The Expository Word

Phil 2 JSC, Choosing Self-denial

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 61

This message originally delivered on August 4, 1991.  The message starts in Matthew 16:24-27

Kimber Kauffman:

Take your Bibles and open them to the 16th chapter of Matthew. Matthew chapter 16. The 16th chapter of Matthew, follow along as I read. And every time we have started this series on the beam, and this is now our sixth week, if you don't know what the beam is, you'll find out in a little bit. But every time we started this, we started from a different text, because they're all over the place. And several of you that have been studying the Bible, after hearing this and been reading the Bible on your own have said, I cannot believe it pops up everywhere. I've had many of you telling me that. Well, look what it says here in Matthew chapter 16, starting with verse 24. Then Jesus said to His disciples, if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in His Father's glory with His angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done? Listen, this little story which explains how a lot of people have misunderstood the truth about the Bema in this day, Jim had been a Christian for only a short time. Last night in a group Bible study, he was introduced to the subject of eternal rewards. This morning, he is excited to the thought of running a victorious race for God. On his break at work, Jim share some of his newfound insights with a fellow Christian named Frank rewards. Hmm, says Frank, isn't that just a little bit selfish? But what do you mean Jim replies it didn't sound selfish last night. Well, what I mean is this Frank begins with a slight tone of condensation, excuse me, con dissension conversation. One more in my bloopers here. We really ought to serve God because we love him and are grateful for what he has done for us. We don't need rewards to motivate our Christian life. Oh, says Jim, you can feel the air going out of his balloon. Besides Frank continues, you don't really think some Christians are going to be a lot better off in heaven other Christians, do you? Well, I hadn't quite thought about it that way, Jim admits with a trace of dejection in his voice. Look, Jim Frank pursues his theme good works are What Every Christian does just as a natural result of believing in Christ. That's part of what it means to be a Christian in the first place. But we're not saved by works our way? No, of course not. But the Bible says A tree is known by his fruit so if you really saved the Krishna, Leah's will be naturally bearing fruit. What does that have to do with the gym wants to know, it's simple, Jim Frank moves in for the kill. If Christian living is a part of being a Christian, why should God reward us for it? You mean, there's no rewards at all? No, I don't mean that. Exactly. But all Christians are overcomers. And all of them will will crown someday, you know, all that stuff. But Christians failing and being defeated is just a bunch of nonsense. Don't we all fail sometimes, Frank? Jim, is just a little put off by the whole discussion? Of course we do. Frank's tone is edged with frustration. But good works are our Christian duty. And if you're not doing them, then you want to examine whether or not you're saved. So you're telling me that are real? No, really no losers in the Christian race? Is that it? Jim is very skeptical about that idea. That's right. Jim. Frank is emphatic. The only reason people talk about rewards a lot is because they really don't understand what the Christian life is all about. Hey, wasn't that the whistle to go back to work? Yes, I guess it is. And Jim was actually glad to get back sort of discouraged. And the writer goes to say, a shadow had crossed his path. In fact, that shadow was very much a part of the evangelical scene within which Jim now moved, his darkening effects were in evidence everywhere. To put it plainly, Grace was an eclipse. Did you know so many Christians have never considered the fact that the place of the beam of judgment for believers is to have a major impact upon their life. In fact, as we can remember, and review quickly, Wilbur Smith said this, and let's don't forget, the whole subject of rewards for the believer is one I'm afraid, rarely thought of by the ordinary Christian. And that the truth, many Christians have never thought of this idea that we will be rewarded for our works done in the body. Now we're not saved by those remember, but we'll be rewarded for the work done in the body or even the average student of the scriptures but it is both a joyous and solemn theme that should serve as a potent incentive for holiness of life. Now just to show you what we're talking about when it comes to the great judgment, we need to remember that there is at death two judgments one for believer and when I say two judgments, they may be at the same time they everyone's been asking about the time of this I'll be quite honest with you. That's not important during the study at this point. Okay, that's that's, I don't even see that missus makes us miss everything else if we start worrying about that, but consider this the Bema Seat and the Great White Throne. the Bema Seat is for believers, the Great White Throne is for unbelievers. The Bema Seat for believers is a reward or loss of reward. In other words, when you go stand before this throne, you will not go to hell you will go to heaven. But how you lived, your Christian life will either be rewarded or loss of reward, as the Scripture clearly teaches in many places, not just that Corinthians 510. But many places. The Great White Throne Judgment is for unbelievers, everyone will go to hell. But at the Great White Throne Judgment, it'll be a matter of degrees of punishment. In other words, people that have lived incredibly wicked lives will be punished more severely in hell than those that lived may be somewhat of a good moral, upright life. But to make sure you keep the distinction clear, let me show you this. It's very important to see salvation is by faith. It's a free gift. It's all of grace. It's God's work for man effects, one's eternal position, it's based on one event, and forgiveness brings entrance into heaven. salvation is by faith, you cannot earn your way to heaven. The biggest difference between Christianity and every other religion in the world is this. Every other religion in the world says you do good works in order to find some materials favor with God, and then he will accept you possibly into heaven. Christianity says no, you are saved solely by grace, by God's kindness by his love, not saved by anything you do. But please notice after you're a Christian, there is a judgment, a judgment that has to do with heavenly rewards, by works of service compensation doctrine of works, it has to do with man's work for God after your Christian, it affects one's eternal possession. Notice this one is based on a one time event when you repent of your sins and come to Christ to become a Christian. But this one is based on a lifetime after salvation. Okay, this one is forgiveness. This one has to do with fruitfulness. And notice to have the quick quotes the Scriptures teach that the happiness or blessedness of believers in a future life will be greater or less in proportion to the service of Christ in this life, you do little you receive little, and rewards are such as to make you leap to think upon. And we should remember with exceeding joy, never think that is contrary to the Christian life to rejoice and be glad for them. So the fact that God will reward Christians as to how they live should have a big impact upon our life. Now, a couple of things I want us to remember, as we review what we have covered. We started off six weeks ago, covering the great white throne in the Bema. And seeing what those had to do with our Christian life and the difference we wanted the details. And if you'd like more information on this, you can get tapes and handouts and things like that, that we have. The Bema is also we started in the second week, absolutely foundational to our Christian faith. Remember, I hate to keep quoting verses, so you become familiar with them and don't like them anymore. But I will say this, it says By faith isn't without faith, it's impossible to please Him. And then the come to God must believe that He exists, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Matthew, 619 and 20. Don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven is to be a big part of our life. We also considered how you can lose the reward. And very clearly the scripture says there is going to be tremendous loss and suffering Christians will be repaid for the wrongs that they have done at the beam of judgment. But one thing which most Christians hadn't thought about, and this is exciting is this. How does God motivate motivation should be a big part of our Christian life. Notice in the Old Testament, this is a quick review there is you are motivated by fear of punishment, by hope of reward and by love of God. And there's the some of the scriptures to prove that there are many more than just these. But notice in the New Testament, Christ as He speaks the loving, meek and lowly Jesus, he motivates by fear of punishment, by hope of reward by the love of God, and even the apostles in the New Testament, fear of punishment, hope of reward, love of God. But please remember one thing is this hope of reward, the fact that we'll be rewarded for obeying God and living a life for Him ought to have an impact on us. But you know what we do the gravity because she goes, Oh, yeah, someday really doesn't matter now. And we a lot of Christian teaching is turned around, hey, do this, and God's gonna put money in your pocket. Hey, do this. God's gonna bless you now. But the main idea of motivation is this. Do this even though no one else may understand you do this, and God will reward you in eternity one day, then we considered last week, the Bema as it relates to how you treat others. And it's amazing as I grouped all the passages of Scripture and write them out and start to consider different main themes that are emphasized. One of the main themes at the beam of judgment will be this how did you treat other people. For instance, in relation to your enemies, it says your reward will be great if you love your enemies. Now naturally, I don't want to love my enemies, who want to fight back in my enemies. Jesus teaches something quite radical. How about in relation to those who are in authority over you, even those with scoliosis? Do remember even the crooked and harsh and diverse you got some boss that's wicked and mean and cruel and unjust and unfair and treat you doesn't give you the bonuses or the things you deserve? Even then you treat them right you do service as unto the Lord, it says and He will reward you also in relation to doing good to all people, especially those who are Christians and helping people that are needed and God will not for Get what you have done. And then lastly, in relation to other believers with whom you disagree, clearly the beamer teaches that you better treat people with whom you disagree. Right. Now, having said all that as a quick about seven minute review, I want to say this to you this week, I want us to consider something that I found seven New Testament passages on and you know what that is the Bheema as it relates to self denial, the Bema specifically as it relates to self denial. Now, when I say self denial, I'm not sure what's going through your mind. It could be various and sundry type of concepts. Because when people think of self denial, they automatically start thinking, Oh, no, I'm gonna leave here heavy hearted and burdened down. As soon as I start talking about that, oh, no, this is gonna be one of those difficult days where you have to just endure pastor Kaufman's ranting and raving about this subject. Now listen, one of the questions that will be asked you at the beam of judgment, I am convinced of is this one of the criterias for judgment will be this. Did you live by your impulses? Did you live by your passions? Did you live by your hormones? Did you live by all that the body entices you to live by? Or did you live by the principles found in God's Word? Now how do you cross the line? Self Denial? You see, if you don't know much about self denial, then you don't know much about New Testament Christianity. Just true. That made me sound like oh, you know this this sounds like one of those ones. You know, it's the good old Baptist message he's gonna pound out about don't do this. Don't have any fun. God wants us to just sort of walk around being miserable. If you think that's the case, you missed it again. That's not what it's about either. The greatest joy the overcoming your life is to learning that you are free you truly free when you deny all that is against God and all of the wickedness that it wants to do. And you say yes to the things that God wants you to do. That's when you're going to be the happiest and the freest. You think what it basically comes from the view of God that says God is so mean ogre that really doesn't want me to be happy. If I have to obey Him, and it's gonna be miserable. Now listen, one man says I am convinced the main reason why we are not impacting our generation for Christ is our refusal to be honest about Christianity, get this. This is American Christianity. And listen, we have offered the world a gospel without sacrificing suffering. We've done everything we can to apologize for Christ demands and explain them away. We've told people that Jesus didn't really mean what he said that they can have Christ without his cross. The result is we have apologetic defense of shallow Christians who can't turn the next corner alone. Everything poured out from us in the media is the opposite of self denial. Is it not about this? Search yourself. demand your rights. You deserve this. Get your instant credit now. Satisfy yourself now go for it. Now you may not be around tomorrow, no idea of Yeah. If you're not around tomorrow, what does that mean? Why wait, when you can have it now, even this sexual looseness? Hey, we've come to realize in our society, that sexual looseness brings on physical problems and diseases. So to make sure that you can still give in to your impulsiveness, when it comes to sex. wear a condom. That way, you won't have to worry no, nothing to do with good morals. Instead, just protect yourself so you can still be impulsive. You see, self denial defined according to the Bible. And if you notice, it says in Matthew 624, Jesus said this look again to your text in front of you. Then Jesus said to His disciples, if anyone would come after me, do you want to be a follower of Jesus? Well, look here, he must deny himself. What does that mean? It means to almost forget that you exist, to cease to consider your own interest, even to the slightest degree. It is the strength to get this it is the strength from God at work in your life so that you can say no to ungodliness and worldly loss. Let me say it again, to say no to what we might love to do or experience because God is authoritative over our lives. Self Denial, I'm going to live by a higher principle. Yeah, I would like to do this. Yeah, I would feel good to do this. Yeah, it's so much easier to stay home at night and be comfortable. But I've been called to sacrifice for Christ. Self Denial and important part of the Christian life now. It's all around us. Last week, Charles were spoke in Sunday school. I mean, it was fantastic. I've never heard quite such a response to one Sunday school lesson before. And he spoke on still proverbs 2918 Where there is no vision the people perish. And ideas there were there is no revelation from God. When there is no authority coming from God, the people cast off restraint and live anywhere they want. And that's the opposite of self denial. You see, if Christ is our authority, if the Word of God is our authority, then we will say this, I will not live the way I want to live. I live according to His Word. Let me give you an illustration. We don't need to illustrate this too much. It's all around us. But an illustration is Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson was just in town last week. I'm reading from August 1 1991. Indianapolis Star Tyson spent weekend here being treated like a champ. Get this. This is seems to be the epitome of what a great life should be. And it's also a perfect example of not living according to self denial. Listen, by the way, I'm glad he's not here. I probably wouldn't say this to his face. I'll be honest with you. Okay. From the moment former heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson stepped off the plane in Indianapolis he was treated like a king, a chauffeur driven stretch limousine, whisking from place to place he stayed in a premium downtown hotel suite drank the finest champagne and was seen with a recording star in his arm. interviews with people affiliated with Indiana black black Expo in the midst black America Pageant held in Indianapolis in mid July reveal how Tyson spent much of his brief stay here. In less than 48 hours Tyson skipped out on a sick $380 Bar bill and didn't bother to tip a waitress according to the bar owner he found old and said perverted things to last year's Miss Black America. And she as you said and a contestant in this year's pageant was has filed a formal complaint alleging she was raped by Tyson Skippack few paragraphs and it says this. Denis Hayes manager of southern entertainment Hall was his host Tyson arrived in Annapolis at 430 He says he was supposed to check in Tyson at the Canterbury hotel downtown but Tyson order the limo driver to head for the Holiday Inn i 70. east 690 East 21st Street there Tyson visited singer dancer Angela Boyd whose stage name is B NGB. Tyson was at the hotel for about three hours that hotel manager Tom Howard boy was unavailable for comment his personal manager confirmed she is a friend of Tyson's and that he has attended several performances. About 8pm Tyson's white limousine pulled up in front of Sutherland 3100 Southern avenue to pick up haze party, which now numbered about eight they went to I can't pronounce the name of this nightclub and your intersection of 71st Street in Michigan road. Tyson and BMG be on his arm and he bodyguard Dale Ellis, a Cleveland policeman at a side bar employee said the bar owner mark somebody Richie or somebody said Tyson was given a complimentary bottle of how champagne Tyson said he wanted Dawn Perry on hope that's how you say, Richie said so the owner made arrangements to bring in three bottles costing $90 A bottle. Tyson drank with B NGB and drank three or four bottles of Corona beer about 1230 and Tyson and the others left he just brushed out of the door which he said our photographer tried to take his picture and I can't read what Tyson said to you to him. No one in the Tyson party paid the bill brindar waitress didn't even get a tip she was afraid that we're gonna make her pay. So the manager says after leaving the bar, the limo and at least one other car transporting the party went downtown to the Mirage South reedy street Tyson's head of the bar and drink another Corona. Tyson exchanged phone numbers with some of the contestants in the Miss Black America Pageant. And then later on at the Hoosier dome he was hobnobbing backstage with performers. He was cheered by the audience and greeted by be NGB. The

show ended around 1:

30am Miss Black American contestant is alleged to Tyson's limo driver picked her up and drove her to the Canterbury now. Pretty wild life, isn't it? I mean, he's not the heavyweight champ, although everyone probably thinks he is. wildness, that's that's typical. That's sort of the idea. Just live by whatever you can drinking, women dancing wildness do all that you possibly can do. That's the real life. There's only one problem with that. Mike Tyson will stand before the King of Kings one day and give account of himself. And one of the questions he's gonna be asked is this did you deny yourself all the things that I say are not good? Will you? Did you deny yourself? Who's in charge of your life? Are you the captain of your soul? Well, then you don't have to deny yourself. But if Jesus is the captain of your soul, you need to live according to His Word and His principles. Boy, this changes everything. Charles Spurgeon said this, listen, when it comes to the beam and self denial, there will be no crown, where's there who were not crossed bearers here? You see, a quick illustration of that is this man as created by God, all of his life revolves around God. That's Adam and Eve, man has fallen, all of life revolves around self. The believer, this is supposed to be the picture here, more and more surrendered to God, Jesus Christ is the center. I don't know if you can see that very well or not. There. The goal is the Jesus Christ at the center of your entire life. But notice what happens if you're not a Christian, I guarantee you this, you're living for yourself. If you are a Christian, there's the struggle to have Jesus in control of your life, or have Jesus less and less in control of your life and there's a lot of tension that results that's part of the Christian walk, what are we supposed to deny? Listen, we're supposed to deny all of that which is in us, which is a rebellion against God in which says that we want to do things in contrary Are you to His word for instance, let me just give you a few just to see if you need to deny anything in your life. Okay? How about this the desire to get revenge you're supposed to deny, complaining and arguing instead of praise and thanksgiving, what comes more natural to you complaining or arguing or praise and thanksgiving? You're supposed to deny the hurt to your own pride so that you can confess to God and others that you were wrong when you were wrong. Laziness, you're supposed to deny that apathy, impulsiveness, lust, self pity. gloating are rejoicing over the fall of an enemy line in order to get ahead in this situation, jealousy, overeating, any dominating unhealthy bodily habit, anything that's done out of moderation, gossip and slander, to make decisions in disregard of God's word selfishness. Not loving the training and disciplining your children, anything. Obviously, this is just a minor little lesson. It could be anything but over and over the scriptures teaches that self denial is to be a part of our life. And listen, it's for our good, I'll tell you something you want to know the most secure the most happy people in the world. It's those that learn the importance of self denial, and understand that the word of the Lord when lived down and follow it even though it's painful, and you have to kill yourself at times, I mean your flesh. Yet in the long run, you'll be so much better off than when you give in. You want to see the most unhappy people in the world. You just watch the people that do whatever they want. You will find them to be the most you know why? Because you're not living the way God told you to live. Now when it comes to this idea of the Bema as it relates to self control, consider with me some of these fantabulous scriptures. Look what it says all the scriptures are fantabulous but in particularly notice these would you first off, and don't go too far ahead of me. They're just show you this. First off, consider the beam as relates to self denial. Look at First Timothy four, seven and eight, the Scripture says this, train yourself to be godly. Now that is the word where we get gymnasium to work out. And actually there's a part then in which you have to work out you talk to Kurt Thomas, or you talk to these people down at the Pan Am Games. You talk to anybody that's ever done regular exercise, you know what it is? It's pain, staking ly difficult. I was working out with my friend Pat the other day at his house. And I said, Pat, this is the set that you wonder why are you doing this? Because you're aching all over and you sit on the bench and you want to work out? And why do we do something I still haven't figured out all the time. But it's that idea to work hard. And notice this, the very next verse gives you the Bema look what it says for physical training is of some value. But godliness. If you're training yourself to be godly godliness has value for all things holding promise, both in the present life and the life to come. Hey, godliness brings benefit in this life. Plus, Bina at the Bema there'll be profit to godliness. Now, you probably think I'm running this verse on the ground. I'm telling you, this is one of my absolute favorite passages and you happen to know since I'm the pastor, my favorite passages you have to hear again and again. Okay, and look what it says Hebrews 11:24 through 26. Moses made decisions in his life, based upon the Bema look what it says By faith Moses when he had grown up, it says he refused. The word refuse there means this to say no to deny to deny himself a pleasure, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He refused that high ranking position in Egypt, why he chose notice that word chose, he chose that as the emphasis upon he made a human selection of human decision to be mistreated, rather than to enjoy sin for a short time or enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season or the passing pleasures of sin as the numerator standard says, Did this he regarded Now I love this Do you know what the word there is? He regarded it means this he led before his mind he esteemed he valued, he made a conscious decision that listen disgrace with the people of God was of greater value than treasure in Egypt. You know what he said? He looked around he said, hey, it would be, it'd be much better for me to be disgraced. With and suffer with these people that are the outcast, then it would be to enjoy all of the prestige of Egypt and all the beautiful women all of the wonderful things that I could have he made a conscious decision. Now let me tell you, we can say all you want about religion, you know what most of you think most of you think this? If you really have the Spirit of God, it's gonna go like this. You're gonna go whoa. And you're just gonna feel like doing something that listen, that is true. You want to so many people think they're gonna get zapped. So many people think it's just gonna come along and they're just gonna walk and boom there. always gonna feel this way, do you know some of the most godly things that you can do is to lead before your mind, the key before your mind that, hey, I want to make this decision rather than this decision. Because notice this, he was looking ahead to his reward. I'll do it because of the day of judgment. God will be pleased. You show me somebody that continually gives into sinful pleasures. And I'll show you somebody who does not leave before their mind the beam of judgment. You can't do it. Next time you're tempted in some area, then next time you're tempted to get into some degree of lust. I want to just tell you something, you're going to cast out thoughts about the Bema, because you want it or you're going to lead before your mind. Thoughts about the Bema. And I'll tell you something you'll be able to choose, you'll be able to refuse because if you regard the Bema in a specific place, I'll tell you it all to have an impact upon self denial. Moses denied himself pleasures because of the Bema. That's what the Scripture says, Are there more than this? Yes. Here's another one. Notice what Paul said in First Corinthians 924 through 27. He says this, Run in such a way as to get the prize, what prize the prize of the Bema. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. Here's this idea of heavy workouts, difficult trainings, and self denial. Therefore, I don't run aimlessly. I don't fight. I don't just beat the air. The idea is this. I just don't I don't do this. You ever seen a guy that tries to get in a fight? He doesn't know what he's doing. He just does one of these just to wail the arms actually what it means? No, I've got purpose in what I'm doing. Why I beat my body, I go into strict training. Listen, you to me, you may take me wrong. And you may think I'm putting the burden on your back, my friends, I'm not. But I want to tell you something. The Scripture says, If you want to live so you'll be pleasing to God at the Bema if you want to live so that you have joy in your heart. Now you can't allow yourself to just live without self denial. There's got to be strict training and discipline. No man that worth untangled themselves in the affairs of this life, the hard working farmer. All of this is illustrations of godliness training, working out, that has to be a place in our life. So many people say this, I just don't know my Christian life just doesn't seem to work for me. I'm all the time discourage them all the time. Yet they don't want to put the work in. They don't want to give the give themselves wholly to God. And you may say a little this just a little bit too much, right? That's fine. Go find someplace else. We'll teach you some on biblical Christianity. But this is the truth. And the truth is this has got to be a place in our life, where we understand that Christ is the Lord of our lives, we are not the Lord of our lives. And when we understand that, then notice it says this, why does he do all this strict training they do to get a crown that will not last we do it to get a crown that will last forever. He says I make my body my slave. American Christians have their have their bodies, their servants. He makes his body a slave instead of serving the body it becomes a slave so that he will not be disqualified for the price. How about this? First Peter one three through 11. If you ought to mark these down, if you want them you can look at them later. But as this make every effort to add and do this and do this with increasing measure why? Look at verse 11. And you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, a rich welcome will be yours. progressive sanctification How about no wait, let me now turn to Hebrews 12. I want you to see this go to Hebrews 12 at this point because just in case one more time, I'm trying to take away any excuse that you could possibly have to say, Oh, Pastor, your Can't you give us something to make us feel good. You're always pounding this down. Please help us. Okay, well, I'm gonna do that. But what it says in Hebrews 12 By the way, I want you to notice something. The idea of reward for obedience, and the blessings of heaven was even what motivated Jesus Christ. It says this, Jesus endured the cross, why? For the joy set before him. Now, when it comes to the self denial, I want you to see if Jesus practiced it. Let's go. Look at verse two of Hebrews 12. It says this, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, you're supposed to consider Jesus, you're supposed to fix your eyes on us. How many of you have said, Oh, I've got my eyes off Jesus, I need to get it back out to you. Sorry, I will get him back on Jesus and then consider this in regard to self denial. That for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross scorning its shame, and sat down with the writing Under the throne of God and get this verse three, consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. What's he talking about? As you persistently deny yourself the grudgingly grind of Listen, how easy would it be not to be a Christian? Or how easy it is to be a carnal Christian? You know why there are so many more apathetic Christians than there are diligent, godly Christians? Because it's so easy to be that way. Billy Graham said 95% of all Christians are living defeated alive. Do you know why? Because it's the easiest thing in the world to live a defeated life. No accountability, no self denial. Now you've given to your whims given your power. You don't have to painstakingly Get on your knees and confess to God, how much you need his help. You don't have to keep confessing your sins. You don't go through any kind of struggles. You just say I'm free from the happy condition. I'm saying maybe you consider him who endured such opposition. Why so you don't grow weary? Don't get tired of that. By the way. If you don't know what I'm talking about, either you're a very young Christian or you have not been battling the way you should. If you do know what I'm talking about. Then you will say Oh, yes, I gotta consider Him. Jesus. He went through disseminate Jesus went through Calvary Jesus endured such opposition Jesus so mistreated, spit upon beaten and all that why because of what he stood up for, were supposed to be like that as we consider the Bema. Then one last place, I want you to see, and that is this. Matthew 16. That's what we just looked at. Notice what it says, you want to be his disciple. Deny yourself, take up your cross, follow me. Why? Because look at verse 27, in this passage, for the Son of Man is going to come in His Father's glory with His angels, and he will reward each person according to what he has done. According what he's done, this loses his life. Forget that that's supposed to be over here. Okay. Self Denial, in light of the Bema. Woman said this concerning this Matthew six passage, listen, every person is confronted with the choice of either denying himself together with his own reputation, desires and comforts, or living for himself and the world. And so denying Christ and get this on this choice, there depends not only the deepest, inward happiness of man in this life, but also the divine verdict on each of us in the day of Christ when everyone will be judged. Now, let's do this. Let's have some fun. We we work through some of these texts, and let's do this. Let's just take self denial and implemented into the realm or to the arena of marriage. Okay, let's do that. Let's just start with you go meant we could go work, we could go all kinds of other things. Well, let's just say marriage. I recently read a book. And the man said this in the book, listen, he's a well known Christian counselor, he said this, listen to these comments. I've recently heard from four individuals each in a different troubled marriage. Wife, A, it's gotten to the point where I can't take it anymore. I've got to start thinking to myself, I'm totally unhappy as a wife. I want to be able to hear her saying that husband beat after 26 years of no affection, I've had it if just once, she would warmly reach over and show an interest in giving me pleasure. I could stick it out. Wife see, I just don't feel alive anymore. Somewhere along the line, I died. He thinks the only reason I exist is to supply him with food, sex and clean shirts. I've got to break out of this coffin. Or husband D. I'm not sure why. But life doesn't mean much anymore. I love my wife, but not the way I used to the spark just isn't there. Everything seems so boring. There's got to be more to life than this. Obviously, these people are deeply hurting, right? When you say that. But now listen to what this Christian counselor says. This is amazing. This is not the normal Christian Council where I quote, by the way, so don't think of that. He says notice something else. Notice something that seems almost unkind to point out something so terribly obvious that we might pass over it. Please listen. The force spouses regard their hurt as the most important problem. They are committed first of all to themselves. Each one without blushing holds fast to an overriding concern for his or her own well being. Other things may matter, but nothing matters more than their own happiness and personal satisfaction. When I talked with these four men and women, it became clear that not one thought of his or her self centeredness as a serious problem. When he thought about his commitment to self at all, it seemed only as natural as breathing but entirely justified. What is wrong with these with these wives and husbands and countless others like them, who know very little of the enjoyment marriages suppose To provide is the core problem they get this is the core problem. The personal damage that patterns of poor relating had produced. In other words, he says if you understand the whole book that he's writing, he says, is the real problem the fact that they were abused as children? Or that they were denied this as children? Or that they were somehow mistreated along the way? Is that the real problem? Or is there a problem within them that is worse than whatever wounds they carry? Is their self interest that is not healthy and normal, but destructive and wrong? What tell you, I don't know about you. This passage deeply convicted my life. Listen, when self interest continues as the dominant commitment of our lives, when we devote our energies to serving ourselves above all others, then we are wrongly self centered. And this form of self interest is far more serious and a dangerous problem than the wounds we suffer at the hands of others. But very few people even notice their commitment to self interest. And among those who do even fewer are deeply concerned about it more often self centeredness is encouraged look out for yourself what else who else is going to now here's the illustration he gives. I'm telling you. This one nailed me to the wall. A husband and wife are wandering the aisles of a grocery store together. She is in the lead he is pushing the cart behind her. He did not want to come grocery shopping but his wife for reasons unclear to him expressed a strong desire for his company so feeling noble he agreed to go stopping in front of a large display of spices the wife methodically scans each row. I'm afraid to try to announce the common coriander cloves cream of Tarkir I probably pronounced one of them wrong. He wonders why the search is taking so long and asked with poorly concealed and patients what are you looking for? She in articulately motors, the name of a spicy would not recognize if clearly pronounced. He feels a sudden urge of irritability. What do you need it for? Anyway? I'm really getting hungry. He had hyperglycemia probably saying listen, throwing him a withering look of disbelief. She snaps back. I don't know why I asked you to come and tears off down the aisle hurt and angry. Suppose just after the Spice was incoherently pronounced, and the husband first became aware of his impatience, he had thought to himself, I'm really annoyed that she's taking more time than seems necessary to look for one special spice. I know I'm feeling a bit more noble for agreeing to come. I was tired after a long day at work. I feel that she really ought to be sensitive to my fatigue and appreciate that I came and therefore move faster. I'm asking her to look out for me but God wants me to deny myself and look out for her. All of a sudden, the situation changes we are so easily caught up in ourselves. It comes so naturally, when we prattle about on our lives in a mood of I've got it harder than anybody else. No one really listens. And all but the most seasoned travelers sense that any display of interest from others is at best polite. We end these doleful conversations feeling uncared for believing that our friends are selfishly insensitive, the thought of reaching out to them seems unbearable, they should come to us to prove their friendship. creatures like us who are so prone to excusing our lack of love for others by reminding ourselves how poorly others love us need to see that God when we hurt them most commands us to respond with unstained love. So self denial, even in marriage. So when I say self denial, I am convinced I am convinced of this just exactly what this writer said and you know what it is that more important than some wounds you had from childhood more important than some some fat wound that some guy cramps or just memorize these verses and everything's gonna be okay. More important than any of that kind of stuff is this. That we see how much we have to deny when it comes to self denial. Man, you've ever been sitting on the couch watching the ballgame in the afternoon when your wife came in with the groceries and you heard the car pull in the garage. And you know she's got a trunk full of groceries. And you're sitting there pretzels and coke in hand rested with your feet up and you have to wait until she's stumbling dropping cans on the floor and holding two bags before you get up to help her the big lie that has led to so much apathy today's churches this since I'm a Christian, no trouble the judgment NO NO NO for those who given to their passions and their whims those who refuse to deny themselves it'll be a sorrowful time. You know, when we have something, what is the sign of the last days? perilous time she'll come? Why? Because people will be self centered. What will be written as an epithet on our country's grave someday you know what I think it's going to be? Listen. They've forgotten God and lived only to please themselves. Last week we consider this. How you treat others is going to be a criterion at the Bema. And this week, we're considering this, how you deny yourself will be a criterion. Right? You're just at the Bema. Let me just take 3040 seconds until this closing story, you may have heard it before Chuck Swindoll tells it and I love it. He would be driving from his office back home and one of the busy streets of Los Angeles. And he happened to look up in a second storey apartment. And they're in the window. There was a man in a wheelchair, just smiling as big as he could. And every time he went by, you saw that guy just smiling as big as he could. And he would it got to be after a while, but he would look for that guy. And there was the guy. And every time the guy in the wheelchair looked like a guy that was quite sick. Is it giving the best smile he possibly could? He couldn't take it any longer. One day you stopped in, saw the guy developed the guy was quadriplegic and ask or got himself pulled over that window every day because he said I'm a Christian I love the Lord I can't get out. He goes by wanted to have some kind of ministry because I want to please my God. And so I discipline myself to spend four hours here to during morning rush hour to during evening rush hour just to smile at people. I don't know what else I can do. I want to do all that I can let me tell you something. At the Bema he's gonna be judged on how he used what he had. He already had with a smile. He's gonna be judged for how he treated people what was his concern to help others? And I'm gonna tell you something. It wasn't comfortable for him to sit there two hours the morning two hours a night but he discipline themselves to do he denied himself. Quite a let's learn from this. So we become the kind of people God wants us to be. Let's pray. Our Father, we are thankful to you, that you your Son, Jesus denied himself. He did not want to become sin. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed made this cup pass from me but then he added the great prayer of self denial, not my will, but Your will. May that be true for the people that come to this church starting with this pastor? May it be true that we are our lives would be such that we could say this not my will, but Your will. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.