The Expository Word

Phil 2 JSC, How to Treat Others

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 59

This message originally delivered on July 28, 1991am.  In this message Kimber mentions a couple times Mr. DunEnough visiting, which is a reference to the dramatic group that illustrated some of the points of the messages through drama.  One of the characters in the drama was named Mr. DunEnough.


revelation in the second chapter as we continue now, the fifth week in our study on the judgment of God, in particular, the Bema judgment Revelation chapter two, and just another verse that I want to show you one more time, a verse that sticks out and shows the emphasis again, on the fact that we will give account of ourselves before God started with verse 23. In fact, just read verse 23, it says this, of revelation two, I will strike your children dead, and all the churches will know that I am He who searches hearts and minds that please get this, and I will repay each of you, according to your deeds. Here's a constant theme in the Scriptures, God will judge us God will repay each person according to their deeds. In fact, the translation could actually read like this, I will pay each of you in proportion to your deeds, I think about that, in proportion to your deeds. John Bunyan said this consider to provoke you to good works that you shall have from God when you come to glory, or reward for everything you do for him on Earth. Something that should be a constant thought process on the mind of the believer, is this, not just what should I do today? Or not just Yes, I love God and I want to serve Him, which is not something to minor, obviously, to say that. But to have an impact upon our lives. It says this look, I'm going to have to give an answer before God one day. And the fact that I have to give an answer before God one day should cause a difference in the way that I live. Now, quickly by way of review, I want you to see a couple of things. And that is this. What we have considered so far is that is this the great judgments when you die, there is a judgment for unbelievers, the great white throne and a judgment for believers, the Bema. One is found in second Corinthians chapter five, which talks about we shall give an account for everything done in the body, whether good or bad. The Great White Throne Judgment, of course, is for those that have not trusted Christ repented of their sins. One is for believers, one is for unbelievers, but please get this. The below judgment is a matter of reward and loss of reward. One thing that seems to be quiet in the church these days is this everyone thinks heaven is the same. Heaven is not the same for everybody. And hell will not be the same for everybody, because there'll be degrees of punishment in hell. Now, keeping that in mind, I want you to remember also that when it comes to the Great White Throne Judgment, and by the way, this is quickly review, if for some reason you want to catch up on some of this, there's messages on each one of these just about and that is in the Great White Throne Judgment is a judgment for unbelievers, it'll be based on works and the criterion for judgment or the punishment of Hell will be this the amount of truth known and rejected the kinds of sins that you commit, people often don't believe, but it's true, and also the number of sins that you commit. And I don't mean to hurry through them so fast. But I do just want to prime our minds again to remember where we are. The Bible also teaches that at the beam of judgment, the judgment for believers, there is a matter of reward or loss of reward. And we have considered that the description in First Corinthians chapter three is this one of gold, silver, precious stones, or one of wood, hay and straw. The Bible says that the power is going to make the difference. One is you are doing it in the strength of Christ, His power is you yield yourself to him bad words is the power of the flesh, which are not effective. Those the purpose of good works to expand God's kingdom, whatever the personal cost. But notice, if you lose your rewards will because you've done things to be seen by others, which is what Mr. done enough was trying to teach. Miss Tom, over here earlier today. constantly remember the Pharisees in Matthew chapter six, they did it to be seen by men. Notice the motive to glorify Christ and to receive promised rewards whereas the motive here is to achieve personal goals and to gain earthly rewards. What is the will of God, this person is concerned with what God says this person has the will of the individual. And I'm gonna tell you There seems to be such confusion these days, because so many Christians in the name of Christianity say, Well, you know, I'm doing the will of God that actually they're doing the will of the individual because they say but you know, the they rationalize their change the word of God so that it isn't effective somehow, for them. Here's a new overhead to help you see some more distinctions. Please understand this, it would be a travesty if people came to this church and thought I was teaching somehow you had to do good works in order to get saved. That is not what I'm saying. Because notice the difference salvation is by faith, but heavenly rewards are by works of service. I was talking with a man that had been in our junior church during the series on the beam that we've been studying. And one of the things he says, oh, no, we're just gonna take you know those crowns or isn't it all just by grace? No, listen, you earn them. Rewards are something that you earn. You've got to make sure you understand that. No, did you earn it by your don't shrink No, obviously by the grace of God, but when you get a reward, you think God's gonna give you a reward that you didn't earn? No, it's a matter of what you earn. Now, not salvation. Salvation is a free gift, heavenly rewards as compensation. Salvation is the doctrine of grace. Nothing good in our view caused God to love you. Simply his gracious, unmerited favor caused him to reach out to us as sinners. But please note this heavenly rewards will have an idea of the doctrine of works. It's now that you have his grace. What did you do with the things that God has given you? It's extremely important. And by the way, in case, you have to be new, in hearing this, maybe for the first time, please remember, this is not just some sporadic scripture picked out somewhere in which we're trying to make a case. This is overwhelming a major teaching in the Scriptures constant. Notice this, this is God's work for man, salvation is of the Lord Jonah says, and the psalmist says in other places, but notice this is this is man's work for God. This affects one's eternal position, you will for eternally be with the Lord. But over here it affects one's eternal possession. This one is based on a one time event you come to Christ for salvation once and for all you need to know if you've settled that by the way, we had 10 People baptized once tonight, five of them have come to Christ since June the second brand new people that made the once and for all decision to repent of their sins and trust Jesus Christ. But notice this, this is not a one time event, but it's based on a lifetime after you've been saved. Salvation is forgiveness and brings entrance into heaven. fruitfulness brings enjoyment of heaven. Notice what a couple of scholars have said, Charles had said this, The Scriptures teach that the happiness or blessedness of believers in a future life will be greater or less, get this in proportion to the surface of Christ in this life. Those who love little do little and those who do little enjoy less in heaven. Some of the most famous well known Christians on Earth, maybe little known are rewarded in heaven. John Bunyan, look at this, quote, I love these kinds of things. The rewards are such as what makes you leap to think on talking about being motivated, to make your leap to think about the rewards in heaven. And that we should remember with exceeding joy and never think that it is contrary to the Christian faith to rejoice and be glad for them. Remember, the Apostle said, they do it to get a corruptible crown, we do it to get an incorruptible crown. Now, with that in mind, I want us to quickly review just in a quick, quick fashion, what we have studied so far, and that is how do we get started in this series? Remember, we were in studying through Philippians verse by verse, we got to verse 16. And it said, Paul said that I did not run our labor in vain. We started saying, what does that mean? That will his whole goal was that on the day of Christ, you would not in the labored in vain? Well, because he wanted to make sure that the Bema Seat the Philippians, That he had led to Christ had grown and matured so that it wasn't a waste of time at the Bema. Then we considered an overview of the great white throne in the beam. And then we considered the Bema in itself three weeks ago, and such things like this is the thought of the Bema should be foundational to your faith. Remember Hebrews 11 Six. Without faith, it's impossible to please God, but then to come to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Jesus said, lay it out for yourselves treasures on your inner earth, where moth and rust corrupt and these breakthroughs steal, but it's a command lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven is to be a major part of our thoughts. It's a definite part of faith. It's a command from Christ. And we were to do all that we could to remember to use the talents God has given us does not matter how many we have is the use of what we do have in which we will be judged, the judgment, the criteria, the Bema will be a matter of quality, not quantity, you're not going to be compared to someone else. But each individual received his own reward from the Lord. Then we considered two weeks ago How to Lose your award at the BBC judgment and that is so extensive that you just have to listen to the tape to get that if you want it. And then last week, and I'll tell you it has been a motivational to me is this how the Bema should motivate your life. The fact that you will give account of yourself before God motivated men and women throughout the history of the church and motivated the apostle Paul in motivated men in the Old Testament and motivated Solomon and motivated men that on the great day they would be found to have been pleasing to Him. And I'm gonna tell you, we need to remember what a motivation it should be. Because see so many Christians these days have got this attitude like this. Oh, the judge of man be talking about the judgment. It just wears me out your burden me down. It shouldn't be that way. The only people that you feel that way are people that are rebelling against God and sin. If you love God, you know, you stand positionally righteous before him. He said, Now I want to do all that I can realize I can't do it myself. But in the strength of the spirit, I want to do all that I can do he pleased him on that day. Jesus says things like this. Woe to you who are are comfortable now. He says but less of are they that mourn? You see, there's a constant teaching. Look what Wilbur Smith said, I love this quote it says this, the whole subject of rewards for the believer is one I am afraid, rarely thought of by the ordinary Christian, or even the average student of the scriptures. The truth, how many of us have really thought about it and how to motivate our life. It should. But listen to this, but it is both a joyous and solemn theme and should serve as a potent incentive for holiness of life. I'll tell you, it quickly drives away all rationalization when we understand that hey, wait a minute, though, we can look good, like Mr. done enough. That was appropriate. Mr. Mr. Dunn, enough, thank you for coming today. That was an appropriate example, because it's so easy to look good on the outside. But it's so difficult to understand that God's going to judge even the secrets of our hearts. So it is both a solemn theme, and also should serve as a potent incentive for holiness of life. You know, you next time you're tempted to sin, you know, what you should do either way, and then I'm gonna have to give an account for the things done in the body, whether they be good or bad, I must be very careful. I want to be found pleasing him at that day. So even though it would seem to be so wonderful to get given to that sin, I want to say this, I don't want to do it. Because I want to be like Moses, who chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God. Why? Because he looked forward to his reward. This order affects everything that we do, we don't have a major impact. And listen, please, friends, let's be thinking Christians. Let's stop just going around all the time. Don't feel God today. You know, be careful about that you can always feel God, some of the most spiritual things you may ever do is this to say no to the flesh, when you just feel like it with all your heart. And if you think it's somehow harder for you that somebody else you're wrong. The temptations of life come for upon everyone. Now, by the way, as we're on this subject, please remember from last week how God motivates. It's amazing. He motivated by the fear of punishment he motivates by this is in the Old Testament by the hope of reward, he motivates by the love of God, people don't want to hear about this today. Don't Don't to put guilt on me, don't make me feel scared about if I'm not going to. It's a clear legitimate motivation in the Bible. So is hope of reward though, which we haven't heard much about. And so as love of God, we all like to be very pious and say, well, we just do it for the love of God. I've heard so many because I wouldn't do it to get a reward for that, well, then you just plainly need to change your understanding of the Scriptures. It's been a marvel to me to study this recently. Christ does the same thing. fear of punishment, hope of reward, love of God, the apostles fear of punishment, hope of reward, love of God, it's a constant theme in the scriptures. But now, what are we going to talk about today? Well, today, we are going to see this, the Bema as it relates to how you treat others, I told you this was gonna be maximum rewards the Bema Seat, but I saw something else before we get to that. So maybe next week, it'll be maximum rewards the Bema Seat, which is a message which gives you the several the emphasis which says your rewards shall be great, actually, we're going to see one of them here today. But you know, one thing is this is I noticed this, we started, like poring over the Scriptures concerning the Bema judgment. There is one thing that's going to be true at the beam of judgment. You know, that is one of the things that God is going to evaluate about your life is this how did you treat other people? There's, there's no doubt about that. How we treated other people is going to be a number, top item. By the way, I gotta throw this out real quickly. Remember, last week I talked about what if you could get 10,000% interest interest guaranteed by the highest authority on earth? You remember that? The Lord promised Peter 10,000% return. If you sacrificed all this to this, somebody figured it out. If you invested $1 at 10,000% interest compounded monthly, at the end of one year you would have$483,714,359,733 at the end of one year. See your labor for the Lord is never in vain. And that's on heavenly currency. This thing amazing, but how do you treat others I've been convicted the way I've been treating others I found myself God's give me a great victory in the area of worry in my life. And I haven't been worrying like I used to but you know what sort of replaced it? I put the put off put on principle backwards. And that is this becoming intolerant, impatient with others. How we treat others is important. Remember the great commandment Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength and your neighbor as yourself. Remember? How about this the Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There was a mighty emphasis in Scripture about loving one another. It's a tremendous emphasis over and over and over again. Some of you remember may remember our study in Amos. We studied Amos, about a year ago and in that study, what what brought the wrath of God down? Well, let's just look here. specific sins. I don't know if how well you can see this but specific sins. That is this moral principle. It's never admissible to allow hatred to be nourished in your heart towards others. That's what brought God's judgment down upon him. Or how about this, your personal desires must be limited by the rights of the helpless. Remember, they ripped open pregnant women, God was furious and brought wrath down upon them. How about this vengeance must be renounced your is not the place for the human to take vengeance. You see how you treat people, God? God says, By the way, at this time in Israel, if you can remember, militarily, economically, socially, everything was wonderful. The temple was packed out for people, everyone was patting themselves on the back what a great people we are. God was angry with Israel and with these nations surrounding Israel, notice gross cruelty, injustice and war and get the principle no matter what the circumstances don't treat people as if they were things, commercial profit at all costs in business, war, business, broken promises, human welfare has always taken priority. And what what the thing I got out of Amos was this, it is serious about how you treat other people, the way we treat other people ought to have high priority in our life. Well, anyway, what does the Bible say about this? Now, I will tell you this, there is a direct relationship in the Bible. This is this, there's a direct relationship between how you treat others. And number one, listen, your view of how God has treated you. I will tell you, the one thing I got out of Amos and the Minor Prophets, is this. God has been gracious to Israel, and yet Israel has not been gracious to the poor. God has been gracious to this man. But this man has not been kind to the crippled. God has been gracious, but this man hasn't been. That is the theme. If you study the life of Jesus, what does he say over and over again, Jesus says this, this man received this but he went out and treated this guy this way. And there's a tremendous emphasize. So listen, how you treat others. I'm going to talk more about that in just a second. The other thing is this, though, how you treat others, it shocked me to see this. There is a direct evidence that when you stand before God, you will give account of how you treated other people. Were you judgmental? Were you harsh? Were you cruel. Were you picking at them? Were you exploiting their bad points and minimizing their good points? Were you all the time just hobnobbing with those that you really liked to hobnob with so you got to that some kind of return? Or did you give yourself to those that were down and out? Emphasis over and over in the scriptures. Now, first off, how you how it relates to how you treat others consider this in relation to your enemies and go to Luke 635 with me please. In Luke chapter six, and starting actually in verse 27. Here is a familiar passage. But please, let's squeeze and get something out of this today. Because we live in a society where revenge is such a natural and expected thing is not. I hear Christians talk. She did this to me. He did that to me. My boss did this to me. My ex wife did that to me. This person said to me, and you know what? Even me i when I'm listening to stories, when I'm trying to plan some way to get them. I like to get them back to. But you know what? Look what Jesus said verse 27, shocking statement if you think about it, but I tell you who hear Me. Verse 27, of Luke six, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn him the other. Also, if someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asked you. And if anyone takes what belongs to you do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you love those who love you? what credit is that to you? even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you? what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those with whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners expecting to be repaid in full, but get this Love your enemies, do good to them, lend to them without expecting to get anything back that please get this here's the Bema then your reward will be great. And you will be sons of the Most High because he is kind to the ungrateful and to look at the remember the two points you just made. The way you treat others is the view your view of God is exposed how you think God is treated you look what it says right there in verse 35. At the end, because he's kind of the ungrateful in the wicked, the most pious and secondly, your your the way you treat others is going to have a direct relation to how you're going to be received at the Bema. Now this is so this is so typical, isn't it true? And we said this before but isn't it true that you love people that love you? If there are people that sing your praises if there are people that compliment you If there are people that that are your friends, and they and I don't mean that there's any wrong with that, but I mean, the people that God has blessed you with good friends that are behind you and love you. Praise God for them, when it's easy to love those people, right? It's easy. There's no doubt about that. We love those that love us, we think what good taste they have how right on they are, right. But it's a whole other thing. To have an enemy. It's a whole other thing to have somebody that slanders your name. It's a whole other thing to have somebody that rips you off. It's a whole other thing to have somebody that you find out has been, you know, as this as the scripture says, Honey is on his lips, but poised was in his heart. We got to remember that Jesus says this love your enemies do good to them. It's easy to, you know, the whole idea centers do the same centers do the same centers didn't say listen, those people that have never tasted the love of God will lend money to somebody if they can make 10% interest. Well, we're supposed to love our enemies, do good to them, your rewards gonna be great. You're treating god you're treating others like the most highest treated you notice he is kind to the ungrateful into the wicked. One of the reasons, we have such a terrible time and listen, I believe this to be so crucial. I feel like I'm gonna this is such a burden on my heart, I feel like I will say this, as long as God gives me breath to preach. One of the reasons we are so weak in being able to love our enemies, and do good to those who hate us, and go out of our way to help those that we can get nothing in return from them is because we have such a low view of our own depravity before a holy God. You see, my friends, if you saw yourself and tasted clearly, I mean, you got a huge drink of the fact that you were an enemy before a holy God who was under his wrath. And you were gonna go to hell. And you were loved by nature, children of wrath, if you understood that, and if you would just please open your heart to listen to what I'm saying and not allow Satan to steal this away. Because this is a major crossroads in the Christians life towards maturity. If you could get to the place of realizing that while you were a sinner while you were helpless, while you were ungodly, while you were his enemy, what from the top of your head to the soles of your feet there. We know nothing good about you, but you were full of wounds and bruises and putrifying sores. If you understand that, I don't mean in comparison anybody else I mean between you and God, if you understood that, and then at that point, you said How gracious God has been? How loving he has been to me how merciful He has been to me how kind he has been to me. You see, those that are humbled God gives the grace to Jesus said I didn't come for you righteous people. I came for sinners. And when we have seen that, guess what happens? There is within us the ability to love others. Jesus said to Simon after the woman washed his feet with her hair and with her tears and poured a year's worth of perfume on and here was Simon the Pharisee he says Simon I came into your house. You didn't wash my feet as she did with her tears. I came into your house. You never gave me a kiss but she has not stopped kissing me since she came in the house. Simon You didn't do any of you didn't anoint my head with oil but she's been anointing me with oil ever since she got here. And then he said this listen. The one who has been forgiven much loves much. And the one who has been forgiven little who loves little friends Do you understand? I tell you this is I gotta just tell you in 11 years of the ministry I've picked up enemies along the way. I'm sure some of them in my own fault and some of them I can't figure it out. I don't understand why. But I want to tell you something you want to know a key that can actually change your life is this not to be going I'm so good. They're so bad. They're so good. They're so stupid looking at it. How could they do it let's let's finally start picking every little nugget they did this they did that let's uncover a bunch of dirt on them. Instead of having that attitude you say this look. I was a wicked rebellious sinner. God has been gracious to me and he has forgiven me so much. I love him so much. I also have so much love from him because of this that I can love even my enemies because you will never naturally have this love in yourself never. And so we got to learn to treat others and that is this our enemies love them. Amazingly in ways that would be unconscious by the way we all talk about let our light shine let our good works go and then once we get an enemy we save I forget that for now. You know, let's get back to that old testament Eye for an Eye tooth for tooth. Go to First Peter to I want you to see this next one like this in relation to those in authority over you will get first Peter to says First Peter chapter two. And again, this idea of slaves and Masters is compared to employing Employers today by every scholar that I've ever read, says this slaves. submit yourselves to your Masters With all respect and please get this not only to those who are good and consider it. But to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering, because he is conscious of God. Now, the word harsh is where we get the word scoliosis, crooked, perverse, you know what the set says here, you've got an employer or you've got a person in authority over your life that's crooked and perverse. Hey, you know what, you still listen, you still submit to them with all respect. You hear that? With all respect why? Because you understand all authority is from God. So even those that have scoliosis that I know of the man who's a friend of mine, that talks constantly have a positive attitudes and greened up and come on let's have the right attitude and hey, no matter what comes this guy's way, he's gonna think of it I've seen him do it, but you know what? I confront him about this recently. Because I'm gonna tell you something, you say all that but you know what you talk terrible about your boss. But he's, you know, you understand what he's done to me. Doesn't matter. Look what the text says. The way you treat other people those in authority over you even those who have scoliosis, even those that are crooked, even those that are wicked. And notice look at this look at verse 19. It says this For it is commendable for man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering there's we get lupus, the pain scoliosis slippage of all these diseases and description here of ABA unjust suffering, hey, people are unfair. Rhys taught Sunday school and the thing I didn't even get to hear because that was another class but the one thing he said which really is he refuted or told me about it was it powerfully hit my heart is Do you remember the time David was being chased by Saul for his life? And David was in the cave and Saul went in to relieve himself the Scripture says, and that all of David's men are back hide in the cave. And they said now that maybe he's given them to you go get them, let them have it. This is our chance. You're gonna be king. David went out there. And however, circumstances were I don't know. But he cut a piece of Saul skirt. And he went back in. I read that passage this morning. It says David was conscious stricken. Why? He went back and told his men we aren't going to touch the Lord's anointed. Why was he so conscious again? Come on, David. We understood Hey, does everybody here not understand, David? That was pretty good. You're pretty good man. You should have go wiped him out. But was it it was gonna beat us to the skirt? No. They even said he's the Lord noise. What did they even say? God has put him in authority over me even though he's harsh and cruel. And running me down from my life, I am going to submit to God's authority and let God take it out in his own timing. What have you of how he treated others? What a what a view of understanding God. Now you say, Why do you get the beam out all of this? Well, first off, it says it's commendable. We've gotten that passage. But also, if you go to Colossians, three, you understand clearly that you will receive the things done, whether they be good or bad in relationship to your employer. And you're going to be serving God when you do this. So listen, when a harsh unjust employer is in your life, or somebody in authority has given you a rip of a time, you know what you need to do you need to say this, I will submit and I will show respect. Just like a wife needs to show respect to her husband, according to Bible. And the wife says, My husband's a drunk, how am I supposed to show him any respect, because you respect the office of authority. You don't respect his drunkenness, obviously, you respect that God is putting him in your life as an authority over your life. And so we need to understand that even at the Beano, we're gonna give account of ourselves. Colossians three is very clear about that. Even if we have harsh and fair employers, they don't give you the rays, they rip you off, they make a promise and break it. Okay, quickly. We need to move to the third one. There's only one more after this but go to Hebrews urine. First Peter, just go back to books to your left and go to Hebrews six. Hebrews chapter six. And notice this. Another thing is this in relation to doing good to people in general, helping them as needed in particular Christians. One man asked me last week after the sermon, is there a difference between the way you treat Christians and unsaved people? Yeah, you treat them both good. But the difference is, the Bible says do good to all men, especially those of the household of faith. So the outline actually can be a little corrected and then particularly as you help God's people look at this amazing verse, Hebrews 610 liquid it says, it says this, God is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them enough. Did you get this? He first off, he's not unjust. By the way, guess what? Remember First Peter when it says submit and show respect to those who have scoliosis. Remember what it says even to those that were up under the pain of unjust treatment. And the little word there a DeCoster is there this is the same word exactly. It says this the unjust employer, he is unjust, but God is never unjust little insight there, which is juicy, isn't it? God is not unjust. He will not forget your work to get this. He's not going to forget your work. Remember? Remember what we've read this verse on the ground in Matthew 1042 says what? Even a cup of water given in his name, you'll remember. He's not unjust. He'll remember your work and the love. You've shown who the love you've shown him. But get this. How did you show him love? You showed him love by the way you treated people. Look what it says, as you have helped his people and continue to help them. So I was going around persecuting the church, Jesus also, why do you persecute me? When you do something for another Christian brother or sister in Christ? You're doing something directly for Christ? It's amazing to think about that. What? When did we give you a water? When did we see You thirsty and gave you drink? When did we see you hungry and gave you food as much as you did to the least of these? You did? And to me? That is exciting. Helping people going out of our way to see that we help them with all we can you want to see an example of how they did that. Go to the 10th chapter real quickly of Hebrews and look down the verse 32. And here's an example of how they did it. He's not gonna forget it. He's gonna remember it. And some people have got this opinion. Well, the beam is gonna be terrible, because all they're going to do is rehearse my bad thanks. No, no, no, no, yes, there'll be suffering at the Bema. He shall suffer loss. Yes, you'll be repeated things you've done. But also, every good thing you've ever done is going to be remembered. Aren't you glad for that? Don't you love it when someone remind you of something good you did. That's great. It's encouraging. Thank you. Hey, Jesus is gonna remember all that. Notice what he says here, verse 30, to remember those earlier days after you'd receive the light when you have chapter 1030 to remember those earlier days after you'd receive the light when you stood your ground in a great contest and the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to install the persecution and other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. you sympathize with those in prison joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property because you knew you had yourselves had veteran Lassie possessions that get this verse 35. So don't throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. There's the Bema How will you treat others you stood side by side? Here's somebody else getting persecuted for Christ. What did they do? They stood side by side. Remember, man tell me it was in New York City. And so a Jewish convert preaching Christ in the corner to a group of Jews and the Jews were coming up and one by one spitting out and as they go by. And this Gentile Christian stood by and held the brothers hands his brother, could I have some of that spittle on me to commitment to one another in the midst of suffering. Here's another last one or we're done. Romans 14 Go there with me please. And that is this in relation to how you treat other Christians. Now this is big. The reason this is big is I want you to consider these two verses I'll tell you, that's big. Only two places in the New Testament is the actual word Bhima found in relation to the beam of judgment. Many places it says things like on that day, and shall receive the things done in the body rewards and all that but here's one of the two places Romans 14 And guess what it's about. It's about how you disagree and get along with Christians on disputable matters. In other words, I judge mental attitude. Now as you're in Romans 14 Please let me just read you for the sake of saving a minute from Matthew chapter seven, that passage that is so familiar listen to this Jesus says it please get this and think of it in light of how you treat other Christians do not judge or you too will be judged for in the same way you judge others you will be judged and with the measure you use and will be measured you Do you understand this at the Bema judgment you're gonna stand up before God and one of the criteria is is going to be this how you treated people. But one of the more specific criteria is how you treat other Christians and one of the more specific criteria and that is how you treat other Christians that disagreed with you and even more than that the standard for your judgment we based upon the judgment you use and judging them that are scared us to death in our quick denouncing of other Christians and said Ah bad that bad. We're good. We're good, bad, bad, bad. They don't do things. They do this wrong. They do that wrong. They don't have the moods we do they don't have the methods we do they don't do this. They don't do that. Well, we better be careful. Because the measure we use upon other Christians, I tell you I have been so sinfully guilty of this it makes me ashamed of myself. Now look at some groups of people. Oh, they're no way God's would them. Look at they do this. See? I'm telling your friends once. Look what this text says the measure you use. Listen, there are some well known Christian leaders that seem to have their job to be to go around and condemn everybody else. I I want to say to you friends, on the basis of Matthew chapter seven, we must be careful, I'm not pointing the finger because I will never even name a name. But I'm gonna tell you something I once was like that kind of person. And I want you to know we do that kind of stuff. You better watch it because the measure you use is what's going to be measured to judge you at the Bema. How, what kind of measured Do you want? You know what I want? graciousness, compassion, mercy. Look what this Romans 14 says, Except him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. Now here it was Christians that disagreed there was about 25% Gentile 75% Jews in this church at Rome, and they had some problems the Jews always worshiped on Saturday. Now they're worshipping on Sunday, the Jews never ate meat offered to idols, now they are, there's all kinds of problems. But notice what it says verse three, the man who eats everything must not look down on the water does not and here's the tendency, the person who is strong who can eat anything he wants, and maybe maybe he doesn't have all the rules has this tendency to look down what is that at the look at I'm looking down because my nose is so high you see at others that's the idea. And but get this the man who does not eat everything to man that has all kinds of rules and limitations that are not biblical. These are disputable matters. Now they're not biblical. Must not condemn the man who does what's that the person that has all the rules is condemning of the person that doesn't get this. One man considers one day more sacred than another second illustration what data worship on one man considers one day more sacred than another? Oh, it's the Sabbath, another man or it's Passover, something like that. Another man considers every day like ah, now each days of the Lord, please get this. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He regards one day especial does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eat to the Lord and He gives thanks and He abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. In other words, listen on disputable matters. Both people can be right, that Paul say here that I want you to start to churches. I want you to have the church of those who eat and the church that donate No, you know what he says? He says this, get along? Both do it for the Lord. Both of them, do it for the Lord. So don't try to make a difference like I'm better than you. Now listen, I just say that. It seems to me that several people in this church have come from what terms you would use a separatist ik legalistic type churches. I have this warning for you. Please don't think I'm talking about those people that you came from. I'm talking about you. I'm saying this. Are you snapping your nose at them? Are you looking down at them? Are you saying we're so much better than them? We're so much more. You know why? Because look at what look what's coming up here. Look what's coming up here. Be careful because he goes on to develop the both can be right but please get this verse nine. For this very reason. Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living I please get this. Here's what here's a main top main passage taught here. You then why do you judge your brother? Why do you look down on your brother, for we will all stand before God's beam. We're all gonna stand before God's Bheema as surely as our lives says, The Lord every knee will bow before me every time will confess to God so then each of us will give account of himself to God. Look at verse 14 or 13. Therefore, stop passing judgment on one another. Stop making those kinds of judgments. It's God's judgment. It says earlier in the passage look at it says this. Who are you to judge someone else's servant? Do you think that your life is so totally all together? That the Day of Judgment, you know, you're gonna be up there with God saying Yeah, good point, God, Hey, I forgot a couple others here. You're gonna stand before God. You see, we let here's a simple example. We have 400 verses on love and patience, let's say. And then there's three verses that are highly controversial. Scholars take two sides of the issue. But we take those three verses and we say this. All right, look, these two verses I know I'm right on. So I'm gonna throw out the 400 on love and patience and mercy, because I'm right on these. So you violate the four. I've known people that have said this and I am not indicting the man that I'm going to name at all. He's a good man. But I've heard people that have left churches because the church didn't support Bill Gothard enough. A Bill Gothard is a godly man who loves the Lord but the people in the church so guess what, what does Bill Gothard teach on? Not being bitter, being loving and kind and guess what these people do? They leave in bitterness. That crazy. We got to be careful. You're not gonna believe this. June 30 1991. In the Fort Myers press. Listen to this article showcase house of worship has become Church of rage. police respond to Sunday calls improve improvise curfew at Baptist Church, excuse me impose curfew on Baptist Church, Peoria, Illinois, a house of worship has become a house of rage the new Morningstar Missionary Baptist Church, parishioners seem to drown out the minister rather than praise the Lord. They scuffled during services a curfew on church property has been imposed to prevent other violence. Almost every Sunday in recent months, police have been called to the church to calm the congregation. There are two factions who are violently at odds over their minister. This is why we have two services here. By the way. This church is being torn apart, said a member of Dorothy farmer, somebody is gonna get killed here. Somebody's gonna get shot. I know what we're crying out for help. Trouble at the 900 member church began about a year ago. It started when opponents of Reverend Cleveland Thomas objected to what they call a looseness and strict adherence to fundamental Bible law and failure as a charismatic preacher. In October about 250 church members voted to oust Thomas Apulia judge declared the vote invalid, and Thomas subsequently filed a lawsuit seeking to ban seven opposition leaders from the church. A court in February ruled against Thomas and his proposed ban. tensions escalated Thomas padlocked the church opponents cut the chains, police impose the curfew. The congregation now has two church attorneys and two bank accounts. Two offerings I'd taken on Sunday. Three weeks ago police were called when a 70 year old woman claimed that Thomas supporters shoved her during church services. Don't ever say we're unfriendly here, please. Two weeks ago a microphone was damaged in a scuffle that started when a man tried to unplug the church organ during church. Anti Thomas forces play loud music stand and sing when he takes the pulpit to preach. The minister supporters usually sit quietly trying to hear his sermons over the ruckus. Last Sunday police arrived. And for squad cars when they were called to the church. The two sides are trying to install microphones and loudspeakers in the sanctuary so they could drown each other out. One officer at the scene who has spoken The condition of being anonymous called the situation of powderkeg. Amazing, isn't it? We can all look and say yeah, it's them. It's them. You know, that's the kind No, it's also us. It's also us the prejudice in our hearts. I've done this Listen, I have done this. The Bible has got to say this because that's what I believe. And so I approach it like that. That's prejudice. Instead of saying this, Lord, the Bible will be my authority, feelings of superiority, judgment of motives, rejoicing at bad news that others William William and said, I welcome news of the sins of others, because it makes my own sins appear more normal. Misery loves company, assigning people condemnation without mercy. In ancient Persia, please listen, a certain corrupt judge who accepted a bribe to render a false verdict was order executed by the king. The judges skin was then used to cover the judgment seat. Subsequent judges were forced to render their judgments while sitting on that chair as a reminder of the consequences of perverting justice. You know, that ought to be the way we approach those that we disagree with. I learned a lesson from listening to the Presbyterian pastor in Philadelphia, James Montgomery voice, if you ever hear him disagree with somebody, he says, now my dear friends, who are in the strict dispensational camp are such good people, I owe so much to them. I'm so thankful for them. However, on this point, I have to say, I choose to disagree because of that's the way instead of saying, People it says in 15, seven quickly go there. It says there are 15 Seven, except one another, then this is there to the conclusion of this passage, except one other than just as Christ has accepted you in order to bring praise to God. Let me ask you something. How has God accepted you? That's the basis for how you're supposed to accept each other. There's been so many dropouts in Christianity because they get smeared and burned if they don't just exactly do what you're supposed to do. That God writes you off into condemnation because of what you used to believe. He keep bringing up how you've blown it. Has he not accepted you in Christ by his loving grace choosing to love you in spite of yourself? Isn't that the truth is that that's the truth for me. Does anybody else hear that truth? My friends, we better be that way. accept one another that is God is accepted you God accepted you as a filthy rotten sinner. And so we need to be accepting who should be the most secure the most loving the most approachable, the most kind the most undefended people in the world. You know those should be people that know why they're here is they understand the doctrine of creation. People that understand and rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit in the present salvation and understand their sins are forgiven, and people that know that they're gonna give account of themselves one day before God. Should there ever be people that are more loving and kind than that? What should move us more to compassion and love instead of judgment? Pump people. I have been convicted about judgment in the area of religion, but I'll tell you what God has recently convicted me about judgment in the area of those that I'm close with. In particular, I'll just say this. I've got some goal set and being critical towards my wife to be not more critical, but less critical. It's so easy. Listen, man, it is so easy for you to be dissatisfied with your wife. It'd be critical. How about this? How about practicing this I will judge her the way I would want to be judged one day. Our children are people we work with. Boy, you got to learn a lot. Let's remember the Bema as it relates to how we treat others. Let's pray. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your kindness towards us, and giving us this kind of warning and incentive, the hope of reward help us to be the kindest, compassionate, most gentle people. Help us to return good for evil. Help us to love our enemies. We can't do this by ourselves. We're helpless and this sermon shows us how absolutely dependent we are on your string. pray this in Jesus name.