The Expository Word

Phil 2 JSC, 2 Corinthians 5:9

Kimber Kauffman Season 91 Episode 63

This message originally delivered on August 11, 1991.

Kimber Kauffman:

Follow along with you as I read starting with verse nine, of chapter five of seven Corinthians. So we make it our goal to please Him. Whether we are at home, in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due Him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. Let us pray. Our Father, teach us Your Word this morning. Help us to understand life from the perspective of the Bible. Don't let us be the same. The changes now as we have your word speak to us cause father religion, to fall off our sides and for an understanding of Christ, to replace that. Thank you so much for your gracious provision for our sin to your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us now father to be the people more and more that you want us to be as we live on this earth. In Jesus name we pray. John Piper, a well known preacher, said this. Listen carefully. This message needs to be shouted from the houses of high finance. Secular man you're not nearly hedonistic enough. Jesus says, Don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break in and steal But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust do not consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. Literally quit being satisfied with 5% yields of pleasure that get eaten up by the laws of inflation and the rest of Earth. A life devoted to material comforts and thrills is like throwing money down a rat hole. But a life invested in the labor of love yield dividends of joy, unsurpassed pain and unknown. Indeed, he just said this, sell your possessions. Give alms and provide yourselves with persons that do not grow old with a treasure in heaven that does not fail. persons that don't grow old treasures that don't fail. Interesting, isn't it? This message is very good news. He says, come to Christ and whose presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. Join us in the labor of Christian hedonism. For the Lord has spoken It is more blessed to love than to live in luxury. I'm wondering even now after seven weeks of studying the Bema how many people that have heard this really riff in light of the Bema? How many of us make decisions, make a have our approach to life get our value system based upon the fact that the Bina is the case you don't know is the word for the judgment seat of Christ. The fact that believers will one day give account of themselves to Christ for how they live. We're just wondering what how often does that impact us? You see, the Bible says if we're live by faith, we've got to have the Bema in mind. Hebrews 11 Six says that without faith, it's impossible to please Him. But those that come to God must believe that He exists and that he really wants us to be among those who diligently seek him. So I tell you, it is so important. I had a pastor that I get to spend some time with this week from Michigan, I was telling him about my excitement about the Bema. And he was saying, you know, it's so refreshing to hear the song you people are influenced by the Bema. We are influenced by all kinds of other things, how we're going to make money, how we're going to retire how we're going to have this for so few of us are really motivated by the Bema. Now, just for quick review, in America, were you out with the same overheads that we've shown for the last several weeks. But remember this, it's appointed in the man wants to die. And after that the judgment and when you die, there are just two judgments, one for believers, the Bema one called the Great White Throne Judgment. Notice this when the the Bema Second Corinthians 510 says we just read we will give account of ourselves as Christians for the things done the body whether they be good or bad. The Great White Throne Judgment is for unbelievers, and it has to do with degrees of punishment in hell. For instance, somebody like an Adolf Hitler, as we talked about will be severely punished by God. Whereas somebody that maybe was a good moral person but still rejected, Christ will still go to hell. But there will be a matter of degrees of punishment. Many people don't know this, many Christians don't know this. Many people think oh, no, no, it's the heavens the same for everybody holds the same for everybody. Not so God is just he will give to each man according to what he has done in the body. But no, it is also concerning the Bema it is for believers and it is not a matter of going to heaven or hell, but it is a matter of reward or loss of reward. Another thing that I think is extremely important is how we are to be motivated. And how many people are really motivated by the fact of the Bema. The Bible tells us that in the Old Testament motivation came From fear of punishment, from hope of reward and from Love of God, Christ in the New Testament, fear of punishment, hope of rewards love of God, apostles in the New Testament, fear of punishment, hope of reward, love of God, many of you have been motivated by fear of punishment. Many of you have been motivated by love of God, very few have been motivated by hope or reward the fact that if you serve faithfully the Lord, you will be sure that he will reward you today, there ought to be a strong motivation to how we live now, in the in between weeks, not in the in between weeks. But since we've laid that basis, we've considered several things concerning criterion for judgment, in other words, is a believer stands before God all the some of the criterion that you will be judged upon? When you take a test. At school, the teacher says You better read chapter 23. You know, the teachers nice. You better make sure you know about this, and they begin to notice that you've been up on that material, so you'll know it. Well. What does the scriptures call for? Well, we considered this three weeks ago, how you treat others actually two weeks ago, how you treat others, one of the things the Lord's gonna ask you about one of the things the Lord's gonna evaluate your life on is this, how did you treat other people? Were you judgmental? Were you hotkey? Or you mean? Did you not give the people did you not sacrifice for people? Were you selfish, you all the time, the person that was mad and screamed at the driver when they didn't drive the way you want it to? Because the Bible is very clear about something. Listen, Matthew seven, one and two and James chapter to say this, the way you treat others is going to be the criterion of how God's going to judge you. James chapter two says, when you say to the poor man, when he comes in your assembly, hate to sit in the back, I don't care where you sit, where you say to the guy that's got gold and riches all come here, we've kind of seen just for you. label says, You judge people like that, you're going to be judged like that. And then we consider it also last week, the beam in light of self denial, you know that there are seven major passages in the New Testament that talk about the fact that one of the criteria for judgment is this. Did you just live life the way you wanted to live? Or did you deny self and live the way God wanted you to live? Was it you living for Christ living to be one of the judgments? We considered several things this day. We were supposed to get to how do you handle tough times? One of the questions and I found many passages to teach this, the way you handle tough times, is going to be one of the judgments that you will be one of the criteria for judgment that you'll be given it, the theme of it. However, we're not going to get to that today. And one of the reasons is, I have seven or eight page sermon here, and I only got to page three. And we're already on page one done now. So your take home is only two pages to go. But the thing is that we got so involved in this introductory point, which we're about to talk about, that we never got to it. So we'll just have to say that I'm not I may preach it tonight. I may preach next Sunday. I'm not sure but anyway, we'll see. But consider this though, when it comes to the idea one more time of the Bema. This is a quote you haven't seen before and it's refreshing to read. Leon Morris says this. The doctrine of final judgments, stresses man's accountability, and the certainty that justice will finally triumph over all the wrongs which are passed and parcel of life here and now get that all the wrongs. The former gives a dignity to the humblest action. And the latter brings calmness and assurance to those in the thick of the battle. And we've said this over and over, but you know that it gives dignity to the humblest action. The scripture says God knows everything about you. He knows the number of hair on your head. He knows your thoughts before you think that he knows when you lie down at night when you get up. He knows everything about you. He knows when you give a cup of water in his name. And as he watches life, and you know that there'll be a day of judgment versus Okay, so you get passed over the rays work, okay, someone cuts you off the intersection makes you reckon the police never catch the guy, or you know all of these things that the hurts the sorrows, the problems that come your way, there is one great assurance. There'll be a day where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, there's a Day when He will write all wrongs. This ought to cause great insurance and great encouragement to us. But notice what else this doctrine gives meaning to life. It is not just that we happen to crawl up out of the ocean, some amoeba form and having to dissolve and here we are walking around now and there is no God. We're just here by chance. And this life is going nowhere. As the Harvard professor said, We've got to get the notion out of the freshmen students, the incoming freshmen is mine. So life has any meaning. And would you like to send your kids to a place it's gonna teach them that life has no meaning get that notion out of your head, whereas the Bema whereas the fact that God will judge us one day says life was full of meaning, even the humblest smallest thing you do, God will take notice up. So, notice this, this diagram gives meaning to life. The Christian view of judgment means that history moves to a goal. Judgment protects the idea of the triumph of God. In a good, it is unthinkable that the present conflict between good and evil should last throughout eternity. Judgment means that evil will be disposed of authoritatively should say decisively. Finally, judgment means that in the end, God's will will be perfectly done. So, with that in mind, and I want you to consider one other thing and in light of all this at the PGA this week, a man going back to his car 39 years old 100 yards was car was hit by a bolt of lightning struck dead few months ago as the US Open when the other major same thing happened. Thunderstorms in in France. Obviously, that's not the only way to die. There's all different kinds of ways to die. But I want you to consider something. Here's a man 39 years old. I bet that if we just read into this, that we could say that he was probably happy to be where he was that day. I mean, he got to go to the major, the PGA tournament, he was probably excited about seeing guys like Nicholas and Palmer in the dark and all the different ones. And he was probably having a good day, and he was disappointed that it was gonna rain. And why he was on the course. And he was watching all the golfers and all the different things that were happening, no doubt at from time to time, in the quiet moments of his heart. And by the way, we didn't even use this medicine or patience to be anybody. But this is what happened. He probably thought about some of the problems that he had. You know, that thought about some of the plans that he had, where he was gonna do Thanksgiving, what he's gonna do Christmas vacation, his retirement plan, just any other. He thought about his responsibility, some of the special things he knew he had to get done. Some of his relationships. Some of the concerns went through his mind. And he's walking back to the car and they said her didn't report one thing he was right up next to his car. The other said he was about 100 yards from his car, holding an umbrella up. And all of a sudden, the lightning bolt hits the umbrella hits him on the shoulder, and he's gone. Now, I want you to take with me about this. If you have any more responsibility here on Earth, nobody holds him responsible now. Doesn't matter what was in his wallet. Doesn't matter to him anymore. Doesn't matter how much he had in the bank? It doesn't matter does it? How about this? Everything in life is now over? What kind of car does he drive if you care anymore about the kind of house that he had? No more. You think today and I love golf. And I'm excited about the PGA Championship and I got to go to the courts yesterday, or I guess, Friday. But you know, when those 35 40,000 people around the final holds as the guys were coming up, and there's all that pressure in the pudding for money, everybody's excited. I say if we could bring him back. Just for a few moments, he would say, what are all these people excited about? There's something much more to be concerned about. You see, the Scripture says It's appointed unto men or On Demand, wants to die. And after that the judgment all that matters, when your heart starts, stops beating all that matters now is this did you have a relationship with God? And how did you live for him in that relationship? Ultimately, Jesus Christ tells the story, there was a rich man, he was rich and he had so much and you know what he thought to himself? Hey, I got so many riches. What am I gonna do? Okay, I'll tear down my old barns. I'll build new one and I'll fill him up with all my riches. I'll just take it easy. I'll be able to retire early. I'll sit back and others take it easy kick my legs everyday man, take it in danger to be married. You know what Jesus said in that parable? He said today, your soul is only required to do now he's got those things. We've got to be careful friends, that we think in light of the Bema get awkward dominate our thoughts. Some of the men and women that I have known over the years that I've respected the most as I talk with them and think about them, you know one thing is that there is a desire to be sound sleazy. At the BMO one man, I deeply respect that I want to serve the Lord so hard that my last breath is in praise to Him. And I'm going to show the fool is the one that forgets about eternity and just lives as the beer commercial says go for all the gusto because you only go around once that's the pool. The wise person is the person that just deliberately thinks through his life and protects himself for the future by having first of all, a relationship with Jesus Christ and secondly then living according to the Word of God. This is the kind of poem that I initially sort of thought all that sort of dumb. Thinking about a lot of all the studies I've done on the beam, it is a great poem that says God's Hall of Fame. Let me read it to you a follow along. Your name may not appear down here in this world's Hall of Fame. In fact, you may be so unknown that no one knows your name. The Oscars here may pass you by and neon lights of blue. But if you love and serve the Lord, that I have news for you, this hall of fame is only good as long as time shall be. But keep in mind, God's Hall of Fame is for eternity. To have your name inscribed up there is greater Yes, by far, that all go halls, the theme down here in every manmade star, this crowd on Earth, they soon forget the heroes of the past, they cheer like mad until you fall. And that's how long you ask. But God, he never does forget it in his Hall of Fame. By just believing in a sun inscribed, you will find your name, I tell you, my friend, I wouldn't trade my name, however small that's written there, beyond the stars in that celestial Hall, for every famous name on Earth, or glory that they share, I'd rather be an unknown here and have my name up there. He is looking for people that have a value system like Moses, I told you, I would run this verse on the ground for some of you that have been here. But Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people who have God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Why? Because he assumed or regarded the value or the riches of Christ of greater value than the riches of Egypt, you know what he says there? The Bema. And the rewards in heaven for living a life of faithfulness to God is more important than all of the spoils of Egypt, the beautiful women, the riches, the luxury, I purposely regard that that is not as important as pleasing God. So I will go to the backside of the desert, and be an unknown for 40 years. Instead of having this be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter, and have all the riches. Big Bema is what puts character in your Christian life. Understanding the Bema is what causes you to be the kind of person that God wants to be to be misunderstood. As a saint pastor, friend that I was telling you about this week, made this comment to me. He's my age, a good friend of mine, went to school together. And one of his dreams was the pastor in his home church, and the big church. He was the assistant pastor there, and everything looked like it was going to work out and the pastor was promising. Hey, you're gonna be the head pastor here just a short time. But other than that, we'll send all those dreams fell through and he decided that the guy was never going to read. So he started. Other churches start contacting him, he finally suggested to go to another church. If, what, two months after he went to another church, that Pastor left, now the church is open, and a year later that Church calls and says, Hey, could you come back and be the head pastor? Here it is this dream, his dream. Always want to do this. Imagine what your dream is for your life. This for this pastor, this is his dream, this is what we've always wanted to do. He says, he goes, Kim, I couldn't do it, and took them to Cleveland, because you consider this he couldn't do it. You know, I said, No. Because he says, there's a sacred trust between the pastor of the congregation that came to this congregation. And I can't just say, No, I can't just always and walk out on this for 14 months after I've only been there 1416 months, just because there's this wonderful opportunity that would make me feel better would be my dream. Because I have to give a Catholic God one day, you know what that is? That's a decision based upon seeing life from the Bemis perspective. Now, that also applies in business, that also applies in everything you do. But my friends, it needs to be understood that we must live in light of the Bema CS Lewis says this, there is a kind of listen, listen, this is amazing. There is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. Let me say that again. There. Listen, there is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. This should describe the attitude of the believer. It's a wonderful thing to realize that there's just not some hopeless meaning to this life. But there's a very real meaning that God will bring to an end. But you know what, listen, it ought to bring great purpose and great assurance in our lives. No. Why? Because as we contemplate the Bema, we understand that all wrongs will be made, right? But we also understand this, that ought to cause us to have fear and solidness because we will be examined by God. Did you notice what the text says again, go back here to second Corinthians chapter five. And look what it says starting with verse 10. It says, For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is doing for things done while in the body, whether good or bad, this is Christians. And it's something so worried about the fact remember what it says it says in first Corinthians three it says you shall suffer loss It says you shall be escaping is one going to the flame. In other words, your house is on fire you race through and whatever flame to burn your house and you get out with smoke all over your clothes you just barely get out of the house crumbled down behind you. That's the picture of somebody who fails at the Bema. Their wife has nobody but ashes. They have not lived for God as they should get they shall be saved by fire if they have come to Christ for salvation, due to the fact that you have to give an answer to sober yet, you know, in my college days, I got a job. One summer, working at Indiana University oral health research is the place where Crest toothpaste is discovered. And while I was there, you know, my job was, was to brush. This is no kidding. audibly 600 rats eat every day, they were germ free Harvard bread, Harvard bread, I'm serious. I came from Harvard, big fat white rats. And I would have to everyday My job was just took this took about six hours of my day, I would reach in grab out, you know, or at number a 14 and take a big on to to flog with a 14 formula on it. Versus smaller, and then put the other side versus others. And I did that all day long. I got the name some of the rats and things like that. I knew the term you dirty rat, you know. But anyway, that as I would do this, there was a little thing that helped me some of these rats would be big and fat. I mean, they would be huge. And I could still to this day, grab almost any kind of animal without him biting I think because I did it all summer long you reach in case you grabbed behind the head so fast, and you pull there, you pull their jobs back, just so they can brush their teeth. And you just hold them there and stiff position. But some of these rats were so big and they would score me with on fight to the whole time it was hard getting the thing in the mouth. So whenever you came across one of those, I had a big bottle of ether. And I would just pull up the top, just give them one whiff of it and stick it down. And that rat would just be going while you brush your teeth. Now that think of this one Friday night, I was the last guy in the lab. And I was closing up for that weekend. And a couple of my friends came over and we're gonna go out into the big time. And so they came in and they were seen and actually they probably weren't supposed to be in the lab, but I was there and my white coat I wanted to see me you know, and my white coat University. I was like I was like a scientist. And era was bright and I had my final right it was Triple H number 10. He was the biggest fattest meanness of them all. And I really hated that rat and was always the last one of the day and I guess he just couldn't wait to get done with them. So I reached in and grabbed them, pull them out. And I said it was corpsman wigglin And so we just say I'm thinking you know what you're doing all day. I pulled the thing give them one shot of ether and pull that in those guys thought that was the greatest feat of graduate sort of fumbling your hands you know when when you didn't have it. And if you do another shot, give another shot. So I took them to dinner. Only thing is that poor Radek fired now and take on these were expensive rats. And I tell you that whole weekend, I didn't have any fun. All I could think of Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, I had to go back in Monday morning at eight o'clock go see Mike and tell Mike what I did. And I started thinking of all kinds of ways to explain it. He just had a heart attack, you know, and I was I was trying to think of ways in which I could get out of it. And then I started thinking now I've got to tell him what happened. And so I did but you know that what I'm saying is this, the fact that you have to give an answer. The fact that you are accountable to someone causes you to be different in the way you live. Now you're here, because he's chapter five, and look again with the unknown. We've read it a few times. But look, again, when we do something that I want you to see something new here, chapter five, verse 10, of centric and says this, For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due Him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. Here's what he's saying, Look, we're gonna have to do this. But now please notice verse 11. Everybody, since then, we know what it is the fear of the Lord. We tried to persuade men to get this. The King James I like even better it says this knowing then the terror of the Lord. He says since then we know what it is to fear the Lord this was the apostle doesn't demand a new justification. This is the main news of all the sins were forgiven. This is a man knew that he was once an enemy. But when he came to God, he had peace with God through His Lord Jesus Christ. He knew it was righteous standing. He knew who he was in Christ. He knew all of that better than we do. And yet he says this in light of the Bema, my wife has won at times, which is a terrorizing thing, a fearful thing. Why? Because we have to give account of ourselves to God. And if you think that that's easy to do, you're just going to skip into the Judgment Day Hi, Lord, here I am. That isn't going to happen. Because he says it's a it's a terrible thing. It's a fearful thing, because God is so awesome. You want to see another clear picture? Let's go to Hebrews when they quickly go to the 10th chapter, and Hebrews chapter 10. I want you to see something else. Starting in verse 30 of Hebrews chapter 10, I want you to see something very important. It says, in Hebrews 10, verse 34, we know him who said, in his mind to avenge, I will repay. And again, if this the last part of verse 30, the Lord will judge his people what you're talking about this award juggling these people, that's the Bema. To get this, notice his description, notice the writers description of the Bema verse 31, it's a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of living God. He goes on to say after he says in verse 32, remember those earlier days, all the sacrifice and suffering that you went through, look at verse 35. Don't throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded, you need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what has been promised. And then again for just a little while, and he's gonna be coming, which is, here it is, again, it's a coming of Christ is when all this is going to happen. So listen, he says, Look, it's a dreadful thing. It's a fearful thing. There's not gonna be bragging cynical questions, but silenced in fear. Let me give you another little trick, no turn there. But I actually be turned to Revelation chapter one. But as you're turning to Revelation one, I want to tell you something else. You remember in second theater, he says this. Second, Peter says, Hey, scene, that scene that the heavens are going to be destroyed, and it's gonna be this apocalypse of fire. And there's gonna be this terrible day of judgment. What is Peter's response? Because this, what manner of people are we to be in all holiness and godly living? It's an inspiration to changes to think about the fact that we're going to see the judge Arthur changes. Now, they give me a second Revelation chapter one who wrote this, look at verse four, it says, John, Luke in verse nine, Hi, John, your brother and companions suffering to get with John friends, John was who? Who was it? He was an apostle, when he wrote this, he was about 95 years old. He's walked through board his whole life. Who else was he? Whenever you see the pictures of the Last Supper, who were was John, John had his head who were on Jesus Brooklyn. How does John describe himself in the Gospel of John, the one whom Jesus love? Remember, the one whom Jesus loves you guys? In other words, John knew who he was John Dewey love Christ, who was on the inner circle THREE OF CHRIST friends. Yeah. When when Jesus went to the garden, because somebody Judas was gone, getting the Ganga crucified, he took his 11 Because the garden is silly. He says, you stay here, and he takes Peter, James and John and to go a little ways farther. He was one of them in the darkest moments, who did Christ. Listen, who did Christ give his mother to why he was dying on the cross, John. So now having known all of that I want you to see even John was terrorized by the Father the judging Christ. Because look what it says. He says in verse, the last part of a response to him who loves us, and it's freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve as God and Father. Look at verse seven. Look, he's coming in the clouds every I will see him even those who pierced him and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. And then get verse nine, I John, your brother and companion in the sufferings in the kingdom, and patient and during, that are ours in Jesus was on the island of Patmos, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. On the Lord's day I was in the spirit, and I heard behind the a loud voice like a trumpet, we said, right on a scroll what you see and send to the seven churches to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, five, Tyra started Philadelphia, Atlanta to see us get this he's restriping Christ, the judge here, I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned and saw the seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man dressed in a robe reaching down to speak and with a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in the furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand, he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double edged sword. His face was like the sun shining off brilliant. Okay, here was John who knew all of this and get noticed the impact it had on number 17. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Wonder how do you know what that means? How do you know your spirit will just read on? Then he placed his right hand on you, so do not be afraid. I am the first in the last I'm believing one. I was dead, and to hold on to live forever unable to hold the keys indefinitely. Daniel said, I was terrified and so prostrate. Ezekiel said I fell facedown. Peter said, Lord, is it good for us to be here when he was tall at the Transfiguration? Isaiah says Woe is me. Amen. I'm done. This is just my introduction, and we didn't even get to my services. We have to quit here because this is what we call it isn't the time to develop anymore. But what I want you to see is this. Friends, you've got to understand that all of your rationalization for sin, all of your reasons that you could say for God understand all of the reasons why because the way your parents raised you, because something else, all of those things are going to fall off. Because each one will give account of themselves before God. And it is important that we understand that it's not just some little light and beam of judgment, that doesn't mean anything. Either does wrong, she'll be repaid for the wrongs that he has done. That's the Christians in Colossians chapter three for how they work. I just would pray that if this message was the use the god to cause Christians to change the way you live in light of the Bina, you say, hey, even though I could take that dream job, or that dream church that I'd sent is not what is best for me, because God has entrusted me and what he wants his faithfulness. For, hey, even though this temptation seems so real, it would be so easy and it would seem like no one would know what I could give into this thing, and no one would know it. I won't do it. Why? Because it will be made manifest the secrets are men's hearts leave a manifest of the Day of Judgment. And listen, if it was a terrorizing thing for the apostle John the stand before the judging try so much so that he tell us though Delta see what or how much more will be for us. So my friends, please have your wife was not like this man. It's on him. Because God will never call me to count the day of doesn't really never. Don't live your life. Like the rich man that he just talked about. He said, I have all this all retire Oh to this, I got the vacation and my wife that retirement about like, Don't live your life. Don't be like the rich young ruler. to Christ said we take everything and call me we wouldn't do it because he had great possessions. But let's be a people that live with that balance of the joyful expectation like Paul and I get this, the same guy that wrote, will receive the things done in the body, whether it be good or bad. And he said this Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, the same guy that wrote that also wrote in Second Timothy chapter four, the balance was out. I have fought a good fight a couple days, I finished the course three quarters later from the account of righteousness. He talks about rejoicing, waiting to see Christ on that day. God bless this message so that you will be people that would be Deema minded. You would think Bhima you will remember constantly it is not necessarily what the world says or the standards that the world has. But it is what the Bible says is important. Heavenly Father, will you help us to get this message down? I pray in my life, that there would be that character that the thoughts of the beam of brains, how we treat people, how we deny ourselves how we handle trouble, but more importantly, realizing thought on how serious it is that this life will be examined and will be judged by you how we want to be pleasing you on that day. Raise up father men and women that fear you that love you that are committed to your way that don't want to just live wasting their life throwing their lives down a rat hole is living for pleasure, but have a desire to live for you which will bring the ultimate joy which is why I make this offer to you. If you're here today, and you desire to know more about how you can have a relationship with God as a result of what I have said, all you have to do is look in the bolt and call the office or come and see me today. If you can get a hold of me here. We'll set up a time to talk. I'll talk with you right now. You know, it'd be wonderful. If on a message like this, it would be something akin to that convicted to say I need Christ as my Savior. You come and see me that'd be the case. I'm so glad you're here. You're dismissed.