there's gonna be rejoicing, people are gonna be praising God, there's gonna be fantastic joy that we have faithfully serve the Lord and forever we're in heaven in a sinless place. How about this? The overcomers reward that friends, I'll tell you, this is quite amazing. But if you study revelation one through three, and here's the verses two 710, and 1117 20 835 12, and 21, I want you to consider and he says things like this, if you overcome you will have the right to eat of the tree of life and the paradise of God that's going to be one of the privileges eat of the tree of life and the paradise of God. Don't ask me to explain what all this is. Exactly. How about this You shall not be hurt at all by the second death. That's the overcomers work you'll be given the Hitman and Anna will you be given the hit hit man if you have a white stone with your name written on it. So the Bible says, I will give you the Morningstar. 228 says that Hyndman overcap I'll give the Morningstar to him. I mean, you talk about rewards incorruptible, it's unbelievable. How about this, you'll never be blown out of the book of life, you'll be a pillar in heaven. And you'll have the right to sit on my throne. I mean, there is something special going on here. And one last thing, which we can't even get to this week development is the reef crowns, the special reef crowns for overcoming for enduring suffering for being a sole winner for all these other things, their special awards. I'm telling you, it ought to motivate us. Now. Come on. Some of you are ever in different sales teams and ideas and they say this, Hey, look, if you work your way up to this level, then you're gonna be able to get so much a month you work up to this level, you're gonna get so much vacation, you get this much, you're gonna increase your retirement plan. Hey, we'll take all the sellers here. What's going yeah,


I'm gonna work harder.

Kimber Kauffman:

Friends wake up out of our apathy. Let's consider all that the Scripture says we ought to be motivated in order to serve God because He will not forget your labor. Listen, now get your Bibles ready. We're just gonna have five more minutes, look up some verses, but I were to tell you something, the Bema. And the rewards in heaven should motivate you when in trouble when you're slandered against, remember the introduction I read from Joe wall and he told about that. One of my favorite quotes, I've used it before, and you'll grow weary of me using it again, but I'm gonna use it anyway. And that is by George Whitfield. He was slandered against him. He was preaching Calvinism, the myth the Armenians were crucifying them. And by the way, Calvinists have crucified the Armenians too, so I'm not trying to make it one side of their but I'll say this. He said they said answer answer answer. He said, It was what Bill said I am perfectly willing to wait until the judgment day for the clear enough of my character. When I am did I deserve another epitaph but this here lies George Whitfield. What kind of man he was the great day we'll discover. Now, I will tell you something. If you aren't thinking about the Bema and you get criticized and slandered you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna do this. Oh, yeah.


I got on your face Powell. Right.

Kimber Kauffman:

When it comes to being judged and slandered against Paul said in First Corinthians four is quoted Whitfield Paul goes along with them, actually, with a one on one with Paul, I suppose. But he said this, just nothing before the time, I'm not even gonna judge myself. In fact, on that day, the secret motors of hearts will be judged. So I'm gonna I'm gonna have to answer you people that are criticizing me. So he says in first Corinthians four will be about this. When lonely from sacrifice. Listen, your labor in the Lord is never in vain. First Corinthians 1338. There has been a lady missionary that has come to our church. I believe she's in Colombia, way down in South America, and way back in the tribal language, and she's a single lady. And when she came to our church years ago, she spoke. And she said several interesting things, one of which was this. She said, she talked about the decisions she finally had to made realizing this, I will probably never be married, going to where I'm going and serving the way I'm serving. I'll probably never bear my own children. And she told the story about here she was from America, in all the riches of what we had, and she goes down into the Columbia and she got into a pond, or in some kind of canoe boat, and the guy paddling the canoe that had to take her back for six hours, two days in a row had no clothes on. And she just looked back up at his buttons the whole time, and he just didn't tell you the truth. And she said to herself, what am I doing here? And there she goes, giving up all Do you remember what Jesus said, your labor in the Lord is never in vain. Remember what Jesus said, if you forsake your family, and your children and all of that, for my sake, you're gonna get 100 times more, you believe the saint is gonna come along and whisper to her and reason we ought to pray for our missionaries and support guys that are coming like Jeff Cook cook tonight, is because they've given up and sacrifice and said, Okay, I won't live with my family. I'll miss all the Christmases and holidays, I'll give up the money that I could have made as a business. Because I want to serve them. Do you think we ought to go behind them and encourage them? How much we should? How about where are you from struggling and sin? Some some of you I know, because I talk to these your pastor and at times I have been there many times I've been there. You're weary from struggling in sin. You realize the difficulty of it. You just wonder Oh, wretched man that I am. You say? That's the whole motivation of self denial in First Corinthians nine that we would receive an incorruptible crown. How about when your enemies hate you? Do you know there's a special reward if you love your enemies? Come on. Listen, let's just be honest here. So many Christians. We are so far off this principle. We've completely missed it. I've often talked with Christians and they say and this person is doing that to me and that person is doing this to me and you And in what they're planning, they're planning their whole scheme of revenge. Here's the Bible says, don't take revenge. Let God take revenge. You love your enemies, you pray for them. And guess what happens if you do that? There's a great reward according to Luke chapter six, for the person that we'll do that. How about this? When you feel you're the only one who cares about the particular ministry you're in? This is the sorrowful pastor complex. I'm familiar with it. I may have invented it. No one else cares. These guys don't really have a burden for what they're doing. I'm the only one that cares, dead gone. If I don't do it, it's not gonna get done. Which you lose about 28% of your Bheema with that attitude right off the bat. But listen, listen to what it says, Oh, what a blessed verse concerning the Bima, Hebrews six and verse 10. Listen to what it says. It says this. God is not unjust. He will not forget your work, and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them he won't forget it. Matthew 1042 was quoted many times even you give a little cup of water, these little ones, you'll be rewarded for it. investment into the lives of people, even little everyday things will be rewarded. Well, friends, Are you motivated by the below I hope you are able to change your life. Jesus said, laying it up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Shoot me, he said, lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. I always call it that. Well. Paul said, they do it to receive a corruptible crown we do it to receive an incorruptible crown Moses chose rather than suffer affliction, because he looked forward to his reward. Jesus for the joy set before him endured the cross. Peter exhorts the ministers to be faithful so that they can receive a crown of glory one day, all through the Bible. We're told that this but you know what friends is because of this, we have made hell if if Christian preachers and teachers had made heaven, half as delightful. When it comes to heaven, we don't know much about it. There ought to be a joy set before us that we will one day receive a reward in heaven and living by faith is that we we realize he's a rewarder of them to diligently seek him. By the way, I don't mean to put down how bad hell is. I'm just saying let's equaled out. Let's have the goodness of hell preached along with the you know what I'm trying to say. So you're not gonna get paid for going to church today. I'm sorry to tell you that if you had your hopes up. But in everything you do this week, you remember that the Bema should motivate you because your labor in the Lord even the smallest, little insignificant kindness that you do for your wife will be remembered by God. Oh, Father, how are we thank you, and how we praise You for the motivation, the encouragement and in the strength that comes from considering what your word says about rewards at the beam. I pray that you will do a work from this message in the hearts of people. Jesus name Amen. Please keep your heads down. I want to ask this question. Are you here today my friend just listen. Just don't walk me out. Listen for five more seconds to 20 more seconds. Are you here today? And you have not first off, you'll never go to the Bema because first off you have not accepted Christ as your Savior. Would you please right now. Consider that the only hope you have of having your sins forgiven and having a relationship with God and be able to even go to the Bema for rewards is if you will repent and acknowledge to God that you're a sinner and trust Christ as your Savior. And if you're here and you're under conviction from what I'm saying then please do me a favor. Come up and see me and let's talk we'll have lunch or breakfast. I'll meet you sometime. I'd like to talk with you about it.